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NEWS UO New Legacy Beta Weekend #4: Now Open!


Crazed Zealot
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Nice, I may be able to get a little play time in. I feel so behind though..

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
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Nice, I may be able to get a little play time in. I feel so behind though..
That's OK - I haven't GM'd my mage skills yet, so just running back and forth to the dungeon killing things so I can eventually enter the next level of activities - I believe the test shard is going to go on quite a while, though, so just taking it as I can - whatever, we will have to start over again anyway when NL goes live :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I GM'ed all my Mage Skills doing the quests under the Mage Story Line. I was then sent to kill the Orc Champion which I did and got the msg that it was completed and got a new quest to go back to the ship and speak to the Captain. I went through the gate and back on the ship, but I could not walk away from the gate to speak to the captain. I teleported next to him but was not able to talk to him at all. No automatic dialog nor was I able to double click to start it. I'm now stuck and cannot continue the main mage story line. Any advice?


Crazed Zealot
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That's OK - I haven't GM'd my mage skills yet, so just running back and forth to the dungeon killing things so I can eventually enter the next level of activities - I believe the test shard is going to go on quite a while, though, so just taking it as I can - whatever, we will have to start over again anyway when NL goes live :)
Played a bit more got my skills almost to 70 so I can move up a bit. Quests are pretty repetitive and running out of reagents a lot.

though it’s partly my fault because i fell out of the habit of looting gold a long time ago


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Played a bit more got my skills almost to 70 so I can move up a bit. Quests are pretty repetitive and running out of reagents a lot.

though it’s partly my fault because i fell out of the habit of looting gold a long time ago
Mummies have some regs. Ya you have to loot to buy them until you can get to stuff that has regs. The Orc spawn mobs also have regs. Spiders will give you an abundance of webs.

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
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Let me ask you mages that have GM’d all skills - I started on the story line and am now almost all 80s - is there anything I should be doing now besides these quests for 4 skill points each (which means I have 25 quests to go at this rate before GM x 5)?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Let me ask you mages that have GM’d all skills - I started on the story line and am now almost all 80s - is there anything I should be doing now besides these quests for 4 skill points each (which means I have 25 quests to go at this rate before GM x 5)?
Just do that. I think I have a blade spirit scroll if you need one. Call out in chat. I'm doing mining and BODs for my smith skills. I have a lot of free time while the guy is doing those things.

I can hook you up with some recall spots so you travel faster.

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
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Thanks - I've been looting gold as I go so I've had plenty to buy scrolls from the player vendors, including mark, recall, blade spirit, invisibility and so forth (can't find dispel yet to get rid of those blade spirits
There also seems to be plenty of gold for reagents, so have never come close to running out
I have mixed thoughts on this method of gaining.
I know the developers are trying to come out with an alternative to macroing
But the thing about macroing is you could watch a movie or something while you were doing it and still get that dopamine jolt when you gained
This running back and forth on 50 quests requires your attention and is really repetitive and somehow doesn't give the same jolt
I just wonder how many new players are going to put up with it
I guess that's why they put in the alternative method of gaining through fighting
I haven't done that. I'll try that on my next character and see if it's any more appealing


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Let me ask you mages that have GM’d all skills - I started on the story line and am now almost all 80s - is there anything I should be doing now besides these quests for 4 skill points each (which means I have 25 quests to go at this rate before GM x 5)?
Also get two quests at a time if in same dungeon - like destroy 5 webs and 15 wolfs - you can do the two quests concurrently saving running back and forth. Also the Mummies are best prey although there is no quests for killing them. They drop 30 regs and 250ish gold plus bandies, potions, seeds, armor, jewels - every little bit helps in this new world:)


Crazed Zealot
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Thanks - I've been looting gold as I go so I've had plenty to buy scrolls from the player vendors, including mark, recall, blade spirit, invisibility and so forth (can't find dispel yet to get rid of those blade spirits
There also seems to be plenty of gold for reagents, so have never come close to running out
I have mixed thoughts on this method of gaining.
I know the developers are trying to come out with an alternative to macroing
But the thing about macroing is you could watch a movie or something while you were doing it and still get that dopamine jolt when you gained
This running back and forth on 50 quests requires your attention and is really repetitive and somehow doesn't give the same jolt
I just wonder how many new players are going to put up with it
I guess that's why they put in the alternative method of gaining through fighting
I haven't done that. I'll try that on my next character and see if it's any more appealing
Yeah, I’m not sure how I feel about this system. I like that it’s new and different, but spending hours going back and forth doing the same tasks isn’t fun.

