Personally, I swear by Earth Ellies on DF, backed up by demon slayer book, and either chain lightening or Meteor to kill the spawn for everyone.
Sic the EE on df, hit ALL Kill macro, throw Chain lightening or Meteor, hit all kill, hit greater heal if reflect has hit you badly. Hit all kill, meteor, all kill, summon cos 1 gone, repeat until 95% dead, all kill, word of death, word of death, hurrahhh.
No reason on earth why not to summon on a df, as long as you keep hitting all kill, and meteor/ chain / greater heal. All kill spamming is a must, else its just dispelled and useless. For others, the earthies are distracting the DF from hitting YOU quite so often, and the meteor/Chain is killing the spawn, YOURS and MINE...
Get @ 1 or 2 arties an hour doing this, and fairly safely, dont die much, nowhere near as much as I do on pally.
Demon SS, my earthies hit him for 25-100, meteor/CLight hits all for 45s+, and WOD with 105 SW hits for 485, kinda certain loot rights every time ....