1. Well, it turned out to not be so obselete after all (shortly afterward, the event got extended 3+ days)
2. IT was probably the thing she was getting the most questions about.
Even on a small shard like Lake Austin, I was STILL running into people with the "it's just an event monster; they only carry junk loot" opinion, who never even bothered with Melissa, or went in for the quick cape and points, and left without looting. In fact, it was some such person that "gifted" me with my first and only Crimson, when I got it after the instanced corpses combined (it sure wasn't on the instanced corpse I had access to).
Without her post, had the event ended on time, there would probably be people attempting to call BS on the very real Crimsons looted from Melissa, from now till the end of UO.
As for the reduction in questions, she can only answer (for the most part) questions people ask, and most of the easy questions have already been answered. What's left are very technical questions, questions that have no real answer, questions that could be used to confirm certain cheats if answered (resulting in more cheating), and worst of all, leading questions meant as traps.
A lot of the "why haven't you answered my questions?" hostile posts list scads of questions - most with answers that would either have to be explained in terms only programmers would understand, and/or in an answer that would be longer for one question than the entire FoF.
The rest are ones that make me want to reach through the screen and strangle the poster. These are typically the "trap" questions, the ones that are the UO equivalent to "Are you still having sex with animals?" where the poster is insisting on a Yes or No answer (no denials alowed), as to make further attacks on EA staff for either answer.