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(Question) Who is Library CO and what makes them so special?!?


Stratics Veteran
Whoever this is they have 9 houses inside the abandoned orc fort in Malas with vendors on some of them. Why were they able to build in what is supposed to be an unbuildable area and why are they allowed to have 9 different houses?


Stratics Veteran
It is not a unbuildable area, and they just acquired them overtime as other houses that were there originally fell. Guess they didn't want any annoying neighbors.
Since when is that a buildable area? You can't even build within a certain radius around that area so why is it buildable inside it and that still doesn't answer how one person can have 9 houses?

Halister Marner

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's been a buildable area since launch. The areas around it can't be built on, but where those houses are it can be. You can test it on TC or a smaller shard. One player can own 9 houses by having 9 accounts. They may have made the house owner character the same name on each account, but it's 9 separate accounts holding the buildings.

Treasure Hunter

Stratics Veteran
Since when is that a buildable area? You can't even build within a certain radius around that area so why is it buildable inside it and that still doesn't answer how one person can have 9 houses?
It's been buildable inside since I can remember.....and the answer to your 2nd question. 9 accounts (placing and buying them houses)...I'm sure it took him/her/them years to get all that property as well....


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
Was the original intent of that area to have a place for some orc role-playing?
My observation would be they did not intend it to be housing spots. A shard has a house in the middle of a brit field. Shards had houses in Vesper cemetery.

So there has been mistakes with placing in the past.

Since all shards can place there and it does not disrupt travel, I guess they feel no need to change what has been done with the area.

I hope the houses fit the theme.