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Help menu help


Does this menu do anything?
I have tried entering my problem and nothing happens:

When I cast the spell magic reflect it is reflecting the holy fist spell but it is not reflecting the damage.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I dont think the help menu fixes the game to your liking as soon as you type in something. Would be cool tho. I think the Balrons should drop 1 plat each, click send and done!

Or are you saying it does not open the web page? It opens your microsoft browser. Edge probably.
I dont know if you dont have edge if it then opens a different browser.

If the latter is the issue, here is the link to what opens.
Contact – Ultima Online (uo.com)


to my liking?
every other spell it reflects, it is reflecting the damage. It doesn't say anywhere in any wiki about this spell being an exception.


Wow! I've been playing this game for a while and have never used the reflect buff. I have thought it does nothing useful. But it sounds from this post that it reflects spells from mobs and also in PVP?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow! I've been playing this game for a while and have never used the reflect buff. I have thought it does nothing useful. But it sounds from this post that it reflects spells from mobs and also in PVP?
I have 0 inscription, 0 Magic resist and already have phy resist reduced by using Protection.
So it would not be great for me to use in PvM.

To get the full benefit you would need inscription and resist magic.

It was ok back before 2000. Pure mages were common. But now with high HP mobs, you reflect 20 damage back.

Try it on Imps and see if it can kill those.

Probably more used in PvP.

Magic Reflect:
Decreases caster’s Physical Resistance by (25 – (Inscription / 20)) points, increases caster’s Fire, Cold, Energy and Poison Resistance by 10 points each. Almost opposite of Reactive Armor spell.
Grants a Pool of Reflection power based off Magery, Inscription & Magic Resistance.
Spells will be reflected back to the caster until the pool is depleted. High level spells may break the reflect. There is a 30 second delay before the spell can be re-cast to replenish the pool.

to my liking?
every other spell it reflects, it is reflecting the damage. It doesn't say anywhere in any wiki about this spell being an exception.
It says High Level spells may break the effect. So maybe you have not tried all spells.


When the reflect is broken, it don’t reflect the spell and you still receive the spell damage but I am not receiving the spell damage so am for sure reflecting the spell. But the caster is for some reason not receiving the damage.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
When the reflect is broken, it don’t reflect the spell and you still receive the spell damage but I am not receiving the spell damage so am for sure reflecting the spell. But the caster is for some reason not receiving the damage.
Don't bother arguing with allen just report his trash replies


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Don't bother arguing with allen just report his trash replies
If you want to add something useful you could do due diligence and see if other non mage spells are reflected.

This spell was made before there were any other magics. Are necro, mystic spells reflected?

If so, then it may be a bug.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here is a post on this spell. Holy fist has been complained about for years. Odd I can't find where he mention this spell in this pretty in depth analysis. As you can see, some spells do not reflect.

Mervyn Posts: 2,208
May 2018 edited May 2018 Flag
Today, we will be talking about the best strategy to counteract magic reflect. Magic Reflect as we all know can have a pool of up to 100 if the caster is an inscribe mage, (60 with just 120 eval/magery) but what does this mean? If you're hit with a pool of damage, the spell will be reflected if the magic reflect pool is equal or greater to the spell pool, here are the current (undocumented) pools from what i can tell:

blood oath 40
corpse skin 30
evil omen necro/spirit speak skill dependant 50-70
mind rot 40
pain spike 20
poison strike 50
strangle 60
wither N/A

word of death 100

all magery spells = circle x 10, EG first level spells have a pool of 10.
meteor/chain lightning/EQ/mass curse NA
hit spell NA

netherbolt 10
purge magic: mysticism/focus/imbue skill dependant 20-60 (plus a chance to purge the spell anyway)
sleep 30
mass sleep NA
bombard 60
spell plague 70
hail storm na
nether cyclone NA

Where there is no pool (N/A), the spell cannot be reflected at all and the magic reflect pool remains in tact.

Incidently, the amount of spell pool that each spell drains (from what i can tell) does not factor in at all the caster's skills for most of the spells, with the exception of purge magic and evil omen. This is crucial for determing which spell to cast to smash someone's magic reflect while minimising damage to yourself. Ofcourse there is another factor to bear in mind with magic reflect, that only weaken, clumsy, and feeblemind will disrupt someone's casting who is protected by magic reflect.

Some people prefer to spam weaken/feeblemind/clumsy however bear in mind it will take 10 of these to completely remove the pool, ofcourse you don't need to remove the whole pool, only enough for your next spell to break the pool.

I personally pefer evil omen, with it's rapid casting time and a massive pool breaking power. But when I can't cast that, I would use Curse, mainly because there's no backfire and if you do happen to break the pool, it would also serve as a decent debuff to your opponent (rather than hitting your oponent with paralyze or mana vampire, which would serve only to waste your mana)
Last edited:

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Here is a post on this spell. Holy fist has been complained about for years. Odd I can't find where he mention this spell in this pretty in depth analysis. As you can see, some spells do not reflect.

Mervyn Posts: 2,208
May 2018 edited May 2018 Flag
Today, we will be talking about the best strategy to counteract magic reflect. Magic Reflect as we all know can have a pool of up to 100 if the caster is an inscribe mage, (60 with just 120 eval/magery) but what does this mean? If you're hit with a pool of damage, the spell will be reflected if the magic reflect pool is equal or greater to the spell pool, here are the current (undocumented) pools from what i can tell:

blood oath 40
corpse skin 30
evil omen necro/spirit speak skill dependant 50-70
mind rot 40
pain spike 20
poison strike 50
strangle 60
wither N/A

word of death 100

all magery spells = circle x 10, EG first level spells have a pool of 10.
meteor/chain lightning/EQ/mass curse NA
hit spell NA

netherbolt 10
purge magic: mysticism/focus/imbue skill dependant 20-60 (plus a chance to purge the spell anyway)
sleep 30
mass sleep NA
bombard 60
spell plague 70
hail storm na
nether cyclone NA

Where there is no pool (N/A), the spell cannot be reflected at all and the magic reflect pool remains in tact.

Incidently, the amount of spell pool that each spell drains (from what i can tell) does not factor in at all the caster's skills for most of the spells, with the exception of purge magic and evil omen. This is crucial for determing which spell to cast to smash someone's magic reflect while minimising damage to yourself. Ofcourse there is another factor to bear in mind with magic reflect, that only weaken, clumsy, and feeblemind will disrupt someone's casting who is protected by magic reflect.

Some people prefer to spam weaken/feeblemind/clumsy however bear in mind it will take 10 of these to completely remove the pool, ofcourse you don't need to remove the whole pool, only enough for your next spell to break the pool.

I personally pefer evil omen, with it's rapid casting time and a massive pool breaking power. But when I can't cast that, I would use Curse, mainly because there's no backfire and if you do happen to break the pool, it would also serve as a decent debuff to your opponent (rather than hitting your oponent with paralyze or mana vampire, which would serve only to waste your mana)
See now you offer useful information your initial response was trolling


Its working fine now, its reflecting the holy fist damage now, I must have made a mistake before. When you recast the spell to replenish the pool, if its not fully depleted you have to cast it twice or something weird.
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I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
See now you offer useful information your initial response was trolling
The title of this thread is help menu help. I told him how to access it and then provided a link to it. It was operator error anyway. @skett Glad he got it figured out.

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The title of this thread is help menu help. I told him how to access it and then provided a link to it. It was operator error anyway. @skett Glad he got it figured out.
Ladies, Ladies, Stop it!. You're both Beautiful . . .