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Crafting skills completely messed up


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Created a crafter. Finished Blacksmithing and then took tailoring. Completed 25 bods as required and raised tailoring to 70. The guild master said to continue raising skills by using job boards. However the skill trainer doesn't allow me to raise tailoring. It will only allow me to raise Blacksmithing, mining, and swords which are all at 100 already.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
i think after 70 (for me) it was speak with Samantha first to get the Frostbloom Flax questline?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yup. Talk to both of the tailor NPCs when you think you are stuck.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks Pawain, but I've talked to every NPC possible. It is truly stuck. Talking to many other players they are having the same issue.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They changed the gain system this cycle, so who knows what they did.

I thought I was stuck twice, but I was clicking on the owner of the Yacht Club instead of the Matre De. Then the next time I clicked the other Tailor in the shop.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
They changed the gain system this cycle, so who knows what they did.

I thought I was stuck twice, but I was clicking on the owner of the Yacht Club instead of the Matre De. Then the next time I clicked the other Tailor in the shop.
You don't think they should tell people what they've changed? And what to be testing for?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You don't think they should tell people what they've changed? And what to be testing for?
Its in the Dev Diary each week. I posted the words here for those who dont like to look for things.

Technically they did not change crafting skill gains. But, I am not going to argue with the OP. Also who knows if the changes did affect crafting. I know how it feels to be stuck. And help from afar is not always the best.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Its in the Dev Diary each week. I posted the words here for those who dont like to look for things.

Technically they did not change crafting skill gains. But, I am not going to argue with the OP. Also who knows if the changes did affect crafting. I know how it feels to be stuck. And help from afar is not always the best.
You've never done actual beta testing before have you. Give an honest estimate of when you think NL will be ready for release


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You've never done actual beta testing before have you. Give an honest estimate of when you think NL will be ready for release
I have found quite a few little bugs, that is what I do Beta for, not to change the main mechanics, I was happy with those the first week.

Its ready now, we are having fun each weekend for many hours a day. The consensus in chat is to stop messing with the skill system, it worked last week. The devs are listening to players who probably spent an hour playing.

It is not up to me to determine when they are finished.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's clear that they're "winging it" with no real plan or vision.
Is that why they tell us what they change each week and what to test?

Or winging it means listening to player feedback.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is that why they tell us what they change each week and what to test?

Or winging it means listening to player feedback.
Winging it means they don't have a defined and vetted design strategy and scope for NL. They should be fixing bugs and telling us what to test. That's the very minimal of what should happen in a beta. What shouldn't happen is finding out at the last minute that what they thought was an "awesome" new skill system that is entirely different from the core of UO really isn't something the community wanted. However, I wouldn't expect you to understand any of this, as you've repeatedly shown a lack of understanding regarding Project Management and SDLC.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Winging it means they don't have a defined and vetted design strategy and scope for NL. They should be fixing bugs and telling us what to test. That's the very minimal of what should happen in a beta. What shouldn't happen is finding out at the last minute that what they thought was an "awesome" new skill system that is entirely different from the core of UO really isn't something the community wanted. However, I wouldn't expect you to understand any of this, as you've repeatedly shown a lack of understanding regarding Project Management and SDLC.
Actually only one poster did not like it. In chat players doing new characters have more questions about the new skill system. Many say stop making changes. Going from 0 to GM takes a few hours. That is not much of the game.

The rest of the changes are QoL.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah, no. Its been a common piece of feedback and you know it. Keep trying with that gaslighting.
Really you know we can all read the forum. Care to prove how common it is?

Here is an example showing how the changes make it more confusing for this poster. Skill Gains vs Skill Training

And what is your toons name in NL?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Really you know we can all read the forum. Care to prove how common it is?

Here is an example showing how the changes make it more confusing for this poster. Skill Gains vs Skill Training

And what is your toons name in NL?
Developers don't make changes like the skill system change based on one forum post, but let's assume for a moment that you're right. If that is the case then that just proves my point they don't have a vetted plan and are just winging it. Developing based on a whim and minor feedback shows they do not have solid development requirements in place.

Not sure what gotcha you're trying to hit me with regarding having a toon in NL or not. I have yet to speak to any system being implemented directly but instead have stuck to topics that I'm a subject matter expert in: SDLC and project management. Don't need to play the beta to be able to see bad PMO.
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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Previously, you were required to increase your skills by doing Town Objectives and applying those skill points with a Skill Trainer NPC.
While that path hasn’t changed and is still an option for those who wish to progress in that manner, you will now have your base skills unlocked when you reach your first narrative transition point.
This means you will be able to progress through that transition point by using your skills in combat to raise them, in addition (or in lieu of) doing Town Objectives.
Kyronix never disappoints in over complicating the most basic UO things


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You say that like it's a good thing
I play games I like and don't care how the developers make the games I like.
Yup I have accepted reality. UO is the only game I play regularly that gets updated. The rest are the same game all the time. Because most started as board games. You could say some like Dominion have gotten updates I suppose.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
I play games I like and don't care how the developers make the games I like.
Yup I have accepted reality. UO is the only game I play regularly that gets updated. The rest are the same game all the time. Because most started as board games. You could say some like Dominion have gotten updates I suppose.
Because you like vanilla everyone has too?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Because you like vanilla everyone has too?
Meh, I'm just going to ignore him on that one. His opinion is stuck in the past, and he refuses to accept the reality of the modern player's expectations of an MMO. Besides, we've already addressed why black box development is terrible in Unleashed. He's just playing the toxic forum troll instead of engaging in reasonable discussion.
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I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Meh, I'm just going to ignore him on that one. His opinion is stuck in the past, and he refuses to accept the reality of the modern player's expectations of an MMO. Besides, we've already addressed why black box development is terrible in Unleashed. He's just playing the toxic forum troll instead of engaging in reasonable discussion.
Ya what's the average age of a UO player? And how many modern games do you think they play?

Dissing the devs is not a discussion.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm ok with you liking vanilla but you have no right to tell others how or what to enjoy
When have I done that? I state facts about the game I have played since 97. I don't talk about developers. If you think you can make a better game, do it. I like the basic UO game. Kill stuff and play doll house.

How's @Stinky Pete s version of UO going?

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
When have I done that? I state facts about the game I have played since 97. I don't talk about developers. If you think you can make a better game, do it. I like the basic UO game. Kill stuff and play doll house.

How's @Stinky Pete s version of UO going?
You continue to express your opinion as if it matters more than others


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dissing the devs is not a discussion.
Sorry but your gaslighting doesn't work anymore. Anytime I've tried to have a reasonable discussion with you, you immediately try and act like I'm the problem and just be contrary. As for “dissing” the devs, its well documented that kryonix believes grind and overly complex equals fun. That's not a diss its a fact.