Quite true...
Siege is a niche shard, with limited appeal...
If they'd made Siege a production shard, like all the others, it would get an equal share of the pie.
Fixing ROT will not make all of your troubles go away.
You're complaining about the biscuits, while an elephant stands in the corner.
I am sorry, but I am not one to come here and take time and effort to alienate someones opinion. With that said, I have a very big problem with you using the word "niche" in regard to our shard. You are aware that Siege is as close to the pre age of shadows era of UO, what most would call the best time in ultima's history? Also are you aware of the amount of player run shards which copy our ruleset? Now I understand your meaning of niche, but niche implies being selective, which I do not think applies.
I believe there is a vast majority of people who love the Siege ruleset, but not for reasons you see. All you see is whats in black and white, fel ruleset everywhere, a system that harbors reds and greys, and a gain system that would make a scripter cry himself to sleep.
Siege is not about those things, its about the player interaction that happen via those limitations. I will give some awesome examples.
Firstly about the non consensual pvp, think about the ability to kill scripters no matter where they are, our economy is so insanely stable because the scripters are not protected. But more importantly the player interaction that makes the fel ruleset so awesome, I'm not talking about the mindless killing, I'm talking about the role play pvpers who mug people and others like vampiric embrace who would curse you and then make a tomb ontop of your body.
The other great thing about fel rules set on the flipside is how awesome it is when good is done, someone handing you a check for a million gold in trammy land is all good and dandy but imagen your surprise when your walking about the wild on Siege and a red character chases you down and demands you follow him to the stable where he buys you a horse, now not only is that one hell of a rush because he could have just "corp por'ed" your ass but also the sentiment is more felt given the circumstances. I guess it boils down to seeing and feeling the good when bad is most expected.
Another thing is the way skills work ( no recall or sacred journey) and the ROT system made my skill training experience awesome, I mean I agree ROT needs changed because it is a bit too slow but I loved working my way to each new level of spells and having that feeling of accomplishment especially when I was able to gate on a shard where thats the only way to travel, it made my character a real asset to people. Thats why I love Siege, and that is the only place I believe the word niche should be used: Mage,crafter, T hunter everyone here is golden and has their NICHE that everyone else values.
On a normal server why bother working up magery? Everyone has 120 and those that don't will just script it. Why bother being a crafter? All the best crafters have BOD characters and without runic hammers your no one on a normal shard, but on siege if your a gm tailor and you got some leather, you are the man! You can make gm armor that everyone needs and wants. If you worked hard enough to become a great tamer and you want to farm swoops, you wont go to swoops on siege and see 10 script mages casting EVs. That is why I love Siege, and everytime I see my legendary mage title I remember how much that means to me, to have achieved something that actually made me stand out.
And that is why, we need this ROT change, so more will come and experience the greatness without having to wait so long and many others will come back once we are back on our feet.