An Open Letter to Jeremy Regarding this Week's Five on Friday

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Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
For those who haven't seen it yet:

As of when I'm typing this, no threads on Stratics about this FoF, so I'm not violating any rules.

At any rate, here's the open letter.



I like the Five on Friday, I like the present team, I like the current event, I'm having fun, and I feel good about the future of this game. I don't mine FonFs that have 4 questions, 1 bug report, or 3 questions, 1 bug report, and 1 playguide update, etc ., etc.

But, I must say that it is extremely insulting to not so much as mention the "mysterious strangers" in this week's Five on Friday.

If it's coming out today, say "should be coming out tonight!" or something.

Last week:

you said:

"Where are the "mysterious strangers" in the Anti-Virtue dungeons?"

The time is not yet ripe for the veil to be lifted - they should start to reveal themselves next week.

It's 7 days later.

You really should at least mention them. "Sorry, I was wrong, they aren't ready yet." "Sorry, I was wrong, they are in the next Publish." "They should be seen later tonight, be watchful!!!"



-Galen's player


I don't have any info yet - I'm hoping to have something by the end of the day, but if not, it looks like it'll be next week. (I'll make a separate front-page post with any info that I do get.)

Fayled Dhreams

FoF or FOF = Five on Friday ...
five "whats" is non-specific ... 5 questions .. 5 answers .. five lines, five words ... five characters, symbols, smilies ... blank lines for that matter ...
5 = 5
five "whats" is non-specific ...

And wheres the "complaints" about when there IS "more than 5" ... anythings ... ???
where are all the snappy "tl/dr" ... "TMI !!!" ... :cool:

Not to mention ... awhile back ...Jeremy ASKED about the acceptablity of a basic "format" change ... and not just about having run out of "F" words (ex: Fried and Fabulous)
to headline the page with ... 'twas about the format In General ... and, iirc ... "Okie-dokie" and "whatever" was the major balance of response.

You're too easily "offended" ...(re: is extremely insulting) ... relax and reread ... THAT "ommision" was technically "covered"
(Note: All dates are speculative and subject to change, polymorphing, and rising creeks. You have been warned.)
:cool: that "bit" is KNOWN to apply to all things at all times to everything said by everybody about anything remotely related to getting the code out and accepted and fun ..

ALWAYS (well, at least as the local space/time area of EARTH is concerned)

bur bur burma shave

the 4th man

Lore Master
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Jul 31, 2005
parts unknown
Extremely insulting?? You're too sensative dude.

From what I read, they'd be showing a hurry?

You guys outta lighten up on the devs, hell, they're people too, know, have a life and such outside of the game.

later shmo


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
I respectfully disagree.

I am not here to defend EAM employees they can certainly (or should be able to) take care of themselves.

I am here disagreeing with you based on the belief that at times we (all MMORPG's) get to much information for our own collective good.

If they don't say something then I say that is an opportunity for we the player base to unravel a Mystery.

So while you may be insulted at the omission of information, at least one UO player is not insulted. That one player may be more inclined to seek the communications be in the form of Hints at future events that not disclose the when, where or why. Leaving it up to the player base to discover the When, Where and why.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Dec 6, 2007
....and please! Enough with the spring cleaning already....It's not even spring anymore.rolleyes:

We already have year round cleaning and it's called "I wish to place a trash barrel"

You already covered enough with the spring cleaning, let us please move on to something else.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2004
if I'm not here I'm there
5 on Friday was 1000 times better when Wilki did it. He put some heart into it. Now it's just kinda... random and meaningless. There used to be more... community... with the dev team too.
Oh well.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Jun 11, 2003
Eastern USA
The problem isn't the info. It's been the FoF all along. I posted it was a bad idea from the start and was flamed for it waaaaay back then. There should be no forced update on the game every friday when there is nothing to report because content and fixes don't happen even remotely close to that soon. Instead Jeremy has to run around and find 5 things to post about. When you have nothing interesting to post about then you end up with crap.

Thus we have the crap on friday. Bad ideas are bad ideas. They should just scrap the damn 5 on Friday garbage and make a solid patch note announcement when it's time for things to be done.



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
Extremely insulting?? You're too sensative dude.

From what I read, they'd be showing a hurry?

You guys outta lighten up on the devs, hell, they're people too, know, have a life and such outside of the game.

later shmo
Umm....Go to Hell?

