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Pet will not use new skill

I trained my CU to 5 slots and gave him legendary chiv. He does not use the skill at all. No gains. He started with 40 chiv but is down to 39.5 because of several deaths. Any suggestions on getting him to use chiv?

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
I trained my CU to 5 slots and gave him legendary chiv. He does not use the skill at all. No gains. He started with 40 chiv but is down to 39.5 because of several deaths. Any suggestions on getting him to use chiv?
Did you add other magic?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As McDougle asked, you did add another magic that overwrote Chivalry. You have a Poison Cu.

Kill it and build another with just 1 magic.