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Moldering Ursine - Info, Guide, and Builds


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
Lore sheet for T rex:

he does 100% phy damage.

Notice how the resists perfectly fit a Cu. A bear is a Cu with some phy damage.
A Triton is half Cu with Phy damage.

You look at what damage type a Mob does and what Resists they have to determine what pet is best.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A lot of dinosaurs are very difficult to bard.

@PlayerSkillFTW I have never wanted to discord an allo, does it take a bunch of tries?

@ultima2005 yes discord with any build is great. I'm not into discord pets, I play with the volume on, it's as annoying as sword noise to me.

I rank Discord on Pets as tied with Chivalry, not because it's better than other magics, it's in a class alone.

In NL our toons do so little damage, discord is awesome there.
Allosaurus (and most other Dinosaurs other than T-Rex) are vulnerable to Reptile Slayer. So with Gwenno's Harp and 120 Music/120 Disco, they're not too bad to Disco. May take a couple attempts.

hmm. I wonder if a Disco/AI bear would be effective. Probably would complement a mage tamer well.
For a Death Ray Tamer/Mage ©, a Disco+CB Triton would actually be better than a Disco+AI Moldering Ursine (Moldering Ursines can't learn Conductive Blast due to having Life Leech). A Death Ray Tamer/Mage © is the main source of damage, while the pet is meant to tank and amplify his Energy damage.
With a Disco/Tamer though, the Tamer is meant to amplify the pet's damage output, which synergizes extremely well with Chiv+AI pets, especially with the Moldering Ursine's Life Leech.

This is really interesting. One of my go-to templates is a Bard/Tamer. Based on this, it seems like a Disco/AI Bear + Disco + Empowerment may be a pretty solid combo? Or, like you said, Inspire + a Chiv/AI Bear.

Damnit. Now I need to start saving up my event points again.
Chiv+AI Moldering Ursine with a Disco/Tamer. My Disco/Tamer has 120 Taming/120 Lore/GM Vet/GM Music (120 with Jewelry)/GM Disco (120 with Jewelry)/GM Magery/80 Med. He runs Lvl 3 Taming Mastery.
A full Bard/Tamer is actually difficult to run, due to the sheer amount of skillpoints required. You'd need a lot of +Skill gear to make it work fully. You'd need 120 Music/120 Disco/120 Provo/120 Peace/120 Taming/120 Lore, and use equipment to boost your Magery/Meditation skills (the new "Codex of Shadows" and "Shadow Reaver Cloak" are great for this). That build would lack Vet.

Lore sheet for T rex:
View attachment 158487

he does 100% phy damage.

Notice how the resists perfectly fit a Cu. A bear is a Cu with some phy damage.
A Triton is half Cu with Phy damage.

You look at what damage type a Mob does and what Resists they have to determine what pet is best.
Because the T-Rex deals 100% Physical Damage, he can quite easily be tanked by most any pet that is under Consume Damage. However, the biggest problem with the T-Rex, is that he frequently target switches to the Tamer, and will oftentimes Fear stun you at the same time, so you have to remain on your toes the entire time, even with a pet tanking him. The T-Rex has no Slayer (even Reptile and Dinosaur Slayer don't work on him :/), so he doesn't drop fast, even to Death Ray.

When i hunt the T-Rex, i usually do it with the combination of my Disco/Tamer with my Death Ray Tamer/Mage ©. The Disco/Tamer will Discord and use a 120 Chiv+AI 100% Energy Platinum Drake that's under Consume Damage to tank, while my Death Ray Tamer/Mage © uses a 120 Disco+CB Triton to debuff, as i run Death Ray. That drops the T-Rex's Energy Resist so low, that the Platinum Drake's auto attacks are hitting just as hard as it's AIs do, so 200+ damage auto attacks during EoO, lol.
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Stratics Veteran
Allosaurus (and most other Dinosaurs other than T-Rex) are vulnerable to Reptile Slayer. So with Gwenno's Harp and 120 Music/120 Disco, they're not too bad to Disco. May take a couple attempts.

