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NEWS [UO.Com] New Legacy Beta Test Weekend #1


Stratics Veteran
No stealing... I'm out.
I remember them saying this was going to bring in new players and other garbage during the live stream some years ago. I was laughing then and I'm still laughing now :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Everything is dark for me. Dark nights isn't checked, any suggestions?


looks like you can craft an autoloom... not sure if it's the same as the vet reward one or not as I'm still wrapping up GM carpentry quests:


Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
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I see @Pawain tooling along with a warrior. Anybody using a mage? I haven't started yet (patch just crashed and have to restart) but wonder which would be the smoother experience?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I see @Pawain tooling along with a warrior. Anybody using a mage? I haven't started yet (patch just crashed and have to restart) but wonder which would be the smoother experience?
If I get this guy to 100 this weekend Ill do a Mage Next. Lots are using a mage now. But they have to build up from scratch.

Pawain was my first toon, he is a warrior.
Ill name my Mage Allen, like he is on LS.

Have fun!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Pawain, when you keep talking about Item IDing everything, does that skill work independently of the new system? How did you skill it up?

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
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So after Day One, my character is a warrior with 60s skills, doing the Trinsic quests
Question: is it the case that you only get skill increases from completing quests?
If so, does that mean there is no incentive to kill anything extra?
I've never played a game where there is no reward at all for extra kills - if so, it feels weird
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Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
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Adding to my first impression - I don't know how many new players are going to make through the initial half dozen quests where all you do is just run from place to place for gold. I could see building up your gold for what might come next, but there must be a better way to start off a game with a little more sense of immersion.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pawain, when you keep talking about Item IDing everything, does that skill work independently of the new system? How did you skill it up?
It is free at 100 for this cycle.


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
So after reaching all 70 and you could turn in the quest from the warrior guildmaster, does he just give you the next quest to reach all 80 and you have to do dailies again?
Yup till 100.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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I see @Pawain tooling along with a warrior. Anybody using a mage? I haven't started yet (patch just crashed and have to restart) but wonder which would be the smoother experience?


Mages are okay, regs are the issue. You get some as you go through the quests but you WILL have to buy/gather A LOT.


Stratics Veteran
I remember them saying this was going to bring in new players and other garbage during the live stream some years ago. I was laughing then and I'm still laughing now :)
It is going to bring new players alright... New players to other games... People quitting UO :p

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
It is going to bring new players alright... New players to other games... People quitting UO :p
LMAO Banned from the official forum so you jump here to spread your bull crap. What is priceless is he/she/it is a paying customer.


Stratics Veteran
LMAO Banned from the official forum so you jump here to spread your bull crap. What is priceless is he/she/it is a paying customer.
I get banned all the time. Do you think I was somewhat eager to stay on the forums but I got banned? See the attached screenshot of a ticket I created with the official support. I created probably 100+ tickets with UO support like this in the last year alone. S..t talking UO devs is my favorite past time. There are days I get 5-6 accounts banned permanently from the game because I am bored.

This is the 4th or 5th time I am getting banned from the official forums. So it is nothing new. This time I got banned because of the following exchange:

Me: Broadsword should fire @Mesanna and @Kyronix then hire HotRide. Think about it, this guy, alone and single-handedly, created the best version of UO all by himself at his free time in the weekends. He did all of this without even reading the original or current code for the game. He did all of it by himself by looking at the assembly code and the binary packages between the server and the client. He can do a lot better job than @Mesanna and @Kyronix for a lot cheaper. They should fire them and hire HotRide.
Kyronix: You need to lower the temperature of your posts. You are free to express opinions but if you make it personal about me or any member of the staff it's a TOS violation and you'll be actioned. Thanks.
Me: Go f..k yourself.

This is why I was banned this time. I have no idea why you are making a big deal out of it?

Edit: Ahhh, I see what is going on. After banning me, Kyronix went over my post history and deleted my comments that he did not like. This is why you dont see it on the forums anymore.


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Stratics Veteran
It seems that a lot of people don't understand that Hotride stopped playing UO and development on his client years ago. No one is going to be working with Hotride.


