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NEWS [UO.Com] Publish 117 Updates

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Good Afternoon everyone, I wanted to get everyone up to date with the Publish of 117 and the New Legacy Beta Publish. We had published an update to 117 which caused some unexpected results that resulted in some necessary reverts. As far as the return of the items purchased with Sovereigns, please make sure you inform me or support. We are compiling a list of the Sovereigns that were involved in the revert and will be replacing the Sovereigns to your account that were used during the revert. Claims for missing sovereigns must be submitted by Tuesday, July 30th at […]

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Halister Marner

Slightly Crazed
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Crossing fingers items don’t fall all over the ground anymore besides the exploited tabards. That wasn’t pleasant.

Lord Ron Fellows

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Stratics Legend
It's mind boggling that they couldn't post a blurb about it yesterday while people were experiencing reverts. Again, just the little things make a huge difference for the community that they constantly miss the mark on.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
It's mind boggling that they couldn't post a blurb about it yesterday while people were experiencing reverts. Again, just the little things make a huge difference for the community that they constantly miss the mark on.
They did the right thing by focusing on a fix and telling you later. What you are saying as we have incoming on our position that we should tell everybody what is going on, NO you take care of the incoming first then tell everyone.

Lord Ron Fellows

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They did the right thing by focusing on a fix and telling you later. What you are saying as we have incoming on our position that we should tell everybody what is going on, NO you take care of the incoming first then tell everyone.
What was the community manager doing? I what was Mesanna doing? Were they both furiously re-coding to fix the situation?

Lord Ron Fellows

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are you talking about a problem that was fixed by days end? They must have been doing something.
I'm talking about the 12 hour reverts which is a huge deal. I saw that you weren't on yesterday via your reply on UO forums. I'm not asking for an essay describing the problem, just a blurb. "Hello Ultima Online! We know there is a problem with our latest patch and we will be troubleshooting. Please expect server instability and possible reverts until we figure this out." Then, "Our fixes have gone though and there will be no further disruptions." That took me 30 seconds to type.


I Hate Skilling
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I'm talking about the 12 hour reverts which is a huge deal. I saw that you weren't on yesterday via your reply on UO forums. I'm not asking for an essay describing the problem, just a blurb. "Hello Ultima Online! We know there is a problem with our latest patch and we will be troubleshooting. Please expect server instability and possible reverts until we figure this out." Then, "Our fixes have gone though and there will be no further disruptions." That took me 30 seconds to type.
So you need someone to tell you things you already know?

Like you said, I have not logged in for a couple of weeks but was aware of everything going on. No UO reps told me anything but somehow I knew. Weird huh.