I've been so supportive of the UO team that I've been called a "fanboi" once, and Skrag posted a screencap with him standing on Test Center telling me to "eat it."

I post what I think, and most of what I post is positive.

In fact, I even included some positive in my post. Perhaps you missed it? Here it is. Again.

I like the Five on Friday, I like the present team, I like the current event, I'm having fun, and I feel good about the future of this game. I don't mine FonFs that have 4 questions, 1 bug report, or 3 questions, 1 bug report, and 1 playguide update, etc ., etc.
That was the first full paragraph of the "open letter."

Just to make sure you don't miss it again, here it is again:

I like the Five on Friday, I like the present team, I like the current event, I'm having fun, and I feel good about the future of this game. I don't mine FonFs that have 4 questions, 1 bug report, or 3 questions, 1 bug report, and 1 playguide update, etc ., etc.
So like I said, I post what I think....And, today, it was negative.

Please save your "go easy" comments for someone who actually gives them a hard God-damned time, because that ain't me.

-Galen's player


5 on Friday was 1000 times better when Wilki did it. He put some heart into it. Now it's just kinda... random and meaningless. There used to be more... community... with the dev team too.
Oh well.
Wilki is truly missed , Jeremy does a great job putting up with our BS , biggest difference in my opinion , Wilki always seemed like he really cared about UO , spent ALOT of extra time battling us , How many times did he post in the middle of the night or on Holidays?...Jeremy will get there some day and we will beg for mercy......

PS: Brown nose off , Now can I get into Focus group?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
Wilki is truly missed , Jeremy does a great job putting up with our BS , biggest difference in my opinion , Wilki always seemed like he really cared about UO , spent ALOT of extra time battling us , How many times did he post in the middle of the night or on Holidays?...Jeremy will get there some day and we will beg for mercy......

PS: Brown nose off , Now can I get into Focus group?

My perspective is very different...Most people haven't had the distinction of being attacked by Wilki I guess. *chuckles* He accused me of trying to divide UO players. I couldn't decide whether it was more sad or more laughable, but it was definitely one of the two.

(I also had run-ins with him when he was a Stratics mod, so it wasn't the first time...*sighs*)

Somehow I can't see J. doing that. And call me nuts, but I would suggest that's a major thing to be said in her favor!!

Honestly I don't know how J. puts up with our crap a lot of the time. I think she's a great lady and is very good at her job, especially when they tell her something to relay.

-Galen's player

Melina Havelock

5 on Friday was 1000 times better when Wilki did it. He put some heart into it. Now it's just kinda... random and meaningless. There used to be more... community... with the dev team too.
Oh well.
Agree 100%.


Wielder of Ebil Cookies
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May 12, 2008
Under Your Bed
What irritates me the most is the HUGE lack of communication when it comes to events and phases and when they will start and finish. Not everyone has the game time available to be online 24/7 waiting for the next part of a event that was promised to them. Some people make time for UO out of their day to partake in something other then bank sitting.

I know for one I have waisted a lot of my game time this week mindlessly running dungeons and looking for some stranger that I never found all because we were TOLD to look for them this week. Seriously... Why even give that kind of information if you are not 100% sure they will be active this week.

This is not the first time this has happened either. I have seen it happen many times.. look for this.. look for that.. so you end up standing there or dieing over and over waiting for something that "Oops! Sorry folks looks like its still gonna be awhile!" never happens....

I hate coming to uhall and reading the thousands of rant posts that end up here and think Gosh people just quit if its that bad.... And normally thats due to rants that I find somewhat silly. But... when you promise customers a product or features of that product, quit putting them off, giving false release dates, and have accurate time frames for once instead of taking shots in the dark that end up making everyone frustrated.

Emil IsTemp

The strangers in the dungeons are invisible GMs running around looking for people scripting for artys.. theyre called strangers because noone has seen a GM since.. well.. years ago.. right?


And nothing about the line of sight problem with tamed pets either :(
That line of sight problem is a problem with the more than just pets. The LoS code is just horribly buggy in uneven terrain. Try casting chain lightning in t2a :)

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Dec 17, 2006
I don't have any info yet - I'm hoping to have something by the end of the day, but if not, it looks like it'll be next week. (I'll make a separate front-page post with any info that I do get.)
I must say that if Jeremy did have ANY info she would have posted it. I shot an email about the Play lets see a couple hours before FoF came out. And it was in the FoF. I mean cmon obviously Jeremy cares about the community or she would have just skiped my email being like... ya umm can you be anymore at the buzzer?!?!?!

