over here
they had:"Message in a Bottle: When used it will turn into a waterstained SOS. Or if you're lucky it will turn into an Ancient SOS, which about 1 in 25 does."
at the bottom
- The higher your skill the higher your chance of catching something more valuable than a normal fish. The skills mentioned above are minimum skills needed to fish up the corresponding item.
- Tests show that a Grandmaster Fisherman pulls up a special item (a net, a message in a bottle or a treasure map) about five times per hour. To reach that he has to fish non-stop, which means he has to cast about 280 times per hour.
- When fishing in "deep water" (which means you must be at least 14 tiles away from all land and server lines) there is a chance a sea-serpent pops up if you are fishing with 80+ skill and you fail.
- The minimum required skill level to catch *anything* in deep water is 65.
- An SOS message gives you some coordinates at sea. Sail to there and start fishing to retrieve sunken treasure.
- When fishing up tresure chests, for each cast with the fishing rod there is a 25% chance to fish up bones or body parts, a 25% chance to fish up shells, barrel staves, globes etc., a 25% chance to fish up paintings, broken clocks etc. and a 25% chance to fish up the actual treasure chest.
"Guide wise" (
KB) less info but basically the same ...
neither has dates so ... unknown as to "current truth" (KB linkies are all "broke" {requested page unavailable})
then theres
This KB linky much more info, pictures, descriptions, suggestions ...
might be most recent ... but again ... no dates ...
but ... I'd suggest this one first ... then the stratics ...
(don't spit into the wind)
G'Luck !!