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POLL - Should Stratics Keep or Dump the "Temporary" Forum?


It's My Birthday
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think most people like the current one the most, but hey, I thought this poll might actually be useful to the Stratics staff.


Stratics' Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"But ONLY if they can import old data"
Just wanted to let you know that from the latest word, we can import our backups, we just need the recoveries to complete. :)


Yeah - there's no situation in which we'd need to scrap the data to continue with these boards. If we can recover the data at all (and we think we can) it can be imported here. In the unlikely event we're unable to recover the data, then neither forum software would have it.

Halister Marner

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I like VB MUCH better, however they have a long way to go to restore the functionality of the old boards. When I worked with VB a few years ago though, it was very customizable, and I would assume with some time they could do what the old boards could, and much more due to the ease of installing modifications.

Not to mention moderators and administrators will have an infinitely easier time with VB.

Hunter Moon

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think I posted a total of like 5 or so times on the old boards because I found them confusing and it gave me a headache trying to figure it out. So I think you can tell where I stand on this issue. That said, I agree that if any info. or content would be lost, the old boards would win out. Since you say that won't happen, I am pulling for the ease and functionality of the new. Only thing I wish it had was a button to mark all posts as read so I don't physically have to click on the ones I am not interest in to make them not show as read.

Hunter Moon [HOT] Atlantic


At first I avoided this place. I really like the old forums better. For one thing I don't get ads there.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dump it.

I didn't pay for a Stratics Plus account to be stuffed into another forum.

Luna du Selene

I voted for both... because there will never be any posts from Microelf in the new forums and not having access to his old posts would be a shame, at least to me.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glad to see UBB gone, at least for now. And hopefully forever.

+1 vote for vB. :)


For now I said keep it but only if can import old data. My pref may change in future, the more familiar I grow with it and or the more tweaks made to it (which may or may not be ones that work best for my eyes or viewing prefs). I am really happy that we have this. We could have had nothing until the other was fixed. ! :eek: !

Hunters Moon

I personally would be fine with either forum,even if I lost my post count and all that. Why not start over here?


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
Yeah - there's no situation in which we'd need to scrap the data to continue with these boards. If we can recover the data at all (and we think we can) it can be imported here. In the unlikely event we're unable to recover the data, then neither forum software would have it.

I kinda miss the knowing what post is being replied too.


I just noticed a big problem with the new forums. Before we could look and see ALL the developer posts. Now we have to search out each one. This also means that if someone isn't listed on the stratics web site, their posts won't be flagged.


I like the new site. Thanks for working so hard on them :}


I like these boards but (understandably) , they need something , more color , or background..


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just noticed a big problem with the new forums. Before we could look and see ALL the developer posts. Now we have to search out each one. This also means that if someone isn't listed on the stratics web site, their posts won't be flagged.

This is being worked on. :D


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Old forum, new forum, with or without data.. I don't really care either way. All I want at this point is to be able to respond to specific posts and see who's responding to me or anyone else, like we could on the old forums.

An index button for each forum would be nice too.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This new format sucks! I hope they got it for free 'cause even that is more than it's worth.


These new forums are much faster than the old. I haven't experimented much with the settings yet. But I would say keep them, even without the old data.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Unless this forum gets the option of being able to block people's posts, I don't think I can honestly say I like it here more... i'd rather have the old forum back.

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
really miss the option to reply to someone specific too....oh and that i have to enter a reason for edit ..i liked beeing able to edit without it showing ...gonna make me look like a total ****** with my spelling :eek:

Other then that they seem to work fine , way faster for sure.


Stratics' Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
really miss the option to reply to someone specific too....oh and that i have to enter a reason for edit ..i liked beeing able to edit without it showing ...gonna make me look like a total ****** with my spelling :eek:

Other then that they seem to work fine , way faster for sure.
Best way to do that now is to use the Quote options. This way, posts are no longer *tied* to each other, so when bad posts need removed, good posts will stay!

to quote just one post, or if you want to quote multiple posts, hit the
on each post you want to Multi-Quote and it will turn
to signify to you that you selected that post to Multi-Quote!

