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Homes and Castles House Price Check (Atlantic)


Stratics Veteran
Hi, I just wanted to know what this house would be worth to sell, it's only 7x7, but in a nice location on Atlantic. Thanks



Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
looks like you might be able to increase its size going back. but as is, probably around 25. there are many spots still available to place a small home on ATL


Stratics Veteran
I tried all kinds of sizes and this is all that would fit. I figured there were a lot of house spots still about, so if this isn't considered anything special, then perhaps I'll just see if anyone wants it for around the price you quoted and move on. Thanks for the replies


i do not see any value here outside luna, i think you can sell 7x7 house for much gold only when your house is placed around fel yew gate