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[Price Check] Magic Moments Blessed Ring?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yes it's a Magic Moments ring. Since it isn't specific with a player's name and is more generic (which makes it more valuable), i would pricecheck it at a minimum of 150m and beyond that it would go as high as someone is willing to pay for the name. The "TO" with double caps might irk some people and cause them to pay a little less for it than they would if it wasn't like that.

Onixia The Paladin

I havent decided if I want to sell it. Was curious about its origins. Right now its on Sakura with a bunch of other idoc items. Will need to get it to Atlantic first.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
not all can be lockdown :eek:

1719297372747.png 1719297492304.png

can you lock your ring?

if yes and you can lock your ring
you could make auction
i think some ppl would like that:danceb::danceb:
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