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Open Beta is LIVE!


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Another impression: I just spent 45 minutes stumbling around Trinsic Passage looking for 8 zombies to kill - could only find and kill 6 before time ran out - frankly, I really wonder how many players are going to have the patience for this new game - I'll keep at it because I'm stubborn and have already achieved my goals in UO - but for most players, I have to wonder why play it all when UO is so much better designed and more fun? This has nowhere near the fun I had starting new characters from scratch in UO
I'm not here to criticize, but to respectfully critique. This explains the issue I've had. As a mage we don't have many of the much needed spells, we don't have the resists. In addition it is very hard to keep a supply of regs to even cast spells. Regs are 10 g, wool can be sold at provisioner for 1g. It would take 10 bales of wool for ONE reg. Any advice or tips would be welcome. I did create a crafter simply to make gold, both characters used the same bank account, so I was able to spend some gold on regs, however 20 cost 200g. Also made the mistake of sending a supple of regs to the resource pack and those cannot be used to cast spells. I realize this is Beta and our feedback is used to perfect the game. I am waiting for this next weekend to play again.


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
@Paiwain, you got so much farther than I did - makes me wonder, when test resumes next weekend, will our characters still be there or start over?
I don't know. They wiped the Alpha players for this. It depends if they want us to test a different part of NL this weekend. There was a mountain range that blocked access from going from Trinsic to other places by land, not sure if that will be there next week.

I fed my pets in case they stay.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I played for an hour or so. Hell, I even subbed 3 months. After an hour of running around doing pointless quests, I turned that off and deleted my updated client. Enjoy my $30 Broadsword, you'll probably never have to see me again.
I wish you would give it another try. Since this is Beta many of these issues may be corrected when NL is released. I found it to be difficult and not understanding a lot also, but that is how I learn. Also by reading other's suggestions helps. Try it again next weekend. Give your feedback and see if NL ends up being a great game for you.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As a mage we don't have many of the much needed spells, we don't have the resists.
I dont know where the mages were sent after Occlo, but in trinsic there are few regs on the ground. I did grab as many regs from mobs as I could. You can get 5 webs per spider. They should put 5 regs of a type on mobs that are common so you can get them from killing stuff which they may have and we are not seeing all the mobs yet.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wish you would give it another try. Since this is Beta many of these issues may be corrected when NL is released. I found it to be difficult and not understanding a lot also, but that is how I learn. Also by reading other's suggestions helps. Try it again next weekend. Give your feedback and see if NL ends up being a great game for you.
Some posters can not see the big picture. We can get GM in all of our skills in a few hours, depending upon your gaming style. After that, you have no reason to do these quests unless you want to contribute to the cities defenses.

I can bear doing the same thing over and over for a few hours in exchange of do the same thing over and over for weeks like you would have to do now if you are increasing a skill without mastery aid or a token. I still have no toon with 120 parry after 25 years.

I mean. how many times have I done Medusa, Dreadhorn and Lady Mel for nothing but entertainment.


Babbling Loonie
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I usually play a mage but I went warrior for the beta weekend, I honestly don't think I can go back to using regs now, that's maybe the thing that bothers me the most as I really prefer mage.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I usually play a mage but I went warrior for the beta weekend, I honestly don't think I can go back to using regs now, that's maybe the thing that bothers me the most as I really prefer mage.
Didn't you say you preferred UO before all the stats on stuff?

There will most likely be mobs to kill that drop 5 or more of each type, since they are not plentiful on the ground.

If running out of reagents is a large issue, they will have to address it.

Ill be making a Mage this weekend. The bad thing I experienced was when they got to Blade Spirits. Thats was horrible on the last day in Trinsic pass. A tiny area with slow spawn and 5 BS spinning all over the place killing everything.


Babbling Loonie
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Yes I did prefer the game as a whole before AoS but I played as a warrior until AoS then as a paladin. I didn't play a mage until we had LRC suits, it's just been too long now since we had LRC for me to go back to carrying a ton of regs, I'm not sure anyone would look forward to having to buy/gather regs any more.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes I did prefer the game as a whole before AoS but I played as a warrior until AoS then as a paladin. I didn't play a mage until we had LRC suits, it's just been too long now since we had LRC for me to go back to carrying a ton of regs, I'm not sure anyone would look forward to having to buy/gather regs any more.
I agree. But I also like suits with stats. So, NL is not set up the way I wanted. But I had fun and it sounds like I will have fun again this weekend.