For a Death Ray Tamer/Mage ©, a Disco+CB Triton would actually be better than a Disco+AI Moldering Ursine (Moldering Ursines can't learn Conductive Blast due to having Life Leech). A Death Ray Tamer/Mage © is the main source of damage, while the pet is meant to tank and amplify his Energy damage.
With a Disco/Tamer though, the Tamer is meant to amplify the pet's damage output, which synergizes extremely well with Chiv+AI pets, especially with the Moldering Ursine's Life Leech.

Chiv+AI Moldering Ursine with a Disco/Tamer. My Disco/Tamer has 120 Taming/120 Lore/GM Vet/GM Music (120 with Jewelry)/GM Disco (120 with Jewelry)/GM Magery/80 Med. He runs Lvl 3 Taming Mastery.
A full Bard/Tamer is actually difficult to run, due to the sheer amount of skillpoints required. You'd need a lot of +Skill gear to make it work fully. You'd need 120 Music/120 Disco/120 Provo/120 Peace/120 Taming/120 Lore, and use equipment to boost your Magery/Meditation skills (the new "Codex of Shadows" and "Shadow Reaver Cloak" are great for this). That build would lack Vet.

Because the T-Rex deals 100% Physical Damage, he can quite easily be tanked by most any pet that is under Consume Damage. However, the biggest problem with the T-Rex, is that he frequently target switches to the Tamer, and will oftentimes Fear stun you at the same time, so you have to remain on your toes the entire time, even with a pet tanking him. The T-Rex has no Slayer (even Reptile and Dinosaur Slayer don't work on him :/), so he doesn't drop fast, even to Death Ray.

When i hunt the T-Rex, i usually do it with the combination of my Disco/Tamer with my Death Ray Tamer/Mage ©. The Disco/Tamer will Discord and use a 120 Chiv+AI 100% Energy Platinum Drake that's under Consume Damage to tank, while my Death Ray Tamer/Mage © uses a 120 Disco+CB Triton to debuff, as i run Death Ray. That drops the T-Rex's Energy Resist so low, that the Platinum Drake's auto attacks are hitting just as hard as it's AIs do, so 200+ damage auto attacks during EoO, lol.
My full bard tamer is probably my most used template, though I haven't used him for this event so I can fit in Detect Hidden, Lock Picking, etc. He's something like 115 Taming, 111 Lore, 480 in Barding skills, 100 Magery, and 50 - 60 med. That’s without the codex of shadows — I’ll have to consider that.

Part of the reason I wanted a Bushido/AI/Goo bear was to run spawns and dynamic events with that character. Sounds like an Chiv/AI bear would fit it well, too.
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I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
When a tamer returns I will help them make a blue beetle, give them 105 scrolls, and help them build it.
I grab a Cu, or now this Bear is close enough.

First place we go is the Great Ape. I show them the pits and how to get out. Then we grab the Ape and take him down the hall and kill it. I tell them to stay in the hall when the ape retreats, I bring him back

Then we go find or I make a clearing in TRexs range. We fight at that spot. I haven't had anyone die there before.

Make sure you get the quests first or u can't do damage.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When a tamer returns I will help them make a blue beetle, give them 105 scrolls, and help them build it.
I grab a Cu, or now this Bear is close enough.

First place we go is the Great Ape. I show them the pits and how to get out. Then we grab the Ape and take him down the hall and kill it. I tell them to stay in the hall when the ape retreats, I bring him back

Then we go find or I make a clearing in TRexs range. We fight at that spot. I haven't had anyone die there before.

Make sure you get the quests first or u can't do damage.
The Great Ape is also the best place to get 30/30 Crafting Talismans, especially if you wear a high Luck Suit. I'll usually solo him with my Sampire while wearing a Dexxer Luck Suit, and use a 120 Disco+AP Vollem to debuff him. Between Disco, Corpse Skin, and Onslaught with a 100% Fire Double Axe spamming Double Strike, the Great Ape goes down pretty fast with Honor+EoO up.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Is there much of a difference between 20 stamina regen, 15 stamina regen, or 10 stamina regen? How important is it to have over 10 stamina regen?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is there much of a difference between 20 stamina regen, 15 stamina regen, or 10 stamina regen? How important is it to have over 10 stamina regen?
It only loses stamina when hit hard or it is at low HP and gets hit hard. So, it depends on what mobs you fight.


