Actually they can, but they won't invest the sort of effort required.If you believe that the dupers are going to inevitably get your gold no matter what you do, then why are you still playing the game? Why would you support the bottom line of a company that doesn't take a hard stand against cheaters and lets them profit at the cost of the average player?
My post above was just about making things More Easily trackable.
But there is a far simpler solution to duping. Make it impossible.
Seeing as how I could do exactly that given 10 minutes alone with the source code, I don't know why they haven't bothered.
There is a routine in the server code that generates a unique ID for every item that is generated in the game. You can see the evidence of this in erred strings, certain bugs that have come up in the past, or by simply getting that certain Script program we aren't allowed to even hint the name of
Want to end all duping of high end items? Edit that routine.
Instead of simply allowing ALL requests for item identities.
>It should check the Type of the item.
>If it is a hammer, check to see if it is a val/verite/aggy runic.
=If so, verify that the calling routine is a legitimate source of them (in this case, only the BOD turnins quest system)
It wouldn't even lag anything, since there are only a few request services that require item identifiers to be generated.
-Spellcasting (create food)
-Loot Assessment
-Crafting Menu action
-Quest Systems (there are like 4 of them now)
-Item Usage (using a plant bowl on dirt creates a new item etc)
~and Character Creation (which I believe actually calls on a loot assessment so it isn't actually another instance)
There is also the use of commodity deeds and creating/cashing of checks, but those always produce the same Type of items so they should be given a seperate identity creation thread entirely. (a much simpler one in fact)
If you have ever done any programming, you can see the simplicity of this block. Something a novice programmer could do in just a few minutes, and yet in 11 years the Professional Programmers at OSI/EA/EA-M have never bothered to do.
That indicates to me that they do not Want to end duping.