Truth is dupes happen and if you buy a bunch of items for example valorite hammers that were obviously duped then you know you run the risk of being banned. What I am saying has been proven. You are not "innocent" if you knowingly bought a pile of obviously duped items.
How do I know this is true? Well what happened with vinecord sandals? Everyone knew they were duped and if you had a few pairs in your home it got burnt to the ground and you got burnt out of your account along with it. You weren't innocent if you bought even one pair and whatever happened to you after buying them you deserved.
EA does try to prevent dupes. I know laugh it up but why was shard transferring down? Why were homes burned? Why have shards been rolled back a full day or more in the past? Why were vinecords changed to normal sandals and bright colored shrouds made into monks robes? Yeah proof enough that they try to put an end to and reduce the damage done from dupes.
I don't care what other people here think or say about so and so is a duper or so and so is a liar and is really behind it all.
I don't care about the effects of a dupe on the game. They aren't the only thing hurting it and they won't be the last.
I do want to try and bring some facts to the table with this post though.
To anyone with a functioning brain:
Ignore all the he said she said BS on the forum focus on facts and make a reasonable decision about things for yourself...
How do I know this is true? Well what happened with vinecord sandals? Everyone knew they were duped and if you had a few pairs in your home it got burnt to the ground and you got burnt out of your account along with it. You weren't innocent if you bought even one pair and whatever happened to you after buying them you deserved.
EA does try to prevent dupes. I know laugh it up but why was shard transferring down? Why were homes burned? Why have shards been rolled back a full day or more in the past? Why were vinecords changed to normal sandals and bright colored shrouds made into monks robes? Yeah proof enough that they try to put an end to and reduce the damage done from dupes.
I don't care what other people here think or say about so and so is a duper or so and so is a liar and is really behind it all.
I don't care about the effects of a dupe on the game. They aren't the only thing hurting it and they won't be the last.
I do want to try and bring some facts to the table with this post though.
To anyone with a functioning brain:
Ignore all the he said she said BS on the forum focus on facts and make a reasonable decision about things for yourself...