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Both holes are sold. Origin and Napa will get holes for their em house in malas for whole shard to use.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Both are sold. They are both going to the ems for Mesanna to place at the em house in malas for all to use, on Napa and Origin.
Napa and Origin get some deco in the em email box in Malas so your ems can decorate the navrey holes.

Im happy to say both holes are traded. We have some great players in this game who made this happen for 2 shards. I hope all shards can get a navrey hole. Enjoy
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Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
does anyone know of a shard without the hole at em house?
Legends, Great Lakes, Origin, Pac, Sonoma, Lake Austin, and Napa.. I stopped at napa

Someone is going to have me sell a Navrey Hole on my auction safe. They said i can keep 10%, they want 10p.
Im trying to find a shard that might want to crowd fund it for the whole shard. Mesanna will place one at the em house in malas for the whole shard to use. I can wave my 10% and it would cost 9P, if its not on safe. If there is a shard that might want to buy it let me know. I think it will be on ATL sometime this week.
I wish @Mesanna would just replace the missing holes at the EM's place


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I wish @Mesanna would just replace the missing holes at the EM's place
would be better if we had a statue that would transport us
to places in the underworld and the abyss

then we wouldn't have to worry about the hole
some shards have the houses there but no public access
and you have to run the long way
(very time consuming, for those that don't have long to play each day)


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Keven you are wrong, and the seller isnt secret, its Wings. many players use the navrey hole at the em house on atlantic, i have a rune at my shop for it. I have read post about other shards, thru the years, wishing they had one. I just made this post cause i think it would be great if a shard could get it for their whole shard to use.


Grand Poobah
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Narvey is literally a 2 minute run from the underground entrance....
But then they would have to move their characters manually. Remember, this is prodo players we´re talking about. If there´s not a rune/portal to the destination, it´s too much work. :tongue:

As for the auction safes, they should remove the reserve price option. I would guess that most of the times it´s not really an auction but more of a selling pillar. At least for the higher end items.


I Hate Skilling
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:lol: someone thinks Spring is Mesanna. :troll:

I could stay busy a long time perpetuating that.


Stratics Veteran
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Origin needs it desperately but not sure if we have enough players who could pitch in to purchase one for our shard.
I did talk with a few players on some shards when i went searching for shards who needed a hole. I told them i can kick in some gold. See what you guys can come up with and ask Orenda from NPH. 9 plat is a ton of gold but maybe if you get many players you might get close.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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I did talk with a few players on some shards when i went searching for shards who needed a hole. I told them i can kick in some gold. See what you guys can come up with and ask Orenda from NPH. 9 plat is a ton of gold but maybe if you get many players you might get close.
Origin can do it! 9 Plat isn't that much ;)

I got golds I can chip in...we'll let you know! I would LOVE for Origin to have it!

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
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Once in a great while someone asks if we have one, always someone that doesn't play the shard regularly. I just jump to the conclusion that it's another multi-boxer who's too lazy to take a 2 minute walk with their mule train. Why pay 9 plat (what's a plat?) to enable them?


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Question on that....I know you said Mesanna would place it at the EM house, but doesn't it have to be at a Ter Mur house for it to go to Navery? If it's anywhere else, it takes you elsewhere? Or would she make it so that it goes to Navery...not sure how that works.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
does anyone know of a shard without the hole at em house?
Legends, Great Lakes, Origin, Pac, Sonoma, Lake Austin, and Napa.. I stopped at napa

Someone is going to have me sell a Navrey Hole on my auction safe. They said i can keep 10%, they want 10p.
Im trying to find a shard that might want to crowd fund it for the whole shard. Mesanna will place one at the em house in malas for the whole shard to use. I can wave my 10% and it would cost 9P, if its not on safe. If there is a shard that might want to buy it let me know. I think it will be on ATL sometime this week.
I'll buy this, DM me I can't DM you


Narvey is literally a 2 minute run from the underground entrance....
Not exactly if you are touring a Triton behind you. Then it is a four minute run, and is still not a big deal.

However you need to ask yourself why should Atlantic have it and the rest of the shards not have it. Especially the low population shards should have it, if you think clearly of the mechanics of this quality-of-life improvement. If someone enjoys the trip there so the underworld they can take it any time. However it may be useful for other people to use a game teleport to that spot. There is a possibility that this may increase participation in that activity also.
Having an in-game portal to that spot could not possibly hurt the game over other people? Again if Atlantic has it why not everyone. Put a Navrey portal at the same location that is in Atlantic.

Some people should mention that in the next meet and greet? Why should there be a shard favoritism of any type?


Stratics Veteran
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i will fund all of it if napa is chosen as the buyer
And you are going to give it to the em so they can have Mesanna place it at em house for the whole shard to use right?
UPDATE again. I want to find buyers that will give it to the em to be placed for the whole shard, not for one player to put in their house. If a whole shard cant buy it then i think its best it goes on the auction safe.
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Onixia The Paladin

*DOES A HAPPY DANCE* We were scrambling with donations to buy it for Origin for public use. This is an awesome update! We are loading up the EM mailbox with deco as we speak.
Than you Thank you Thank you to the anonymous benefactor from many loyal players on Origin.
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Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Well whoever anonymous is, thank you for Origin.

