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These fools cant even keep a website up

Lord Ron Fellows

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't know who's responsibility the website is, but i'd imagine its someone that isn't on the dev team. Either way its ****ty.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Rob Denton then. Broadsword owns the website not UO.
You tell us over and over it's her game her way totally until there's something she's unable to fix then it's anyone but her fault maybe she should try emailing?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You tell us over and over it's her game her way totally until there's something she's unable to fix then it's anyone but her fault maybe she should try emailing?
So you admit she is unable to fix the website since she is not responsible for it.

You could email Rob every time its down since you are so concerned and act like you care about it.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
We both know Rob has zero involvement in UO you are as always koolaid drunk with fanboi lust


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ultimately the boss is responsible..
I know the web development was outsourced when the current site was created and that Bonnie was responsible for contracting that resource. This issue seems to be related to third-party hosting. Bonnie could, at best, submit a trouble ticket, and that'd be about it. Now, if she were a good product manager, she'd be looking at the frequent downtime of the UO site and discussing moving it to a more stable environment—that is her responsibility here. Given that this has been an ongoing issue for at least the last couple of years, it's clear she isn't concerned about it. While I will not blame her for the site being down directly, I will question her competence in running a business unit that an ongoing issue like this hasn't been addressed.
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Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
I know the web development was outsourced when the current site was created and that Bonnie was responsible for contracting that resource. This issue seems to be related to third-party hosting. Bonnie could, at best, submit a trouble ticket, and that'd be about it. Now, if she were a good product manager, she'd be looking at the frequent downtime of the UO site and discussing moving it to a more stable environment—that is her responsibility here. Given that this has been an ongoing issue for at least the last couple of years, it's clear she isn't concerned about it. While I will not blame her for the site being down directly, I will question her competence in running a business unit that an ongoing issue like this hasn't been addressed.


Stratics Veteran
I was hosting mirror of uo.com free of charge. Me and few friends were using it when uo.com went down. I decided to make it public and sent an email to Bonnie to get her permission to host a public mirror of uo.com. She denied my request. I still have it for private use.

She produces the Game, not peripheries owned by others. Sorry you don't understand that. Blame the person responsible.
They are using AWS for hosting. AWS services go down once a year or so. When that happens, it is an international news. AWS services DO NOT go down every 3-4 days. I would know because I was the chief architect and head of infrastructure for a billion dollar company that was using AWS. Our services did not go down once!
UO is the party ****ing things up here. Stop trying to trow **** on everyone that speaks against Mesanna as you always do.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was hosting mirror of uo.com free of charge. Me and few friends were using it when uo.com went down. I decided to make it public and sent an email to Bonnie to get her permission to host a public mirror of uo.com. She denied my request. I still have it for private use.

They are using AWS for hosting. AWS services go down once a year or so. When that happens, it is an international news. AWS services DO NOT go down every 3-4 days. I would know because I was the chief architect and head of infrastructure for a billion dollar company that was using AWS. Our services did not go down once!
UO is the party ****ing things up here. Stop trying to trow **** on everyone that speaks against Mesanna as you always do.
Broadsword owns the website. Not UO. Should she also wash my truck? Rob Denton is the CEO at Broadsword. Blame the correct person.

Sad the head of infrastructure does not know the pecking order of the game he hates so much.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
it goes down when they are creating information for us to read. Like the dev diaries for the NL testing, etc. They just don't set the security for us to read it until they want us to.

And it seems that there are people who wait around for the website to go down to create drama. Based on posts on discord from people who have mentioned that they were on the website all day and the moment they it went down, that they posted on the forums. some people just want to be a troll. (not saying the OP is, but I know there are some that does stuff like that for the intention to make Mesanna & team look bad)

some people need to learn patience


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
it goes down when they are creating information for us to read. Like the dev diaries for the NL testing, etc. They just don't set the security for us to read it until they want us to.
The entire site wouldn't go down for them to update content; that isn't how modern CMS works.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
The entire site wouldn't go down for them to update content; that isn't how modern CMS works.
pay more attention.

each week it has gone down on thursday, when the playable content is added on friday for NL.

It has been the same way just before any publish. How do you think the publish notes appear when they weren't there 5 minutes ago? Just before a publish, I keep a lookout for the publish notes. It is usually turned on within 30mins or more before they make their announcements. That is why people post pictures of new content before there is an official announcement.

I'm not the only one who has mentioned that it goes down when they are updating information. I only noticed it after someone else stated it awhile back.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
pay more attention.
The site uses Wordpress as its CMS. You do not take the entire site down to publish a page.

Edit: and if it is truly the case they take the site down to publish a page then to be blunt they have no clue what they're doing because that isn't how it works.


Stratics Veteran
pay more attention.

each week it has gone down on thursday, when the playable content is added on friday for NL.

It has been the same way just before any publish. How do you think the publish notes appear when they weren't there 5 minutes ago? Just before a publish, I keep a lookout for the publish notes. It is usually turned on within 30mins or more before they make their announcements. That is why people post pictures of new content before there is an official announcement.

I'm not the only one who has mentioned that it goes down when they are updating information. I only noticed it after someone else stated it awhile back.
While I understand what you're saying, I disagree. Way back in the Dark Ages, I had a personal website and part of it was dedicated to a dungeon/puzzle/maze game I and many others were in.

On my home system, updates to the game were documented, page(s) built, links built, etc. Then all was tested independent of the site. Last thing I did was insert a "What's New" on the very top page (index) of the site. Then I'd upload/publish the changes to the host.

If you were on/viewing my stuff as I published, nothing would happen since your browser buffer would have what was needed. But if you left and came back even seconds later, there was new content at the main screen and wherever else . During all of this no other pages were taken out of service, my site stayed up and did not go out of service.

I'm just a simple rookie, but I would think that someone more experienced and working web pages for a living could do things like this without taking an entire site out of commission.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm just a simple rookie, but I would think that someone more experienced and working web pages for a living could do things like this without taking an entire site out of commission.
Every modern CMS works like your describing. You can literally make a draft page, view it, edit it to your hearts content, and then publishing with no impact to site uptime. No disrespect to cinderella but they're wrong here.