I will say that I do give it to EA/Mythic when deserved but I will also compliment when they deserve it as well.

Jeremy obviously does care about the community. I see more posts from Jeremy on here then anyone and if any of you didnt know Jeremy also goes to UOforums and posts as well and reads posts there as well!!

If you say Jeremy isnt community like then I wanna know your definition of community. Im going to assume that it is "Me, Myself and I"

And if Jeremy isnt given information about something how the heck can you blame her?!?!?!?

Thats like you yelling at your boss saying: "What do you mean you dont have information on my benefits yet?"

"Well human resources havnt gotten back to me yet."

"This is all your fault you stink!" (Im sure stronger words used) blah blah blah.

So find out who really is at fault about it not being in the FoF. Dont go bashing Jeremy because it isnt her fault!!!!!

I say kill the FoF and then no one can complain....since you all say it stinks anyways.

Jin Image

While you guys have been busy talking about it I've been out looking! I have found an unshakeled demon in hythloth who highlights yellow. So far I've have not been able to get a response from him, but I do believe him to be one of the strangers. He looks like a blackrock infected demon! Ill try to get a screen shot up tonight if I can!


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
While you guys have been busy talking about it I've been out looking! I have found an unshakeled demon in hythloth who highlights yellow. So far I've have not been able to get a response from him, but I do believe him to be one of the strangers. He looks like a blackrock infected demon! Ill try to get a screen shot up tonight if I can!
He is not one of the "strangers." (Well, unless he gets re-used.)

He is left over from an old event, where he was found and killed in the Fan Dancer Dojo. To find him you had to go through an invisible maze.

When he was killed he was effectively "freed" and returned home, in ghost from, to Hythloth, and there he sits.

-Galen's player

Jin Image

He is not one of the "strangers." (Well, unless he gets re-used.)

He is left over from an old event, where he was found and killed in the Fan Dancer Dojo. To find him you had to go through an invisible maze.

When he was killed he was effectively "freed" and returned home, in ghost from, to Hythloth, and there he sits.

-Galen's player
Thanks for the correction, let my search continue!!


My perspective is very different...Most people haven't had the distinction of being attacked by Wilki I guess.
One thing about Wilki, that did make him kinda sorta special, he was a UO player. And, keep in mind, he was around during a time when he only had to worry about UO, and not DAoC nor the New Game to Beat All Games, Ever!. And he was extremely passionate about UO, almost to the extreme, personal feeling is, he would rather you have attacked him than the game.

Again, personal feeling, I think (with the exception of a few dedicated devs) we have people handling UO and dealing with UO, who are doing it cause its a job, and a paycheck, and they have the same passion for their job as the clerk at the local 7-11.

Wilki was a good mod, a good Community man, and a good dev. He and his passion are missed. He got in my shorts a few times too, about things I said, but I didn't/don't have a grudge about that, because I know he was as passionate about the yin as I was about the yang.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2004
if I'm not here I'm there
One thing about Wilki, that did make him kinda sorta special, he was a UO player. And, keep in mind, he was around during a time when he only had to worry about UO, and not DAoC nor the New Game to Beat All Games, Ever!. And he was extremely passionate about UO, almost to the extreme, personal feeling is, he would rather you have attacked him than the game.

Again, personal feeling, I think (with the exception of a few dedicated devs) we have people handling UO and dealing with UO, who are doing it cause its a job, and a paycheck, and they have the same passion for their job as the clerk at the local 7-11.

Wilki was a good mod, a good Community man, and a good dev. He and his passion are missed. He got in my shorts a few times too, about things I said, but I didn't/don't have a grudge about that, because I know he was as passionate about the yin as I was about the yang.
I am glad people other than me can see this.
Things wont ever be the same as long as there are people who consider UO a "job". :wall:


I am glad people other than me can see this.
Things wont ever be the same as long as there are people who consider UO a "job". :wall:
Okay, since apparently i can draw up a good scroll that says nice things about the gods as well as critiques them and have it all wiped out because the devil hates the light, I will see what it is I can say, and figure out how cryptic I have to be to be like Frank Sinatra said, What is a man, what has he got, if not himself then he had naught, to say the things he truly feels, and not the words of one who kneels. Heck, the devil even burned up the scroll where I wrote how cool he was.