We are willing to give you the gold we have collected so far.

Again, thank you.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
so did napa or origin get it ?


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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I think you should have Mesanna put it where it's accessible to all. It's at the EM Reward House on Atlantic, if she can make it work from Malas to the Underworld then that's what should be done.

We have plenty of spidery deco already going into Rainstormer's mailbox.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
To be fair, i am going to have to buy it off a safe, and not directly. So there is a chance that someone else may get it before i have the chance to purchase. I need to move funds around, so it will take a bit.

Consequences of my preferences. It will be available for all of napa, just in the place of my choosing.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Both are sold. They are both going to the ems for Mesanna to place at the em house in malas for all to use, on Napa and Origin.
Napa and Origin get some deco in the em email box in Malas so your ems can decorate the navrey holes.

Someone is going to have me sell a Navrey Hole on my auction safe. They said i can keep 10%, they want 10p.
Im trying to find a shard that might want to crowd fund it for the whole shard. Mesanna will place one at the em house in malas for the whole shard to use. I can wave my 10% and it would cost 9P, if its not on safe. If there is a shard that might want to buy it let me know. I think it will be on ATL sometime this week.

Wings is going to sell both holes. He will have them transfered to Atlantic tomorrow morning around 10 am ET. There is a buyer for Origin shard, I dont think he wants to be named and a buyer for Napa . Players on Origin and Napa might want to get some webs, spiders and other deco to the em hall in malas, put it in mailbox, so em has some neat deco to go around the hole.
I told you I'd buy it for what you asked ... you didn't even give me a shot on that lol. If anyone else has one of these I'll pay an additional 5p ty,


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Can someone explain to me how a player owned item, can sell for many Plats but requires the Producer to place it ? That smells all kind of funny....


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Can someone explain to me how a player owned item, can sell for many Plats but requires the Producer to place it ? That smells all kind of funny....
It doesn't require Mesanna to place it (or even an EM). The OP is saying the condition of the sale is based on whoever buys it needs to "donate" it to the shard's EM to lockdown in the EM house for public use for the entire shard.... versus locking it down in their own house.

I have no idea where these items came from but this is a great example of something every shard should have available to the public; ie Mesanna should take an existing one and dupe it and place it on every shard. The ones that are floating around would still work and those people would essentially have their own private access but it wouldn't matter to most because they could still access the underworld via the permanent one Mesanna should place. This is another reason, IMO, she is unfit for her role... this should be a no brainer.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
I would like to say thanks for announcing i was the buyer, then changing your mind. I am glad napa got it, not happy with you. I scrambled to move gold, and even agreed to pay a plat more.

To whomever bought it, thank you, and to Origin, grats as well.


I Hate Skilling
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Sounds like something Mesanna would do. :lol:

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I would like to say thanks for announcing i was the buyer, then changing your mind. I am glad napa got it, not happy with you. I scrambled to move gold, and even agreed to pay a plat more.

To whomever bought it, thank you, and to Origin, grats as well.
The agreement was that you would turn it over to the EM so it could be placed by Messana at the EM Hall and you chose to not agree to that so what is the problem.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
The agreement was that you would turn it over to the EM so it could be placed by Messana at the EM Hall and you chose to not agree to that so what is the problem.
That was not the original offer, it was that they would forgo their 10% cut if that was the case. Even after we discussed that in PM, and the second hole was added,they said it would go on the safe and i was listed as the buyer for napa. Last night sometime around 8pm pacific the post was edited to remove my name. So i kninda feel i am justified in being upset.

Lord Frodo

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Stratics Legend
That was not the original offer, it was that they would forgo their 10% cut if that was the case. Even after we discussed that in PM, and the second hole was added,they said it would go on the safe and i was listed as the buyer for napa. Last night sometime around 8pm pacific the post was edited to remove my name. So i kninda feel i am justified in being upset.
The original offer is in post #3 and it states it is to be turned over to Messana and you chose to make it all about you not the shard

Outlaw Torn

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Everyone just wait until the next dungeon event and you can pick it instead of the jawbone. LOL! On a serious note, I would have bought it and owned it.... not given it to someone else.... that's why there wasn't that much interest amongst big buyers. Hopefully the EMs wouldn't respond to lock it down anyways, because they are busy stopping the 7 shards of Oni bots in the fan dancer dungeon....


The Enchanter
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Really great result. Thank you to the benefactor that decided to purchase these and give them to appropriate members of the community to make sure they find permanent holes on shards that need them.

Despite some negative energy from the result of the Origin EM event last week, examples like this are the acts of within the community that make me smile.


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Origin's hasn't been placed yet because Mesanna has to come and force it to go to Navery.

Rainstormer cannot do that, BUT it IS in his capable hands and he will have Mesanna do it at her earliest convenience.


As soon as that is done, I will post an update just so everyone knows that it's legit and available to the community!

It will be located directly East of the Reward Hall. Deco has been completed.



Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Can someone explain to me how a player owned item, can sell for many Plats but requires the Producer to place it ? That smells all kind of funny....

