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Plunderin' Pirate Hats..


If you were having lots of these, what would be the best reward to buy, for decent resale value later?
Something that would be most on demand later. (I know that all prices will plummet due to large supply)
I suspect the luck helm, repond slayer book with 30 sdi, and repond fighter Tali. What you guys think?
What would you stock up on?

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
If you were having lots of these, what would be the best reward to buy, for decent resale value later?
Something that would be most on demand later. (I know that all prices will plummet due to large supply)
View attachment 154959
I suspect the luck helm, repond slayer book with 30 sdi, and repond fighter Tali. What you guys think?
What would you stock up on?
The Triton transformation thing


The Triton transformation thing
Agree. Pretty unique item, and changes the Green Salami Shaped Triton (GSST:hahaha:) to a nicer looking four legged green Iguana Lizard, that actually looks better. The helm is not too bad since it goes to 290 luck, but not the hottest fit for fighters that have no other HLD. I suspect the Triton thing will continue to be on demand long, since people will want to treat new Sausage/Salami Shaped Tritons in the future, and Tritons are of infinite supply. Appreciate the thinking.:)


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't go with value, but the Balron armor and the talisman will be needed by new or returning players. would be a quick boost to a player. The ease they are to get now, you could give them away when you find someone in need.

You can use the Triton thing as deco.

Get a couple of spare blackheart baubles. Decent Garg earrings.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Why are people getting these?

View attachment 154962
I think the better question would be "are people getting these?". I picked up 1 because it's interesting but I haven't seen many people wearing them in the game when I've been in. Quite possible that someone might figure out a fit for it down the road but right now with Bok mages being a large part of PvP, a lot of those guys don't even use a shield since they use bok (with free hand) and switch to 2 handed weaps.

While I personally think this shield is interesting, along with a couple of other items like the earrings, I think the rewards overall for me in this event were a miss. I've barely collected hats for the whole event (outside the first couple weeks) and haven't logged in more than a couple of times in the last month because the items are a bit "meh" for me and all I feel like working for is 1 or 2 items each. In all honesty, I actually only worked for enough hats to get 1 or each item and bought the rest for dirt cheap.

James [W^H]

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Genesis Gem would be an excellent item for the UO Store after the event.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think the better question would be "are people getting these?". I picked up 1 because it's interesting but I haven't seen many people wearing them in the game when I've been in. Quite possible that someone might figure out a fit for it down the road but right now with Bok mages being a large part of PvP, a lot of those guys don't even use a shield since they use bok (with free hand) and switch to 2 handed weaps.

While I personally think this shield is interesting, along with a couple of other items like the earrings, I think the rewards overall for me in this event were a miss. I've barely collected hats for the whole event (outside the first couple weeks) and haven't logged in more than a couple of times in the last month because the items are a bit "meh" for me and all I feel like working for is 1 or 2 items each. In all honesty, I actually only worked for enough hats to get 1 or each item and bought the rest for dirt cheap.
The shield has some stats, magery and eval. But the rest is blah. Could the stats and the reactive paralyze be the draw?

I got this shield last night from the stygian dragon:


I can see a basic melee player use a shield like this.


The Genesis Gem would be an excellent item for the UO Store after the event.
Yep, it might happen. But I suspect something else related. The store "Genesis Gem" might have other perks on it not just graphic. What they may choose to go with the skin might be a surprise. ( Make it rideable? Add an AoE? A STAT like more DEX (something non-vital to these), if they do that, to bring more $$ in).