You're exactly right, I cant relate to that mentality. Nor would I ever want to. Cheating, stealing and exploiting aren't acceptable to me. If you are in that dire of straits, because you don't have the skills to acquire things in any other way, theres nothing anyone but you can do to change that. But that's just another reason people keep leaving this game. What kind of person with any self respect wants to associate with that kind of playerbase. Your laziness and ineptitude ruin the game for people who dont have a need to enter "cheat codes" to have a good time. But I dont expect you to understand that, why should you when things can just be so much easier your way. It's only cuz stupid EA made this game so freaking hard anyway right? We deserve to have everything in game handed to us in the easiest way possible, no matter what the outcome or how it effects anyone else.
My comment is in context to the people who are going to cheat. In life there are many different types of people, some with honor and some without.
In the cases where people are going to "cheat" not matter what, it is those cases that I was refering to with the MS Windows comment.
If you knew 100% that someone isn't going to spend the money on your product or anyone elses no matter what, you would rather have them pirate your stuff than your competitor. In the end you are familiarizing yourself with their product and again they prefer you to know about windows than Macs OS.
I've been playing this game non-stop since probably before you even heard of UO, Sept. 1997.
I have been through every bug exploit and gamechange that has occured since UO went live, have you?
If I choose to spend my time PvPing and not crafting that's my choice.
If EA makes this game so hard to get items thats their choice, but not my fault.
If I could spend 50 mill on a regular hammer or 15 Mill on a duped hammer, I'm going to buy the duped hammer, simple as that. Anyone who wouldnt is lying or stupid.
You see your integrity and heart are in the right place, but until EA can fix these issues, your spinning your wheels.
I just don't know what the answer is; but maybe to truly fix the economy they would more than likely need to a) fix all duping b) delete all gold on every account that exceeds 1 million.
This would hurt me a lot since I have a few hundred million gold and I'm sure it would upset a big portion of rich or vet players.
In the end you cant make everyone happy... the grass is always greener bla bla bla..
I jsut think that the resoures used to fix the bug could be used elsewhere to correct issues that in "my mind" are more important, like PvP balance.
At the end of the day buying an item for less due to it being duped is less of a show stopper than balancing PvP or fixing factions or fixing Siege or fixing the flagging bug (or revamp PvP flagging system).
These are all things that affect significantly more players than the duping of itmes.