I would agree that EM events and EM drops bring out the best and the worst in some people. But they bring people together, undeniably.
EM events and EM drops have been present for many years and some people are participating a lot of times on account of those, and I know several people who log in only to go to the EM events anymore.
What is being proposed by some of the posters is to get rid of EM Events and EM drops completely, to make them shard bound, and do other things that are not implemented on the game right now regarding these EM events and drops.
It is said that when EM drops occur people sell them immediately to make that 100 million, so let's eliminate them to reduce corruption in the game. That statement has no logic that is solid. It is said that due to multi-boxing EM events and drops should be changed.
If that is the case then let's eliminate power scrolls been contested, on contested grounds, and let's make them dropped from less intense activities, with less challenge and danger.
The same thing can be said about other drops from the roof for instance etc. Let's make the drop rate from the roof encounters much less frequent.
Let's eliminate activities and things that actually increase participation in the game. How beneficial do you think that any of these would be to the present state of the game?
I think we should leave things as they are, EM events and EM drops are not corrupting the game, they should not be shard bound, and should not be eliminated, and should be fostered to bring more people together.
In addition these EM events encourage players to improve their skills, improve their armors etc. and improve their gameplay and skills so they can also have a chance at getting a drop.
If someone does not like these events they are free not to participate by all means.
Otherwise the opinions of all posters about this matter whether they are playing the game or not, whether they're playing at the present time or not is greatly appreciated due to their past experience, having been part of the game for numbers of years.
However we do not want or intend to recommend things that would damage the game in the long run.
This is just one person's opinion who has limited amount of time to play due to RL obligations, and this person has accumulated three EM drops that he's not selling, their belongings only amounting to less than one plat, and this less than one plat has been generated through hard work in the seasonal events and taming premium pets and selling them. The fun in my opinion is in playing the game and not accumulating plats.