Cryptic metaphor, can I get any more obtuse your elfishness? Gonna throw rocks at some more light bulbs so it stays dark? I am from the USA, you beat us by being calm and tactful, not by hurling things at us, then you find a large destroyed part of the earth where maybe an organism whom you might have once seen in the mirror just behind you called home.


One thing about Wilki, that did make him kinda sorta special, he was a UO player. And, keep in mind, he was around during a time when he only had to worry about UO, and not DAoC nor the New Game to Beat All Games, Ever!. And he was extremely passionate about UO, almost to the extreme, personal feeling is, he would rather you have attacked him than the game.

Again, personal feeling, I think (with the exception of a few dedicated devs) we have people handling UO and dealing with UO, who are doing it cause its a job, and a paycheck, and they have the same passion for their job as the clerk at the local 7-11.

Wilki was a good mod, a good Community man, and a good dev. He and his passion are missed. He got in my shorts a few times too, about things I said, but I didn't/don't have a grudge about that, because I know he was as passionate about the yin as I was about the yang.

according to *UNNAMED ELF* you cannot mention any *person that once or currently has been carpenter overseer* that has ever worked on this *flat piece of wood*. These are *this place where I am* rules. You must email these *unnamed elves* so that they can laugh in your face and say you have no rights if we don't like you.

in other words, I find it odd I am told I cannot mention *overseers of carpenters* but you can. Cryptic metaphor, I am more hungry than the raven that prowls in the dark, but as the snake hunts, and its back itches, it cannot scratch its back, because we all know snakes have no arms with which to scratch their backs.


These guys are the best dev team I've seen in years. I am appreciative of whatever news they care to post. I have no complaints.


*Wants some of whatever Vyrquenox has in his stash*

Say What man?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
One thing about Wilki, that did make him kinda sorta special, he was a UO player. And, keep in mind, he was around during a time when he only had to worry about UO, and not DAoC nor the New Game to Beat All Games, Ever!. And he was extremely passionate about UO, almost to the extreme, personal feeling is, he would rather you have attacked him than the game.

Again, personal feeling, I think (with the exception of a few dedicated devs) we have people handling UO and dealing with UO, who are doing it cause its a job, and a paycheck, and they have the same passion for their job as the clerk at the local 7-11.

Wilki was a good mod, a good Community man, and a good dev. He and his passion are missed. He got in my shorts a few times too, about things I said, but I didn't/don't have a grudge about that, because I know he was as passionate about the yin as I was about the yang.

Try being his target.

Oh well.

-Galen's player


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jun 11, 2008
The current dev team is the best we have had in several years.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
Wilki is truly missed , Jeremy does a great job putting up with our BS , biggest difference in my opinion , Wilki always seemed like he really cared about UO , spent ALOT of extra time battling us , How many times did he post in the middle of the night or on Holidays?...Jeremy will get there some day and we will beg for mercy......

PS: Brown nose off , Now can I get into Focus group?
Yes I miss wilki too. He seemed to post a lot more and try to get answers for us as quickly as possible even if it was answers we didn't like.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
Yes I miss wilki too. He seemed to post a lot more and try to get answers for us as quickly as possible even if it was answers we didn't like.
I have to wonder if there isn't a lot of romantic nostalgia going on here.....The way things were always seem better after a long enough time has passed so that the way things were become the way they NEVER were.

-Galen's player


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
Is this some sort of personality contest here? I think Wilki was probably great if he knew your name and came to visit in game, etc. To those of us who were not the favored few he wasn't all that special.

He did a fine job... now... let's move ahead to today instead of rehashing the past.

FOF -- It beats the hell out of getting info on an infrequent basis.

Lord Kynd

The strangers in the dungeons are invisible GMs running around looking for people scripting for artys.. theyre called strangers because noone has seen a GM since.. well.. years ago.. right?
good one


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jun 4, 2008
The United States of America
For those who haven't seen it yet:

As of when I'm typing this, no threads on Stratics about this FoF, so I'm not violating any rules.

At any rate, here's the open letter.