I think I played a couple hours and my skills only went up 10 points each even doing three quests at a time. To 70 nonetheless.

Im not sure if I want to try the other path since I haven’t put much time into this one.

snagging a blade spirits scroll helped, along with a rune book.


Crazed Zealot
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Also get two quests at a time if in same dungeon - like destroy 5 webs and 15 wolfs - you can do the two quests concurrently saving running back and forth. Also the Mummies are best prey although there is no quests for killing them. They drop 30 regs and 250ish gold plus bandies, potions, seeds, armor, jewels - every little bit helps in this new world:)
can you sell armor and gear anywhere? And gemstones?

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
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Also get two quests at a time if in same dungeon - like destroy 5 webs and 15 wolfs - you can do the two quests concurrently saving running back and forth. Also the Mummies are best prey although there is no quests for killing them. They drop 30 regs and 250ish gold plus bandies, potions, seeds, armor, jewels - every little bit helps in this new world:)
That’s a good idea doubling up quests, thanks

R Traveler

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
While digging snow pile it de-spawned and I can't dig any other, even tried logout, cant cancel quest to take other. :twak:
Tried to cross serverline (public gate vesper-brit-moonglow) - nothing help

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I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think the lack of Regs will not be an issue for long. You can grow them as crops. But since we can not tend them every day yet, they are not growing correctly.

While I was posting all the plants in the field just reverted to smaller versions of the plants, So I doubt we will get to see the end result of farmiing.

The pet bonding timer shows down to the minutes left for bonding, and when the time is ready it shows:


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
While digging snow pile it de-spawned and I can't dig any other, even tried logout, cant cancel quest to take other. :twak:
Tried to cross serverline (public gate vesper-brit-moonglow) - nothing help

View attachment 156140
Anyone having weird issues like this one:

Page a GM and put whats wrong and they will fix it. I had them fix an issue for me while I was afk.

R Traveler

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Anyone having weird issues like this one:

Page a GM and put whats wrong and they will fix it. I had them fix an issue for me while I was afk.
Paged, can't wait too long, hope they can fix it while Im offline?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I had a weird issue. I sent 2 guys to do a quest, on the way back, one guy went invis to himself and couldn't move.
My other account could see him.

Here is what each account saw.


I logged off and on and could see myself and move again.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I found someone who can enhance. Gave him my 2 best weapons and he made:

You find a decent looted weapon.
A smith needs to repair your item first.
Then have someone use 5 Congius at the Lyceum.
Right now they have built up to Silver and demon on the tower.
That crafter then enhances your weapon.

So while your crafter is low skill, buy Congius from the BOD rewards so you can do this later.

1723946508453.png 1723946555264.png

Nothing for armor yet.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Hardening was the highest armor for a while. Now fortification. ill show a pick of both. All the plate items have same resist depending on the level. Meaning head, gloves etc have same stats. Hardening has DCI of 2% added. Fortification has 1 more of each resist and has DCI 4%.

So a suit of all Defense would have all 70 except for Energy Resist which would be 54 if math math is good.

A suit of Fortification would give all 70s.

1723954621140.png 1723954742777.png

The boss drops now are this color because of the Lyceum tower.
Plate helm took me a while to find so I got one of Fortification.

Resists and stats with all armor Hardness and the Helm of Fortification.

I got some of Defense pieces from bosses and from an Ogre Lord.

Rings and bracelets now have up to 6 on stats.


Necklaces and Talis are from Boss drops or quests. Mine is crap.

This system sounds more complicated than I was hoping for.
I may make things sound complicated.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ill show pics of the armor types I have kept. So you can compare armor types. All the pieces of a type have the same stats.

Plate has more armor stamina protection, my Helm is lower than an actual Plate helm.

@PlayerSkillFTW or someone needs to tell us what that means. Stamina protection.

Studded, Ringmail and Chainmail are same as Plate.
1723956098360.png 1723956241948.png 1723958074444.png

Leather is not as strong. Arcane and leather are the same. Bone same as Leather.

1723958186137.png 1723961609148.png
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I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Some random things.

The loot table power went up from the Lyceum tonight so Fortification and Power are now dropping.


Pretty sweet. A poster gave that to me since I am a Macer. Ill try to get it enhanced tomorrow.
He said he got it from a normal Mob in Deceit. So that is nice.

