I know there are many people that think AoS item properties should never have happened, I've always felt that -- had EA handled it better -- item properties and resists would have been much better. Of course, part of this problem is that they don't seem to make any sense (and sometimes no difference... I mean with a 70 physical resist shouldn't I last more than 2 hits to a balron?), but the other part is it's very cumbersome to build a suit of high resists.
One thing I would suggest to make this less intimidating is a simple interface (in the 2D client, it could be added to the view item modes, and while I have no idea where it could be added in the KR client, I'm sure it could be put in). It looks simply like this:
Just a simple little thing would make comparing stuff a lot easier. Yeah, you'd still have to do some swapping stuff out to build your suit, but you could tell at a glance if the item you are hovering over would make any serious, significant differences to you.
One thing I would suggest to make this less intimidating is a simple interface (in the 2D client, it could be added to the view item modes, and while I have no idea where it could be added in the KR client, I'm sure it could be put in). It looks simply like this:
Just a simple little thing would make comparing stuff a lot easier. Yeah, you'd still have to do some swapping stuff out to build your suit, but you could tell at a glance if the item you are hovering over would make any serious, significant differences to you.