I like the Five on Friday, I like the present team, I like the current event, I'm having fun, and I feel good about the future of this game. I don't mine FonFs that have 4 questions, 1 bug report, or 3 questions, 1 bug report, and 1 playguide update, etc ., etc.

But, I must say that it is extremely insulting to not so much as mention the "mysterious strangers" in this week's Five on Friday.

If it's coming out today, say "should be coming out tonight!" or something.

Last week:

you said:

It's 7 days later.

You really should at least mention them. "Sorry, I was wrong, they aren't ready yet." "Sorry, I was wrong, they are in the next Publish." "They should be seen later tonight, be watchful!!!"



-Galen's player
give her a break she probably just forgot. you know? hahaha

Lucy of Kenton

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
May 16, 2008
Jeremy and Wilki for me are quite similar but the one thing that stood out to me about wilki is he zapped some cheats. we on europa had one that kept slipping back in but with an email to wilki he was soon gone :)

Melina Havelock

Is this some sort of personality contest here? I think Wilki was probably great if he knew your name and came to visit in game, etc. To those of us who were not the favored few he wasn't all that special.

He did a fine job... now... let's move ahead to today instead of rehashing the past.

FOF -- It beats the hell out of getting info on an infrequent basis.
Think the point here is with Wilki we received info. Even if he had none, he would respond to our questions, i.e. "I don't know" is still an answer. We can't even get that most of the time now.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Jun 11, 2003
Eastern USA
Is this some sort of personality contest here? I think Wilki was probably great if he knew your name and came to visit in game, etc. To those of us who were not the favored few he wasn't all that special.

He did a fine job... now... let's move ahead to today instead of rehashing the past.

FOF -- It beats the hell out of getting info on an infrequent basis.
He did more of a find job. He did the best job when he had it. Better than anyone previous and after. This is just the truth of the matter.

I never met the man in game at any point but I can tell you his work spoke for him. The biggest difference with Wilki and others is when he posted you got the impression that he actually played the game. There are times team members post about the game and it's pretty clear they either don't play or don't play enough.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 30, 2008
Under a Pint
All one has to do to look at the current state of things is check out the events link on the site. Of all things you would think that it would be kept current. hasnt been touched in how long now? I was always told growing up that if you didnt like the job you were given, at least do the best you can until another is found. Is this really the best a person can do in the matter of community relation?

The event information sucks...(outdated)
The game information sucks...(best info was here...made by players)
The support sucks...(seems no support staff is on same page)
ect ect...(bugs, dupes, crash issues unresolved for going on a year)

Prince Caspian

Just once I'd like to see Jer tackle a REAL issue (scripting, duping) that we've been clamoring about for years instead of this pointless event-fluff ballyhoo.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Jun 19, 2002
The problem isn't the info. It's been the FoF all along. I posted it was a bad idea from the start and was flamed for it waaaaay back then. There should be no forced update on the game every friday when there is nothing to report because content and fixes don't happen even remotely close to that soon. Instead Jeremy has to run around and find 5 things to post about. When you have nothing interesting to post about then you end up with crap.
If they can't find five interesting things to talk about on Friday about UO, then it's far time to pull the plug. Even if it's an update on the same five things for a month, five things is NOT an unreasonable expectation.

But -- and this is where the sky starts falling -- UO is in such a bad state that there are not five interesting things they can talk about on a weekly basis.

Heck, it's more than a month after the "it'll be next month" from Cal the Flippant's last post about the expansion.

While EverQuest gears up for their 14th expansion in 9 years, we can't even get information on our 8th expansion as we fast approach the beginning of our 11th year.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jun 19, 2002
He did more of a find job. He did the best job when he had it. Better than anyone previous and after. This is just the truth of the matter.
From your perspective. I actually think his performance was less than on par.


<---- Has fun everytime he logs on so figures someone must be doing something right.



UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend
May 13, 2008
Cove X-Road Felucca (Europa)
*Yawn* Iam boored of the status of the game now, nothing happens a booring event with no line in it. I think they should keep the game how it is and only do fixes.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 30, 2008
Under a Pint
<---- Has fun everytime he logs on so figures someone must be doing something right.

Having fun in a game is one thing, providing documentation for others is yet another. How do you expect new players to get to know the game when there isnt even a proper instruction manual? Im sorry if you are happy with the way things are but I get the impression it takes you very little to be impressed. Seems a dangling carrot would suffice from my vantage point.