Stratics Veteran
Is everyone 100% sure berserk only triggers at 50% health? I swear, the moment I cast it on my bear, he hits harder, and there are periods during which I can’t heal him. Maybe the effect is only at max effectiveness at 50% health?


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Is everyone 100% sure berserk only triggers at 50% health? I swear, the moment I cast it on my bear, he hits harder, and there are periods during which I can’t heal him. Maybe the effect is only at max effectiveness at 50% health?
Yeah, it provides some bonuses above 50% Health when taking hard hits, but does not fully activate until below 50% Health. The 320+ damage EoO+AIs can occur any time Berserk is on the pet, but the 400+ damage EoO+AIs are only when below 50% Health. You can tell Berserk is fully active when you see the brown sparkles appearing on your pet (in CC). I forgot to mention, that Berserk does not seem to stack with the Provocation Mastery "Inspire" for damage (the +HCI still applies from Inspire, but the +Damage doesn't stack).
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Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Can an ursine be put on a vendor in magincia? Or is it like the triton and can't be put on the vendor?


Stratics Veteran
Can an ursine be put on a vendor in magincia? Or is it like the triton and can't be put on the vendor?
You can put the unopened statue on a vendor. All of them on Atl are on auction safes, though. I’ve only seen one on a vendor.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
So, it is like the triton then. Only unpopped statues can be on vendor. I was hoping the popped ones could have been put on the pet vendors in magincia.


Stratics Veteran
So, it is like the triton then. Only unpopped statues can be on vendor. I was hoping the popped ones could have been put on the pet vendors in magincia.
Oh, sorry. I completely misread, haha. I have no idea about magincia vendors. Sorry!


Stratics Veteran
I built a Chiv / AI / Feint bear because I wanted a good single target tank who also puts up solid damage. All its skills are at 120 except Bushido/Chiv/Resist Spells, which are at around 105.

I'm happy to report that this bear fits the bill well, haha. I tested him on para balrons and Navrey without Consume Damage, Berserk, Gift of Renewal, etc.. He needed little, if any, external healing, was able to minimize damage through solid parrying and the use of feint, and he puts out more single target damage than my Bushido/AI/Goo bear.

There is one thing to keep in mind, though. I've primarily used Cus, which are pretty consistent in their healing. The bear is not. He'll go down in health due to an extended series of missed swings, then build it all back up through a series of hard hits. @PlayerSkillFTW mentioned this, but Disco + Bear is a potent combo because it increases the amount and damage of the bear's hits.

So...I'm tempted to train up one more bear: Disco/AI. I've never built a disco pet, so correct me if I'm wrong, but I'd expect he'd primarily use his mana for LL/AI once disco hits.

That way I have three bears for virtually every encounter.

Bushido/AI/Goo: Dynamic Events/T-Hunting/Spawns
Chiv/AI/Feint: Single target tank/damage dealer
Disco/AI: Single target debuffing tank


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
When Tritons came out, everyone on TC was making FWW/chiv with the extra intensity.

First one I made was AI/Feint/Chiv. They make a great thank that can do damage.

Mark Bradburn

Stratics Veteran
question : if i just wanted to make a pure tank 4 slot pet with some AOE, to go with a samp archer build, if i made say a Triton with high wrestling/resist could i just ignore STR and give it FWW and Feint and then just pile most of the points into Health? I dont want it to pump out loads of damage just occupy the monsters/distract them?

FWW doesnt rely on STR so should do a decent amount of damage whilst Feint will be cutting the damage in half consistently

Also, if im not pumping points into STR, i can get a hell of a lot of INT/mana instead? and i dont need to scroll it either as damage doesnt matter

Archer wont have vet just Chiv healing capabilities, but will have resist, 1 slot Ethereal and enough damage etc to be able to stand toe to toe with most paragons for a while

Or what would be the best build as a mega tank 4 slot pet to just distract/occupy mobs?
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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
question : if i just wanted to make a pure tank 4 slot pet with some AOE, to go with a samp archer build, if i made say a Triton with high wrestling/resist could i just ignore STR and give it FWW and Feint and then just pile most of the points into Health? I dont want it to pump out loads of damage just occupy the monsters/distract them?