I think this is a drop from the Ice Boss, maybe this is what we will need when it is cold.
Same stats as normal. It is Arcane leather.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is my Mage with all hardening Arcane Leather:


Someone gave me a crafted 30% spell book. They said they made a 40 but they are not 100 skill yet.

Not sure if those also increase as Lyceum does.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did Crimson Dragon, well tried. This is all I got, two pictures and lots of death. 7 of us there. He hit 100 damage on me..

They kill him during the day.



DreadLord Lestat

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Armor of Invulnerability today

View attachment 156172
It looks like they merged the traditional armor with AOS armor? It doesn't seem like it may be as convoluted as the current AOS armor is. If you get another Bone Arms of Invulnerability, will it be identical stats? If so, it may not be so bad. If they are all different every time, then it is just AOS stuff with different names. Which is it? I am very curious.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It looks like they merged the traditional armor with AOS armor? It doesn't seem like it may be as convoluted as the current AOS armor is. If you get another Bone Arms of Invulnerability, will it be identical stats? If so, it may not be so bad. If they are all different every time, then it is just AOS stuff with different names. Which is it? I am very curious.
Yes all the pieces of the same type have the same stats. Yes so far armor will be like that, more resists and more DCI as it progresses.

So far you can not enhance armor, only weapons.

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
It looks like they merged the traditional armor with AOS armor? It doesn't seem like it may be as convoluted as the current AOS armor is. If you get another Bone Arms of Invulnerability, will it be identical stats? If so, it may not be so bad. If they are all different every time, then it is just AOS stuff with different names. Which is it? I am very curious.
You would think that would be a good thing, where the best loot isn't really that much better than basic loot. I'm pretty sure that I have written on that before. But, in true Broadsword fashion, they half-assed it and made everything essentially blessed and have 250 durability so in the first month, people will be throwing the best gear on the ground at the bank. Why not just give everyone the best gear in game to start and make it blessed and unbreakable? It's like they created a super Trammel. I'm sure lots of people will think that's awesome... for a few weeks.


This is my Mage with all hardening Arcane Leather:

View attachment 156163

Someone gave me a crafted 30% spell book. They said they made a 40 but they are not 100 skill yet.

Not sure if those also increase as Lyceum does.

Haha. That was me. The spell book and the hammer pick. I was 80 skill and able to craft +40 book after 20-30 tries.


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
Arctos is a white Cu you can get a lure from the Icemancer and he spawns near him with snow eles.



I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
Wasn't it the case that in early UO you could enjoy the game without a spreadsheet? As I said before, I was hoping for less complexity and more simplicity in the gear system.
In a few weeks of going live, Everything will be the max stats versions. All we will need is a crafter to add things to weapons.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
New players get the armor level that is available on the shard when they finish their quests.

So my armor was just plain because that was the level of the shard.

If you started today you would get invulnerable armor when you finish.

Allows a new player to be equal to everyone else very fast.

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
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New players get the armor level that is available on the shard when they finish their quests.

So my armor was just plain because that was the level of the shard.

If you started today you would get invulnerable armor when you finish.

Allows a new player to be equal to everyone else very fast.
Yep, I finished my Fighter yesterday and his suit was all Invulnerability and his sword was Supremely Accurate of Vanquishing (longsword) and it cannot be enhanced to add slayer/area effect.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Yep, I finished my Fighter yesterday and his suit was all Invulnerability and his sword was Supremely Accurate of Vanquishing (longsword) and it cannot be enhanced to add slayer/area effect.
What value would any NL gear have on production shard?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yep, I finished my Fighter yesterday and his suit was all Invulnerability and his sword was Supremely Accurate of Vanquishing (longsword) and it cannot be enhanced to add slayer/area effect.
Also the Arctic vest reward from the Icemancer changes its armor level based on the shard. The photo above is from a vendor when we were up to hardening. The one I got yesterday was Invulnerable.

It is so a new to NL player will be able to keep up and the drops are improved based on the shard level. The drops will not be set to a time period like they are in UO, they advance.

DreadLord Lestat

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Yep, I finished my Fighter yesterday and his suit was all Invulnerability and his sword was Supremely Accurate of Vanquishing (longsword) and it cannot be enhanced to add slayer/area effect.
That seems like easy mode. Invulnerability and Vanquish were hard to get and they are being given from starting quests? Hoping there is no insurance or there is no real need to change out gear after quests. A lot of the fun was using wand or item id on your unidentified stuff and seeing what you got.