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
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I'm not here to criticize, but to respectfully critique. This explains the issue I've had. As a mage we don't have many of the much needed spells, we don't have the resists. In addition it is very hard to keep a supply of regs to even cast spells. Regs are 10 g, wool can be sold at provisioner for 1g. It would take 10 bales of wool for ONE reg. Any advice or tips would be welcome. I did create a crafter simply to make gold, both characters used the same bank account, so I was able to spend some gold on regs, however 20 cost 200g. Also made the mistake of sending a supple of regs to the resource pack and those cannot be used to cast spells. I realize this is Beta and our feedback is used to perfect the game. I am waiting for this next weekend to play again.
I hope they change that system. One of my favorite activities in UO was creating a new mage character and gathering reagents off the ground around New Haven to cast spells - first lightning, then blade spirits, and on up the spell ladder. Or I would run back to the bank and sell the loot off the ettins I killed for more reagents. Never a problem making enough gold for the reagents until I finally had an LRC suit. I loved that sense of progression.

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
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Some posters can not see the big picture. We can get GM in all of our skills in a few hours, depending upon your gaming style. After that, you have no reason to do these quests unless you want to contribute to the cities defenses.

I can bear doing the same thing over and over for a few hours in exchange of do the same thing over and over for weeks like you would have to do now if you are increasing a skill without mastery aid or a token. I still have no toon with 120 parry after 25 years.

I mean. how many times have I done Medusa, Dreadhorn and Lady Mel for nothing but entertainment.
Big picture question - in UO, GM skills are nothing - gotta go Legendary to accomplish anything meaningful - so what is the road from GM to Legendary in New Legacy?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Big picture question - in UO, GM skills are nothing - gotta go Legendary to accomplish anything meaningful - so what is the road from GM to Legendary in New Legacy?
This could change but I doubt it. There are no power scrolls in NL. Just like in early UO.

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
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This could change but I doubt it. There are no power scrolls in NL. Just like in early UO.
Well, you're not going be taming some of things you tamed in UO with GM taming, unless they change the whole formula in NL - guess we'll see


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, you're not going be taming some of things you tamed in UO with GM taming, unless they change the whole formula in NL - guess we'll see
They are using 2 Platinum and Crimson Drakes in this world. We are limited to the things they want us to test.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Patron
By making you walk long distances they can make you waste time. This way they can increase the game play time artificially without adding new content.

Talk to someone: 5 seconds.
Walk to the location: 5 minutes
Talk to someone else: 5 seconds
Walk back: 5 minutes
Talk the first guy: 5 seconds.
Game play time: 10 minutes 15 seconds.
Actual game played: 15 seconds.
You know you’re not forced to play right?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Patron
I dont know where the mages were sent after Occlo, but in trinsic there are few regs on the ground. I did grab as many regs from mobs as I could. You can get 5 webs per spider. They should put 5 regs of a type on mobs that are common so you can get them from killing stuff which they may have and we are not seeing all the mobs yet.
I played for about an hour because that’s all the time I had available. But after Occlo, it sent me to moon glow.

I liked it because it was new and something to do. I hope it opens up into a little more of a sandbox game after the quests. Unfortunately I won’t have much time to play this weekend either if they open it up.

regardless I had no issues with reagents, and spellbooks progressed as you continued on.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
regardless I had no issues with reagents, and spellbooks progressed as you continued on.
The regs become a problem when you're on Dagger Island trying to do a daily in Deceit and die with a 60s Magery Template and only heal to cast when you do get your regs.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
The regs become a problem when you're on Dagger Island trying to do a daily in Deceit and die with a 60s Magery Template and only heal to cast when you do get your regs.
hehe done that, went all the way back to Moonglow to buy more reagents, ran back, on foot because I no longer had enough gold to buy another horse, ran past everything till I got to my body and looted it. Bodies last a LOT longer on NL - 2 hours according to the FAQ that was posted. There are difficulties, but don't you feel as if you've achieved something when you overcome them and succeed in what you attempted? I did.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Patron
The regs become a problem when you're on Dagger Island trying to do a daily in Deceit and die with a 60s Magery Template and only heal to cast when you do get your regs.
this is good to know, thank you.
Ill try to make sure I stock up if I get another chance at it

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
I'm looking forward to the time I have a high enough inscription bod to get the reagent belt. 10 of each reg 'insured' as long as you're actually wearing the belt and don't run out of regs in your back pack.