FWW doesnt rely on STR so should do a decent amount of damage whilst Feint will be cutting the damage in half consistently

Also, if im not pumping points into STR, i can get a hell of a lot of INT/mana instead? and i dont need to scroll it either as damage doesnt matter

Archer wont have vet just Chiv healing capabilities, but will have resist, 1 slot Ethereal and enough damage etc to be able to stand toe to toe with most paragons for a while

Or what would be the best build as a mega tank 4 slot pet to just distract/occupy mobs?
That would work for AoE tanking. I'd still 120 the Healing/Bushido/Parry skill on it to make it as tanky as possible.
4 slot 120 Disco+CB Tritons also pair well with Tamer/Archers, debuffing the victim's Resists (especially Energy), to where a 100% Energy Yumi's Double Shot can out damage a Composite Bow's AI. The new Shadow's Fury composite bow/soul glaive does 100% Energy damage, so the Disco+CB debuffs would also benefit the non-AI attacks with it.

Mark Bradburn

Stratics Veteran
That would work for AoE tanking. I'd still 120 the Healing/Bushido/Parry skill on it to make it as tanky as possible.
4 slot 120 Disco+CB Tritons also pair well with Tamer/Archers, debuffing the victim's Resists (especially Energy), to where a 100% Energy Yumi's Double Shot can out damage a Composite Bow's AI. The new Shadow's Fury composite bow/soul glaive does 100% Energy damage, so the Disco+CB debuffs would also benefit the non-AI attacks with it.
Thanks, so i went with a Bushido AI Moldering Ursine 4 slot, and made a Yumi bow with UndeadSlayer/HFA/SSI/HLL/HML on it. If enough mobs around i can pretty much keep up Berserk/Consume constantly whilst casting Consecrate weapon on myself. Can easily take down large groups and Paragons no issues and can run away if i get in trouble. Scrolled up most of pet skills so ih he dies he doesnt drop below 100

Freddy.jpg skills.jpg

Mark Bradburn

Stratics Veteran
still way quicker with town invasion and other stuff to just be pure samp archer though im finding. Much greater survivability with a 4 slot pet and paragons become very easy, but the pet AI is so slow that you just waste too much time waiting for the pet to do anything or constantly having to tell it what to do


Stratics Veteran
So I finished taming up my third (and final) Bear: Disco/AI. This actually may be my favorite, though I like Bard skills, so I may be biased.

I gave him a decent mana reserve of 600, and I've found he uses it at the onset of battle to try and get the opponent under disco. Once that happens, he uses his mana solely for AI/LL, which is a fantastic combo against disco'd enemies. The only time he really gets into trouble is if he attacks a 160 barding skill enemy with a low mana pool, which happened to me a couple times when fighting para Balrons. If his mana is depleted before discoing a target, it can take a long time before that target is discoed.

I took him to fight Navrey, which he was able to solo without issue. He got her under disco in less than ten seconds, then spent the rest of the fight using AI whenever he had mana for it.

Here's how I plan to use each bear:

Bushido/AI/Goo: Treasure Hunting/Dynamic Events/Spawns. He's a really good balance of tankiness, damage, and AEO.

Chiv/Feint/Ai: High damage tank. I plan to use this build with my Disco/Tamer and Pure Bard/Tamer. Using this bear against a discoed target while running either Berserk or Inspire is an incredibly potent combination.

Disco/AI: I'll probably use this bear mostly with my mage/tamer builds. The basic approach is to cast Gift of Renewal on him, send him to battle, and blast the enemy once Disco takes hold.

These three bears should cover 90% or so of what I fight. I still plan to keep my Chiv/AI Cu for enemies immune to LL, and my pre-patch magery master nightmare for my Necro/Tamer build.


Stratics Veteran
Well all the negative stuff about Bushido AI but ive tested it, just ask anyone on Europa how tanky Teddy is...he is famous
The WW goes off very frequently and if surrounded by mobs ive seen him heal for 200+, Bushido doesnt use a lot of mana and neither does the WW so he rarely runs out, even during an entire 1hr town invasion
With the Bushido skills he can take on massive groups of mobs and hardly takes any damage at all, whilst all the Sampires are running away like babies...
Ive seen him hit a Parag for 450+ dmg also. Test it and see
Chiv AI obviously for single target but with any large group EOO just gets them killed. All the pets in the events drop like flies...except this guy
I have fully trained CUs, Tritons, Ossein Rams etc etc all following recommended templates, but none of them compare to this guy

Im not after a max damage pet as everyone seems to be focussing on here....

