Raina definitely does not make sense. I am still curious what s/he does to their computer they are so worried about having found out? UO Cheat? Illegal music and movies? Hrmm the list is endless, but considering the vehement objection to this, I would wager Raina is doing something illegla and is afraid PunkBuster might squeal on them, which would be quite funny honestly.
Actually, I do work, as I stated above. Last I checked it's not against the law to want to be able to comfortably be able to do my job on the same machine that I enjoy playing games on is it? If I'm working on a site, or customer contract and decide to take a break and hop online to play for an hour or so, is it so difficult to believe I might NOT want some 3rd party knowing who My customers are?
I'm not a child unlike some of the previous respondents, believe it or not adults do play games, and most of them use their computers for more than games... You know for adult type things, paying bills, managing mortgages, finances. All of which are personal information that one reasonably wouldn't want to share just because they would like to play an MMO.
There isn't a darn thing on my computer that might even remotely get me in trouble. Hell, even in UO my 'stuff' pales in comparison to almost everyone I know. That's not the point. Perhaps you simply can't understand the desire for privacy simply for the fact that you want it to remain private. The more rights you give away, both in politics and to game companies, the more rights of yours they'll do their best to take.
If your incapable of understanding, much less actually having a discussion about topics that run deeper than "OMG Brittney's Pregnant!" Then perhaps you might just wish to save yourself the embarrassment.
I'm defiantly not closed minded on the topic in the least bit, however responses like "OMG Brittney's Pregnant!" aren't exactly the type to persuade someone to come to the conclusion that PB is actually 'Okay'.
Just because I actually do research and don't just haphazardly accept that a big company with a proven track record of taking advantage of people's word on something, doesn't mean I'm doing anything bad, or illegal, or that it's any of your business what anyone else does with anything.
So please, either participate in a conversation and provide some intellectual insight into why there shouldn't be a concern, shut the hell up, or go play with your spongebob doll. Any of the above might actually allow for positive discussion to take place here *gasps* The horror.