Not at all. It doesn't manipulate any bugs, doesn't use any illegal programs, it's a clever use of items that are 100% legal and easy to get.
Needing 0 necromancy to maintain vamp form was intended?
Yup...if they are going to leave this exploit "Because my Template is Cramped, and I want to never move when I fight monsters"...
Then I want:
All my Fighting Skill Jewelry etc. to leave the skill on my character, after I take it off.
All my Mana Regen Jewelry to do the same.
All my Taming Jewelry and Talismans leave the Taming Skill on my Character, after I remove it.
I want all my Music Skills to stay elevated, and allow me to use the highest end skills, including Peace and Music, after I remove my Spellwoven Mantle, Mark of the Travesty, and all my Music Jewelry.
I want my Tactics, Chiv, Anatomy, All Stats, and anything else raised by items, to stay just like it was when I had them all on, after I take them all off.
In fact...I want to be able to Soulstone all the skills from any character I have, and use those skills, at the level they were when I Soulstoned them, whenever I want, until that character dies.
Yeah...because my template is just so danged cramped, and I deserve this.
I mean...Discord and Vamp Form work this way...and my Crafter's Template is so cramped, he just can't get out to fight Paragon Balrons!!
I mean...I pay my monthly sub fee, too, ya know...I deserve to have all exploits that I use to become wealthier in game left alone, or, they need to give me a different exploit, to appease me, so that I can do what I want, when I want, and to whichever monster...I mean Whichever monster I so desire!! I mean...I USED to be able to toe to toe any Dragon in the game, and then...they made harder monsters!!
Since THEY made harder monsters, and I want to fight those harder monsters with my Swordsman, and I don't want to move, or take 7.8 hours to killl anything harder than an Ettin, then by gum, they need to leave it so that I need Zero Skill to keep Vamp Form, and that I can just Discord with Jewelry on, and then take it off, and have things be just like they were.
And if they dare change it, they better make sure I don't have to adapt at all to make it work, just like it works now. It's not MY fault they allowed us to do it in the first place!!
I think that they need to require real skill to keep Discord, Vamp Form, and any other skill based benefit to the character in effect.
Maybe they need to lower the requisite skill, or something, but allowing a character to take off almost all, or all of the skill they used to gain the benefit of being a Sampire, or any other skill, is insane.
Unless of course, I use a Sampire, and don't have the real skill to keep the Vampire form, and am unable to see how utterly insane it is that I can literally take off all skill items, and/or completely Soulstone all of my skill, and keep the form.
Then I am right, no matter what YOU say...because I like it, and I deserve it.