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Boktu Mages


Are they still a thing? Not sure this is the correct forum or if I should find another but I thought I would ask.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
One of the most popular PVP builds to this day. Very powerful offense and defense with the right gear and understanding of the playstyle.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Dear Merlin

Could you go a little into details? :)
My Bok Mage is purely for PVP. I note that I am middle of the road at best at PVP, although that is mainly because I refuse to use third party scripting programs. This is a very servicable and well rounded build that allows you to be both offensive and defensive. It's easy to learn, can be successful in 1 on 1 and also very useful in group play.

Skills are going to be Magery, Eval Intel, Bushido, Swordsmanship, Parrying, Resist Spells, and Tactics.

Theory of the build is to be both a caster and have some melee fighting abilities, most notably using a Bokuto to take advantage of Nerve Strike. Damage dealt from Nerve Strike is linked to Bushido. Combined with Parrying, Bushido also allows you to block with a one handed or two handed weapon. Bushido also has great healing ability in Confidence and important defensive ability in Evasion. Bushido MUST be 120.

Tactics needs to be atleast 60 to use proper specials. Not necessary to go much higher than 60 unless you're getting extra points from items. Dex needs to be atleast 80.

Magery should be atleast 110. You're not going to be casting many 8th Circle spells, so don't sweat it if you can't get it to 120. Eval Intel should really be 120, if you're pressed for skill points, you can maybe short it slightly but this will affect your casting damage.

Resist Spells needs to be 120. Parrying should be close to 120 as possible for best blocking chance.

It's helpful to get as many points from gear as possible. In example, I use a Captain John's Hat for +20 Swords, Archmage Cuffs for +15 Resist Spells and get another +40 skills from my jewels. My breakdown with jewels is the following:

120 Bushido
120 Magery
120 Eval Intel
120 Resist Spells
120 Parrying
120 Swordsmanship
070 Tactics

Build has 100 LRC, 50 EP, 6/2 FCR/FC, 55 LMC, 40 DCI, 45 HCI, 17 HPR, 25 MR, 70/75/70/70/70 resists. I use town buff for +1 FC to make up for -1 FC on spell channeling bok. Nice to have a little SSI or DI on there, although doesn't make a significant impact. I use potions to get to 150 Strength and Hit Points, 93 and 98 Dex and Stam. Total mana is 169.

For weapon, I aim for Boks with Cold or Poison elemental damage, splintering, hit lightning, hit lower defense. Anything else is gravy, like damage increase or swing speed increase. Spell channeling is required.

I spent decent amount of time (and gold!) putting suit together. Any PVP build is going to be expensive if you want to fight at higher levels. This build is doable on a budget, but you will have to sacrifice something somewhere and will need to know how to shield your disadvantage.

Apologies on my delayed response with this. Happy to answer any other questions you have. There's quite a few PVP discord servers out there, although some can be a rough crowd. Good luck!

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
My Bok Mage is purely for PVP. I note that I am middle of the road at best at PVP, although that is mainly because I refuse to use third party scripting programs. This is a very servicable and well rounded build that allows you to be both offensive and defensive. It's easy to learn, can be successful in 1 on 1 and also very useful in group play.

Skills are going to be Magery, Eval Intel, Bushido, Swordsmanship, Parrying, Resist Spells, and Tactics.

Theory of the build is to be both a caster and have some melee fighting abilities, most notably using a Bokuto to take advantage of Nerve Strike. Damage dealt from Nerve Strike is linked to Bushido. Combined with Parrying, Bushido also allows you to block with a one handed or two handed weapon. Bushido also has great healing ability in Confidence and important defensive ability in Evasion. Bushido MUST be 120.

Tactics needs to be atleast 60 to use proper specials. Not necessary to go much higher than 60 unless you're getting extra points from items. Dex needs to be atleast 80.

Magery should be atleast 110. You're not going to be casting many 8th Circle spells, so don't sweat it if you can't get it to 120. Eval Intel should really be 120, if you're pressed for skill points, you can maybe short it slightly but this will affect your casting damage.

Resist Spells needs to be 120. Parrying should be close to 120 as possible for best blocking chance.

It's helpful to get as many points from gear as possible. In example, I use a Captain John's Hat for +20 Swords, Archmage Cuffs for +15 Resist Spells and get another +40 skills from my jewels. My breakdown with jewels is the following:

120 Bushido
120 Magery
120 Eval Intel
120 Resist Spells
120 Parrying
120 Swordsmanship
070 Tactics

Build has 100 LRC, 50 EP, 6/2 FCR/FC, 55 LMC, 40 DCI, 45 HCI, 17 HPR, 25 MR, 70/75/70/70/70 resists. I use town buff for +1 FC to make up for -1 FC on spell channeling bok. Nice to have a little SSI or DI on there, although doesn't make a significant impact. I use potions to get to 150 Strength and Hit Points, 93 and 98 Dex and Stam. Total mana is 169.

For weapon, I aim for Boks with Cold or Poison elemental damage, splintering, hit lightning, hit lower defense. Anything else is gravy, like damage increase or swing speed increase. Spell channeling is required.

I spent decent amount of time (and gold!) putting suit together. Any PVP build is going to be expensive if you want to fight at higher levels. This build is doable on a budget, but you will have to sacrifice something somewhere and will need to know how to shield your disadvantage.

Apologies on my delayed response with this. Happy to answer any other questions you have. There's quite a few PVP discord servers out there, although some can be a rough crowd. Good luck!
I've always found macro set up to be super important most pvm players use very few while pvpers have many just chatting with them in luna they are casting spells left and right I've also found the learning curve to get practice is very steep!! But learning first to just stay calm and stay alive then try some offensive stuff works find other new to pvp players and fight amongst yourselves !