Stratics Veteran
It seems that a lot of people don't understand that Hotride stopped playing UO and development on his client years ago. No one is going to be working with Hotride.
HotRide stopped developing OrionUO but he is still working as a software engineer. I am an acquaintance with his friend. He is struggling financially so I tried to buy the latest source code of OrionUO from him but he was not interested.


Stratics Veteran
I wonder why.
I am assuming you know nothing about engineering. I am actually assuming you know nothing other than being @Mesanna's puppet. OrionUO is his baby. He spent close to a decade making it, working on it, polishing it, etc. Out of nowhere comes a guy that asks to take over his baby. When I asked I did not expect him to say yes. But, I am a huge believer you should always ask what you want. It is others job to tell you no, not yours to tell yourself no.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Made it to GM! The armor you get has the same stats throughout. I decided to play with that armor.
The difference is stamina protection. Plate has 100.


Your stats go up as you progress.

I was able to get to GM with those resists.

I used 3 macros. Last object, Bandage self, and Select nearest Mob- Attack selected. I did not put my weapon special on a macro because it takes 10 mana and I have 12 as u see. So, not many chances to use a special.

Next Ill try to find better armor.

Took me 2 years to get 1 skill to GM in '97 up.


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
When you get a quest line that will continue like the ones from the Guildmaster.

You can leave this window open in an out of they way spot and it will advance automatically as you advance.
Easier to read directions while fighting.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I only got my skills to 60-70 I had a lot of trouble with the quests and my sense of direction is non-existent...that's why I needed my husband to play! :rolleyes:


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I only got my skills to 60-70 I had a lot of trouble with the quests and my sense of direction is non-existent...that's why I needed my husband to play! :rolleyes:
I asked for 2 days where stuff was and I only went to 4 places. :lol: And there is a giant wall outside of Trinsic so you cant run very far in the wrong direction. Next week Ill probably be lost again.
Yes I do get lost in the woods in RL.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
I couldn't find the brigand camp, I ran around outside Trinsic for over 30 minutes and just never found it.... It didn't help that the quest text said it was on ice island and at first I tried to get there but the moongates didn't go there.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I couldn't find the brigand camp, I ran around outside Trinsic for over 30 minutes and just never found it.... It didn't help that the quest text said it was on ice island and at first I tried to get there but the moongates didn't go there.
Yup I posted that issue. It caused many questions in chat.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Made it to GM!
I don't think, I can pull this off on a BETA throwaway character.
IMHO they really need to improve the daily quests. This "ride to location, do the quest, ride/recall back to town, get new quest" really gets old too fast. One way to solve it, would be that you pick up whole questlines at the bulletin board, consisting of 3-6 individual quests (i.e. quest 1 "meet with caravan", quest 2 "escort caravan", quest 3 "get ambushed/defend caravan", quest 4 "ambushers stole crates, get them back" etc...). That would eliminate lots of travel times, as the followup quest starts at the location, where the previous left off and you would only have to go back to town, once you finished the whole questline.
Probably worth posting on the official forums, if I would have a paid account :p

Took me 2 years to get 1 skill to GM in '97 up.
Yeah, I really appreciate the quest system, because you have to play the actual game instead of just macroing the hell out of it or buying a token. Plus you get reliable and meaningful gains and don't have to pray RNG doesn't hate you.
It just needs to be improved/tweaked a bit to make quests more fun (i.e. streamlining travel times etc.).


Stratics Veteran
This "ride to location, do the quest, ride/recall back to town, get new quest" really gets old too fast
They dont have enough content. They create this artificial lock, in form of riding somewhere far away or waiting for a timer, to artificially increase the game play time. If they did not have these, you would be done with all of NL in a single day.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I did the end of the skill gain quests. It ends with a Champ Spawn to Kill a Giant Orc.
I was alone for a long time. After many calls in chat, some nice players came to help. Took almost 2 hours to finish.

Some pics of it. Remember, I have those stats above. My weapon has 20 DI but that's all.
Im on foot because the boss dismounts. A couple show how messed up dark night is. I have nightsight on.