*Orvago cheers wildly*


Profession forums, etc. will be coming back regardless of what forum software we use! :)

Skylark SP

Available Storage: 0
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are things I like about both formats. However, some of the features of the old boards I particularly liked, which have already been mentioned - the ability to easily toggle between flat & threaded mode, and being able to see what post a person replied to at a glance. I don't enjoy browsing large threads in threaded mode because it is a pain to keep clicking, I always browsed the old forums in "flat" mode because I could skim through the thread easily and always be able to see to whom each post was in reply. The only thing I used threaded mode for was in giving links in long threads to a specific user's post.

This forum has features that were only available with "Plus" accounts on the other forum such as rotating sigs, and ability to create polls. While the old board poll creation was cumbersome it was pretty flexible. I've only made one poll here by way of test...still not decided which I like better.

I very much like the full blown WYSIWYG post editor option, and even the smilies are cute & reasonably discernable in meaning (hoping there will be an expanded set eventually if this is the board format chosen). I found the smiley set on the old boards to be one of the nicest I have seen on any forum. Some smiley sets are totally lame, bordering on annoying or simply indecipherable in what they are meant to express.

Also our old forum gave users the ability to still appear online to others but keep the area of the forum they were browsing private. I have not seen such a flexible option here - perhaps I simply have overlooked it. The only thing I see is a choice between "invisible" mode or full blown big brother capabilities. Not that it is really a big deal, I just happen to like flexible privacy options.

Overall this seems to be a robust, feature friendly forum. As to the comments on it loading faster...the jury is still out on that, as this is a new forum with only a week's worth of content. When it has a bloated monstrous database with spiraling archives going back years connected to it, then we will see.

I have always been a fan of the muted neutral background colors and understated borders on the Stratics forum and was happy to see it mostly reproduced here. There are some forums that I don't enjoy browsing at all because they are so busy or make my eyes tired with the intense colors and contrasts, etc. While I don't want everything drab and boring, I find the color scheme of this forum to be highly conducive to communication.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Click CP
edit options under settings
Login & Privacy
click invisible


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Other Vbulletin board have a spoiler tab
you have to click on it to show the text or pictures contained in the tag, automatic picture resizing [click to show original size], Youtube linking will these be added to the site?


Stratics' Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Other Vbulletin board have a spoiler tab
you have to click on it to show the text or pictures contained in the tag, automatic picture resizing [click to show original size], Youtube linking will these be added to the site?
Would love a spoiler feature! :D

Skylark SP

Available Storage: 0
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Click CP
edit options under settings
Login & Privacy
click invisible
Spree...thank you, but I think you missed part of what I said. I know about that option. What I liked about the old boards is that it wasn't an all or none option. ;)



> Use
to quote just one post, or if you want to quote multiple posts, hit the
on each post you want to Multi-Quote and it will turn
to signify to you that you selected that post to Multi-Quote!

Thx! I wondered what that was for.

Though I greatly dislike having to quote an entire post, or to highlight/copy/paste (makes for extra work); but I even more greatly dislike replying blindly, with no notation as to whom I have replied. Reading threads like that become very confusing as well. Sometimes, in fact much of the time, it's very important to know to whom someone has replied -- especially for really long threads or ones that have run for days, weeks, months.


really miss the option to reply to someone specific too....oh and that i have to enter a reason for edit ..i liked beeing able to edit without it showing ...gonna make me look like a total ****** with my spelling :eek:

Other then that they seem to work fine , way faster for sure.
I've edited several times so far and wasn't forced to give a reason. Though in former software, if any of my edits changed the context of my post, I'd make some notation myself about the edit. Otherwise I'd just stealth.

*Edit - testing - My usual kind of edit. (Then see below.)
*Edit 2 - testing more - Wow, ALL of your edits show up (if anyone cares enough to see how stupid you were the first time or two around - lol.) *blushes*


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I didn't even know they had an option on the old site :p

Did they set up RSS feeds here yet


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I voted for both... because there will never be any posts from Microelf in the new forums and not having access to his old posts would be a shame, at least to me.
I second this motion. We have some great posts from some great players and devs! Keep it and keep it real *grins*