Because if you place the hole in Malas, you get sent into the middle of the starry field and then bounce right back to the hole. It HAS to be placed in Ter Mur for it to go to Navery. Since the EM House is in Malas, Mesanna has to work her magic to *force* the hole to take you to Navery.

It's all in the coding.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Because if you place the hole in Malas, you get sent into the middle of the starry field and then bounce right back to the hole. It HAS to be placed in Ter Mur for it to go to Navery. Since the EM House is in Malas, Mesanna has to work her magic to *force* the hole to take you to Navery.

It's all in the coding.
Thank you for clarifying, perhaps I can trouble you and have you explain how 2 of these end up in the same players hands, who's then able to sell them for 20 plat ? Also i'll admit I'm ignorant to where these items even originated , but I'm curious why they don't poof in an idoc like 90% of other high value items do ?

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Thank you for clarifying, perhaps I can trouble you and have you explain how 2 of these end up in the same players hands, who's then able to sell them for 20 plat ? Also i'll admit I'm ignorant to where these items even originated , but I'm curious why they don't poof in an idoc like 90% of other high value items do ?
Maybe Mesanna should just give one to each shard for Christmas


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Thank you for clarifying, perhaps I can trouble you and have you explain how 2 of these end up in the same players hands, who's then able to sell them for 20 plat ? Also i'll admit I'm ignorant to where these items even originated , but I'm curious why they don't poof in an idoc like 90% of other high value items do ?

Well....they were orginally from an event that the EM's forgot to lock down...and of course there are people who, when new things come out, try to manipulate them in any way possible. I am guilty of that! New deco added to the world? Can I pick it up? It's the nature of the beast.

Anyway, so the holes have changed hands many times. Clops had 4 of them at one point. Some were placed in private homes but at some point they became broken and if they were not in an abyss house, did not teleport you to Navery. So I guess people just hung on to them.

Since Mesanna has said several times in the past that if she was given one, or one was given to an EM, she would place it at the EM house for everyone to use.

The one on Atlantic I know had been broken a few times. Also a few other shards had that happen.

I am unsure as to why the seller decided to sell them, maybe they needed gold? *shrugs*


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I made this post to find "shard" buyers. Wings told me that he got both from IDOCs and wanted 10p i could keep 1p for selling. When he told me he would have them on Atlantic that week, i asked if i could try and find players that would buy it for the em house. I then went to all NA shards, i tried to talk to all and some shards did talk to me about it. I told the shards to try and come up with as much gold as they could and i would try to pitch in some and i would make a post here.

When i made the post I wasnt looking for A buyer i was looking for "shard" buyers and i thought i made that clear, with post and PMs. If i couldnt find shards that could buy the hole then it would go on an auction safe at my shop. To the players that are mad i didnt sell it to them for more gold, or sell it to them for their house please go back and read PMs and post here. When i seen I will buy it for Napa i made a mistake and thought you were going to buy it for Napa and not yourself. I changed the post right away. Im sorry about that, but your shard has a hole now for everyone to use.

If anyone thinks there is anything bad about this I want you guys to know i did email mesanna before the trade was made and told her who had the holes and where they were going and when they were being traded.

I thought this was a nice thing to do, try and get holes for shards that didnt have one. I didnt make one gold coin off this, but i did get joy in reading about Origin, and how happy they are. So the joy they gave me is worth more that the Plats it cost me. Im sorry I made some of you mad. Not really sorry i didnt put on auction safe to see how much they would of sold for. Thank you Wings for letting me try to find shard buyers and selling for less than you could of sold for. Thanks to the player that bought both of the holes just to give away to the EMs for everyone to use.
sorry about long post

Onixia The Paladin

Thank you to Wings and Sellingahouse for deciding to find buyers who would place these navrey holes on their shard for all to use forever. Warm thanks to the benefactor who purchased both out of the goodness of their heart to make entire shards happy. You are all an example of what makes this game great. If you ever feel that there are too many horrible people that play this game remember these 3 individuals. My faith has been restored. May the good always outweigh the bad in Ultima Online. As the official Guild Mistress of NPH Guild on Origin, I wish to bestow honorary membership to these 3 in our guild. You will always be welcome at our pub for a nice bottle of wine and a homecooked meal.


I Hate Skilling
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Thank you for clarifying, perhaps I can trouble you and have you explain how 2 of these end up in the same players hands, who's then able to sell them for 20 plat ? Also i'll admit I'm ignorant to where these items even originated , but I'm curious why they don't poof in an idoc like 90% of other high value items do ?
Only vet rewards, deeded items and items over 100 stones are deleted. EM items don't go poof.
I really liked getting vet reward statues and deeded items from IDOCs. (This is why vet rewards sell for so much now. An alligator statue or Commodity Deed Box did not cost over 100M before this.)

The Navrey holes were messed up when they did a bug fix a while ago. Mesannas first response was for players to turn them in to a GM and no shard would have them. Later she relented and allowed the EMs to place them again.

The holes stopped working if they were on the ground. So when that happened, players thought they were broken. Soon after, players found that they work if they are placed on an auction safe.

So, now a player can again place them for public use if they know how to make them work.