To the OP:
You want an increased reward for the risks associated with treasure map hunting in Felucca, and yet almost all of your arguments in response to Fayled dont actually apply to TMap hunting? Umm...what?
The increased rewards for hunting in felucca are hindered by folks like you claiming that there is no danger in obtaining maps in felucca vs obtaining maps in trammel. Besides the fact that this is an established fact behind my argument. You two both are either trying to divert the argument from what makes sense or you are both drunk non-stop. The t-hunt is barely even relevant to the examples you listed below. Those are very relevant to obtaining the maps in the first place!!!!!!! If you can't figure that out, too bad, you should go take an adderall or something.
Recalling into dungeons
Felucca Dungeons in General
Fewer numbers of locations to produce felucca tmaps
Are these not significant difficulties that exist in felucca or not? With most above ground spawn in felucca non-existant, almost all high end maps MUST be obtained in dungeons or a small limited number of hunting areas which are highly frequented and thus inherently dangerous in the felucca ruleset. Again, if you don't understand that, it's your own problem to work out on your own time. I've made these points, you're just spinning your wheels trying to divert a solid argument from the core points.
Go ahead and refute arguments till your blue in the face, but atleast make them applicable to the argument at hand, otherwise it just looks stupid.
I've made mince meat out of all the arguments against scaling the value of points from tmaps to take into account the increased risks and inherent difficulties of obtaining tmaps in felucca vs those obtained in the almost absolute safety of trammel with nearly four times more area to obtain them in. And attacking my intelligence, really only shows you aren't reading my posts but rather responding automatically to anything mentioning felucca in a negative manner. It's okay, some of you folks are obsessed with the tram/fel fight but you're so off track here it just looks silly.
And asking for Dev input? Hahahaha.
The most recent patch reinforced developer commitment to risk vs reward, it's only fair for them to comment on why or why not they failed to take into account here or how they will rectify such an easy oversight.
You and fayled, fail at making any arguments. The entire basis of your responses to me have been to try and divert the argument down awkward paths and demand more risks added to felucca if those maps obtained in an area of vastly more risks are to receive rewards which scale to the danger.
And fayled, adding the rewards for all maps and then claiming that is the increased reward for risk doesn't even make sense when maps obtained in safety are given an equal reward.
RISK(Felucca ruleset and all the significant obstacles to obtaining tmaps in felucca has been well established and is only refuted by a few in the world is flat crew) vs Reward (you aren't rewarded for taking on those established risks if people who didn't take those risks gain an EQUAL reward for no risk).
If maps are all given equal value regardless of facet
then maps obtained at significantly higher risk facet are not receiving an increased reward.
I can't make it more simple than that, a small child would follow such an easy chain of logic.