Object Oriented Programming.
The superclass and class objects contain the memory pointers and calls to the methods that are invoked for the community collections, and included in the definitions of the class objects are the rules for decay.
When the Dev team invoked an instance of the class object of Community Collections for "Clean up Britania", the new instance of the object inherited the traints from the class and superclass objects.
Congratulations. You know something about programming and have managed to prove it on the Intertubes with an informative forum post, thus improving your self-esteem and making you an unstoppable juggernaut of inestimable wisdom and reknown.
Sadly, though, if you had actually
read the post of mine that you quoted, you would have seen my point about the Moonglow Zoo Collection. The fact that they have changed the decay rate on that collection proves that they can set the decay rate for all collections individually, meaning that they could have set the decay rate for the turn-in "collection" to 0.
It doesn't matter if they're using OOP, functional programming, extreme programming, COBOL, Boo, Fortran, Common Lisp, punch cards, vacuum tubes, or a team of 400 Chinese teenagers that they've locked in the basement and forced to memorize numbers. Programming methodology and style are completely irrelevant to the issue at hand.
It's kind of like information hiding (and with your complete mastery of all things programming, I'm sure that you know what that is): We don't need to know
how they can set the decay rate for each collection individually to whatever they want, just that they have shown that they
can set the decay rate for each collection individually to whatever they want, and thus they could have set it to 0 for the turn-in.
Better luck next time, though.