Question : Do you have a Bushido AI Ursine?
So what do your Bushido AI built look like?


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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so i have been watching this thread and trying to plan out how to make my bear.
i knew i didnt want to do yet another Chiv/AI build and wanted something different.
decided finally to do a Bushido/AI bear.
went and got all the 120 scrolls together and went and finally got a bear and decided i would start the training process tonight.
went to the stable to stable my Cu and then cracked open the Bear..... at Skara.

so does this mean that i wont have access to Bushido????
did i just waste a 200 mill bear?


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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ah well.
i just leveled him up and went and checked and no Bushido.


all that planning and research and i messed it up on the very first step!


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
ah well.
i just leveled him up and went and checked and no Bushido.


all that planning and research and i messed it up on the very first step!
What does it look like now? Maybe someone would purchase it from you?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

so i have been watching this thread and trying to plan out how to make my bear.
i knew i didnt want to do yet another Chiv/AI build and wanted something different.
decided finally to do a Bushido/AI bear.
went and got all the 120 scrolls together and went and finally got a bear and decided i would start the training process tonight.
went to the stable to stable my Cu and then cracked open the Bear..... at Skara.

so does this mean that i wont have access to Bushido????
did i just waste a 200 mill bear?
Make it a FWW /chiv bear. It will do great In the upcoming spawn event.

Or a feint/chiv/AI.

You can use Bush or ninja as a passive magic.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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i was just talking with 2 of my kids and they both have bears in statues still.
the 1 wanted to go the Bushido/AI route but the other was thinking of going Chiv/AI so i offered to make it for her if she gave me her statue.
she agreed.
so my build is still alive, i just need to finish making this one and then trade it over to her.
double my work but at least my mess up isn't going to sink this project for me.

we can trade these like normal pets, yes?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i was just talking with 2 of my kids and they both have bears in statues still.
the 1 wanted to go the Bushido/AI route but the other was thinking of going Chiv/AI so i offered to make it for her if she gave me her statue.
she agreed.
so my build is still alive, i just need to finish making this one and then trade it over to her.
double my work but at least my mess up isn't going to sink this project for me.

we can trade these like normal pets, yes?
Yup. Can trade. But needs a week or potion to bond.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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so this was interesting.
last night on Origin it was 130am and i was chatting with a guild mate in TS and while chatting i thought id go and do some mid level T maps to keep me busy while we visit.
first map i dig up i pop the Manifestation of Evil!

so my guild mate shows up with his SW necro mage and i brought in 3 tamers and some random fella came with a archer.
took us a LONNNNNNNNNNG time but we got it down.

but what was interesting is that my one tamer had my new Bear on him so i brought it and used it.
this is how it went.
ran in with bear, targeted the boss, ran off screen.
other 2 tamers, same thing, then spent the next hour res'ing their pets.
bear, didn't need to be healed at all and did not die even once and was on the boss the entire time.
at one point as i was running by with one of my other tamers i swear the bear was surrounded by 100 of those robed guys.
the Bear did not die once!
Bushido Bear for the win!


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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im just finishing up the Chiv/AI build and then im gonna take them both out one at a time on the same monsters and see how they go.
but that Bushido/AI is a freak'n tank!


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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so, i don't know if i would say this is interesting.... it is interesting, kinda of a let down in a way, yet interesting.

I took out both bears and put them against Allosauruses.
I timed them and kept track of the healing required -if required.
I was suprised by the results.
so 1 bear was 120 in all skills and it is a Bushido/AI.
the other bear is 110 in all skills and 115 in Chiv/AI.

Chiv bear killed the Allosauruses in just under 16 minutes with 23 bandaged used, those seemed to be spaced out at 3 minutes and 6 minutes and then 9 minutes which was kinda neat.

Bushido bear killed the Allosauruses in 19 and a half minutes and required 29 bandages which again seemed to need them at the 3/6/9 and 12 minute mark.

where the Chiv bear beat the Bushido bear was in curing when it was poisoned. It was curing pretty much instantly where the Bushido bear had no way to cure and just road the poison down over time.

so then i thought.... im a disco tamer, so realistically im gonna be discoing the bad critters, so i went again and this time used disco.