1722223039318.png 1722223077383.png 1722223107003.png 1722223176822.png 1722223200077.png

Da Boss. He swings that club.


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
After you beat the Boss you get a new set of armor. This one has resists!
Then you can add more skills to your template. You can choose Bard in this test cycle, but you lose Parry and Focus. If you choose Taming you lose Healing. I may do one of those later, but now Im gonna try to find better items.


Violet gave me an Ostard that matches.
1722223752968.png 1722223790466.png

Resists. But notice, no added stats. No Leeches on weapons etc.



I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh I forgot, A more pressing issue. You earn house placement when you finish this point.

Im a tiny Home owner! You place in a clearing outside your city that you did quests from.


You have to keep doing quests for your city to keep your home.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I get banned all the time. Do you think I was somewhat eager to stay on the forums but I got banned? See the attached screenshot of a ticket I created with the official support. I created probably 100+ tickets with UO support like this in the last year alone. S..t talking UO devs is my favorite past time. There are days I get 5-6 accounts banned permanently from the game because I am bored.
Just going to offer this link for you lol

Seriously though, you know they aren't going to do what you want with the game, why bother? I guess if you have done it for year after year, why not...but seems like there are plenty of newly developed games you could enjoy instead :p?

But yeah, IDK, IMHO NL is definitely not what I wanted to see, either...I guess it will be interesting to see how it changes or if it even succeeds as a feature


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
You have to keep doing quests for your city to keep your home.
View attachment 155710
That's kind of intense, I guess a month isn't too bad :p

What's the overall vibe, or Publish feel? I see HP is way more than it would have been Pub 16 but the items are all Pre-AOS? Does Magic Resist operate like old school resist, or is it the new resist? I am looking over the FAQ and don't see too much about skills except what skills you can't use. Seems like it is a mix of different timelines.

From FAQ:
Player vs. Player combat is restricted to guilds that have opted in to the Vice vs. Virtue system at the time of guild creation. After a guild is created, the guild cannot join Vice vs. Virtue. Guilds can still participate in guild wars for open world PvP.
There's no PKs, then? Weird.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I found this. Players were asking about maps for other cities. So, there are ways to get more maps.
These in Moonglow.

You can do farming in NL. Not sure if active yet.
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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Oh I forgot, A more pressing issue. You earn house placement when you finish this point.

Im a tiny Home owner! You place in a clearing outside your city that you did quests from.

View attachment 155709

You have to keep doing quests for your city to keep your home.
View attachment 155710
Not a fan of the huge blank area TBH. Is it pre-designed spots? Were you forced into a small home? Did you have to pay gold for it? I'm wondering how tight the gold is. Magery has to buy regs. Especially if you die.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not a fan of the huge blank area TBH. Is it pre-designed spots? Were you forced into a small home? Did you have to pay gold for it? I'm wondering how tight the gold is. Magery has to buy regs. Especially if you die.
Yes just small homes like in pic, only 10k or so maybe 30k.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The farm quest:

The quest line ends here for this test cycle.


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
You can buy for 5GP each from healer or provisioner.

You can make your own, but it is very different.

Wool is very expensive at the tailor. 108gp each. Tailor wont buy the wool.

I shear sheep with a blade. The wool goes into your backpack.

You can put in an autoloom to make cloth.


When you do this the cloth goes into your resource pack that you can see from your resource pack.

You can not remove things from this. When you skin an animal the items go into it.
I cant resist killing turkeys and other birds and skinning them.
See those and the cloth I made:

Now you use a sewing kit that you can buy or make.
Under Miscellaneous you see.

Make maximum. It makes 1 bandage per 2 cloth. 0 skill required. It uses the cloth in your resource pack.


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
The items are old crap stuff, here are examples of the best I found.

1722231968487.png 1722231996477.png 1722232044059.png 1722232099263.png 1722232551331.png

1722232131710.png 1722232162009.png 1722232197985.png

I saw no gorgets.


1722232252168.png 1722232305440.png 1722232335807.png 1722232403568.png


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are swamp dragons, Someone gave me one, Thanks whoever. requires more than 75 taming so not many around yet.


Met Max.