I understand one of the concepts of this shard is to make it so newer players can compete with veterans but that seems too easy. I miss the days where there was no insurance. If you died, you went and got gm armor which was good or you hit your chests looking for magic armor. Almost all was easily replacable aside from vanquish and invul stuff. It wasn't about the suit, it was about the player. Is NL anything like that? If it is, I may end up trying it after all.

DreadLord Lestat

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IMO they shouldn't have any value, But I am not in charge of what can be brought to prodo shards.
I thought I remembered them saying that only the characters would transfer, nothing else would. I may be very wrong and they could have changed it as well.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I thought I remembered them saying that only the characters would transfer, nothing else would. I may be very wrong and they could have changed it as well.
Yup Mesanna does just make up stuff on the fly. Someone asked about wanting to bring things back and she said yes you can.

But, we wont know exactly what until its live and feedback from that is taken or changed.

I would be happy if we brought back a naked toon with the skills and only the sash that you can put rewards on.

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That seems like easy mode. Invulnerability and Vanquish were hard to get and they are being given from starting quests? Hoping there is no insurance or there is no real need to change out gear after quests. A lot of the fun was using wand or item id on your unidentified stuff and seeing what you got.

I understand one of the concepts of this shard is to make it so newer players can compete with veterans but that seems too easy. I miss the days where there was no insurance. If you died, you went and got gm armor which was good or you hit your chests looking for magic armor. Almost all was easily replacable aside from vanquish and invul stuff. It wasn't about the suit, it was about the player. Is NL anything like that? If it is, I may end up trying it after all.
you do not lose your equipped gear on death, but regs and unequipped/un-blessed items drop to your corpse (If I am remembering that correctly) as to the GM crafted part, they haven't fully implemented it but a GM Crafter is the only way to get Mods like area affect and slayer on weapons. There were no mods for armor (yet) I assume looted gear will have only accuracy and durability/AR and only crafters can make it better.

Yup Mesanna does just make up stuff on the fly. Someone asked about wanting to bring things back and she said yes you can.

But, we wont know exactly what until its live and feedback from that is taken or changed.

I would be happy if we brought back a naked toon with the skills and only the sash that you can put rewards on.
My opinion, any Titles/awards sashes/aprons/epaulets and Skills should be all that is allowed.

What value would any NL gear have on production shard?
Hopefully none as @Pawain stated, you shouldn't bea able to bring much of anything in my opinion.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I use the old school method of running back to my body naked. Your worn items are in your backpack, but if you don't put them back on and get res killed quickly, you res with nothing but blessed items in your pack. So you have to go to two bodies to get all of it.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
is this thing tamable?
You get a lure from the icemancer by the Ice Feinds as a drop. Then you can feed it to Arctos and you have about a minute to tame it.

The special pets require a lure from a boss.

If you try to tame w/o a lure they eat you.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ill show pics of the armor types I have kept. So you can compare armor types. All the pieces of a type have the same stats.

Plate has more armor stamina protection, my Helm is lower than an actual Plate helm.

@PlayerSkillFTW or someone needs to tell us what that means. Stamina protection.

Studded, Ringmail and Chainmail are same as Plate.
In terms of Stamina Protection for non-meddable Armor, it's Studded < Ringmail < Chainmail < Platemail. Warriors can wear full Platemail with no problem, but Rangers that don't have GM Resist, can have their STR drop so much when hit with Weaken/Curse that Platemail Tunic/Legs will drop into their pack. Rangers are best off wearing a mixture of Chainmail Tunic/Leggings, with Platemail Arms/Gloves/Helm, so basically the good ol' "Heavy Archer Suit". There's no real point in wearing Studded or Ringmail instead of Chainmail/Platemail.

100% Stamina Protection appears to protect you from taking any Stamina damage upon being hit, until you drop below a certain % of health, then you'll start to lose Stamina.

You get a lure from the icemancer by the Ice Feinds as a drop. Then you can feed it to Arctos and you have about a minute to tame it.

The special pets require a lure from a boss.

If you try to tame w/o a lure they eat you.
Was that you on "Allen the Troll" Sunday night, trying to get back to your corpse in Ice Dungeon after blowing a lure on Arctos? I'm the one that ended up taming that Arctos. If i get another Lure for him before you do, i'll give the lure to you.