My bet is Rico stole them and is holding them for ransom.Most of the Luna spring cleaning NPC's have once agaon vanished, any chance of them being hunte... found?
Probably with SC Phase 4.Any idea on when these will be restored?
Tell her not to worry, it only took a couple of years for them to correct the pbd situation...laMy wife was wondering the exact same thing this weekend.
I guess EA's neglect for Siege knows no limits.
Who do you suppose is more foolish:Tell her not to worry, it only took a couple of years for them to correct the pbd
Who do you suppose is more foolish:
The people who expect EA to fix it?
The people who think EA can fix it?
Tell her not to worry, it only took a couple of years for them to correct the pbd
I haven't seen any acknowledgement anywhere, Rev.Any glimmer of acknowledgement?