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(RP) Vote Halister Marner For Moonglow Governor

Halister Marner

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For those who do not know of me, I am Halister Marner. As the owner and proprietor of the Grand Britannian Repertory library, I have created a vast catalog of over 3000 books spanning nearly 27 years. I am known for my tireless passion to save the history and memories of Atlantic.

Throughout my years as an original member of the Moonglow Town Council, to serving Lady Danica Amandine as a Knight of the Crux Ansata, to becoming a caretaker of the collected knowledge of Atlantic, I have always worked towards the betterment and recognition of those around me.

I promise to bring these qualities, qualifications, and passion, to the role of Moonglow governor.

As governor, I will:

* Retain the current trade deal with the Bardic Collegium. I will keep the stability of our current trade deal intact.

* Be available to assign titles and assist all citizens of Moonglow throughout many hours of day, all that must be done is to ask.

* Hold events throughout my tenure, including the famous festival of Finneas the Goatherd, a Moonglow tradition held in the early years of our shard’s history.

* Return the Moonglow Town Council to the isles, and build a strong group of councilmembers who will work alongside me to bring life to the city once more.

* Remove the remnants of the Council of Mages, a group that has long lost its way and serves only to suppress the population.

The city has been silent, the voice of the isle only a whimper behind the shouts of cities that echo greatness and demand attention.

Moonglow deserves a strong voice. It deserves activity, events, and a full town council of those who would contribute to the isle’s wellbeing. And to all who would rally behind me, it deserves you.


Halister Marner

Halister Marner

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You have my vote Hal. Is there an official poll ?
Hello my friend!

The elections run every 6 months, the current one is already over and I am the Governor of Moonglow for this term at least. I do appreciate your support though!