I agree that the GM theory does not hold too much water. There is no GM that would risk losing their "job" to grab a plot of any type. There have been some very few corrupt ones in the past we all know their names, and what they did, and we know they got fired.
About the ethics in Fel, there is always a risk of getting attacked/killed, stolen from etc. No ethics and no honour in Fel, supposedly anyways, part of the game.
Lick your wounds and don't stress over this anymore.
Its part of the thrill of going to Fel, the danger of encountering a PKER, like the one that got you.
To doc in Fel, I would set up a character that would be able to fend off a Pker, and equip with PK type weapons, if you want. Also use detect hidden type of activities, might help. Get a friend or 2 to doc together if in Fel.
I think that to kill your account because of this does not compute.
( It is an entire approach that may work against PKs at times, and technique, may want to practice with some friends first to see what works. Good weapons alone are not enough for fighting PKs but we had a couple of pretty decent ones both swords and macing last few events, check them out. Get trap boxes or pouches, if a tamer-fighter get a nasty lill Naja with high dexterity and hits, Poison, PB and FWW. May find this useful).