Chiv bear crushed the Allosauruses in just under 7 minutes and needed no bandage healing.

Bushido bear killed the Allosauruses in 13 minutes with no bandages needed. the difference being with the Allosauruses disco'd the poison was hitting at a much lower level and not rocking the bear as much.

also, on a strange side the note, the Chiv bear, while being scrolled a lot lower than the Bushido bear has a 150 barding difficulty where as the Bushido bear is only 140.

i have to imagine or at least i HOPE that the bushido bear will shine when engaging multiple targets over the chiv bear.

just cant beat the damage output of the Chiv/AI animals.


Stratics Veteran
so, i don't know if i would say this is interesting.... it is interesting, kinda of a let down in a way, yet interesting.

I took out both bears and put them against Allosauruses.
I timed them and kept track of the healing required -if required.
I was suprised by the results.
so 1 bear was 120 in all skills and it is a Bushido/AI.
the other bear is 110 in all skills and 115 in Chiv/AI.

Chiv bear killed the Allosauruses in just under 16 minutes with 23 bandaged used, those seemed to be spaced out at 3 minutes and 6 minutes and then 9 minutes which was kinda neat.

Bushido bear killed the Allosauruses in 19 and a half minutes and required 29 bandages which again seemed to need them at the 3/6/9 and 12 minute mark.

where the Chiv bear beat the Bushido bear was in curing when it was poisoned. It was curing pretty much instantly where the Bushido bear had no way to cure and just road the poison down over time.

so then i thought.... im a disco tamer, so realistically im gonna be discoing the bad critters, so i went again and this time used disco.

Chiv bear crushed the Allosauruses in just under 7 minutes and needed no bandage healing.

Bushido bear killed the Allosauruses in 13 minutes with no bandages needed. the difference being with the Allosauruses disco'd the poison was hitting at a much lower level and not rocking the bear as much.

also, on a strange side the note, the Chiv bear, while being scrolled a lot lower than the Bushido bear has a 150 barding difficulty where as the Bushido bear is only 140.

i have to imagine or at least i HOPE that the bushido bear will shine when engaging multiple targets over the chiv bear.

just cant beat the damage output of the Chiv/AI animals.
Yeah, you can't compare a Bushido/AI bear to a Chiv/AI bear when it comes to single target damage. The Bushido/AI bear is an great all purpose pet who thrives in situations where it can use WW to LL from multiple targets, and you don't have to worry about EOO getting it killed.

I will say my Chiv/Feint/AI bear is fantastic against the Allosaurus. Last time I tried, I'm not sure exactly how long it took (around 15 - 16 minutes sounds right), but I only had to heal him up once, and he only dropped under 50% health one other time.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@Poo and others. When testing on an Allosaurus, use consume so you do not get discrepancies from the pet dropping stamina and swinging slower.

AI does most damage of all the specials on high resist targets, bosses. Then if the magic adds no damage, you are basically just hitting the target with normal damage and AI. Which will kill stuff better than without AI.

A Cu with just AI can eventually kill a para Balron.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I opened a Bear last Night. He has been at the slugs all day and running whisper as much as possible.


It will be great for the upcoming dynamic spawn!

Silent Singer

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Isn't chiv in a mixed spawn not ideal? Enemy of one will cause it to take a lot more damage when a spawn level has different critters right?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Isn't chiv in a mixed spawn not ideal? Enemy of one will cause it to take a lot more damage when a spawn level has different critters right?
You do not let the pet get surrounded. EoO is cast and stays on for about 2 seconds and they turn it off. Bad AI.

Pets die when surrounded because they keep changing targets and hit nothing. Not because of EoO. I call it the spin of death. The pet just spins around.

On the low levels you let the pet get surrounded and cast Chain Lightning, Meteor Swarm or Thunderstorm, or a Mystic spell. Mobs die fast. As the levels progress you let the pet aggro things and lead the pet away. Then let the pet eat them one at a time.

If they use the same area they are using on TC, it is a good area to pick a spot on the edge and go grab victims.

If the pet is not using FWW, tell it to attack again, sometimes they seem to forget they have it. They almost always use it on the first attack.

I have used my triton with the same build at all these spawn events.