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Britannia Chronicle - First Edition (Ongoing)


Lake Superior Tabloid Journalist
Stratics Veteran
Royal Council Meeting: Chaos, Carnage and Calamity

Papa Razzi, Reporting

The usual insanity of the Royal Council meetings was outmatched this past Saturday, when Governor Bling Crosby, during his bloviating about the state of Minoc, was cut short as Bling himself exploded and died on the spot. His bodyguards were of little help, nor were the King’s Guard. It is unclear how explosives made it into the council meeting. The body was covered and removed, and shockingly, the meeting continued. As of now, nothing is known as to who will replace Bling as governor.

D'Keth Dracsbane, Governor of Moonglow, got into a heated discussion about a renegade mage being hunted within the walls of his protected city. He was visibly displeased with how the attempted arrest of Caefa was attempted. King Blackthorn responded by stating he would do whatever it took to keep the realm safe, even if it meant the possible overreach of such aggressive actions. The attempt eventually failed, and Caefa escaped, leaving one to wonder how effective Blackthorne is at his position and how the Council of Mages may respond to Blackthorne’s overstepping their understanding of his authority. Tension is certainly building in that front.

The Governor of Skara Brae, now called Pip, said very little other than the fact he had food poisoning. He was pale and had to leave the meeting early, possibly due to recurring diarrhea.

There were a couple of governors not in attendance at the meeting. Robin Menzies, Governor of Jhelom was absent with some unexpected “pressing matter” that needed immediate attention according to sources. The governor of Britain, Naberal Gamma had also not appeared for the second time in as many meetings.

As is apparently customary, should any governor not show for two meetings during their term, they are to be replaced. Governor Justin Bennett of Trinsic nominated Corwyn of Britain, who just so happened to be in attendance as a spectator to fill the vacancy, and Governor Erik Northlander of New Magincia seconded the motion. The governors still in attendance (that were still alive) unanimously voted him in as the new governor. Corwyn gave a very short and humble speech. He has been a long-standing citizen of Britain and according to sources is a craftsman of some repute. It is somewhat puzzling why they would choose a craftsman for such an important role, but he couldn’t be much more chaotic than most of the other governors.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Congrats Corwyn. Do they have any suspects for the bomb I placed in the now dead Minoc governers pocket?


Lake Superior Tabloid Journalist
Stratics Veteran
Congrats Corwyn. Do they have any suspects for the bomb I placed in the now dead Minoc governers pocket?
I do not believe so. They did not appear to be too concerned with the who as much as the fact that explosives were in the room at all.