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Trade forum policy change regarding the sale of glacial items

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
ive always said, if its not supposed to be in game it should be deleted. but now, for unknown reasons, some of the items are now illegal which is fine but why not spellbooks too. the devs keep making the same mistakes over and over. im sorry for people that spent big money on these items that were legal but now are not. i understood about the cloth/dye tubs/other glacial items being deleted on sight but to do this now, alllowing to be legal for so long, makes no sense. are the devs really that bored that this is a priority? so many other things/bugs need to be fixed. i keep saying the devs are listening to the wrong person whom ever that is lol.
just my opinions

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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@Captn Norrington

Thank you for quickly getting that officially sorted out for us all.

Things change sometimes.

*Throws the last shovel of dirt on the box in the hole. Draws up a little map for future references and places his Mages Seal along with a few incantations upon it*
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Legendary Merchant & Rare Collector
Stratics Veteran
It's hard to even comprehend this decision after knowing these items existed for the last 17 years, agreed they were doggy dupes of actual EM rares but they've been cleared and allowed for so long... just mind boggling and another huge disappointment from this dev team :facepalm:


Slightly Crazed
Costume that makes all vendor bought gear you wearing glacial will save the day.


Stratics Veteran
It's hard to even comprehend this decision after knowing these items existed for the last 17 years, agreed they were doggy dupes of actual EM rares but they've been cleared and allowed for so long... just mind boggling and another huge disappointment from this dev team :facepalm:
The reason is simple: she is living in gargantuan ego-trip and they are a bunch sycophants.

DreadLord Lestat

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just give the players the option for special days and get it over with....
its what everyone wants
i am not sure why its such an issue
I would imagine glacial dyes would be a great seller for the UO Store and they could make more money to keep the game afloat. I think the simplest ideas are still too much some times.


Stratics Veteran
I would imagine glacial dyes would be a great seller for the UO Store and they could make more money to keep the game afloat. I think the simplest ideas are still too much some times.
I think there is an inherent issue with legitimising items that were once illegal. The main reason they came into being was through illicit means and it would be similar to the legalisation of recreational drugs in the real world. Think about the societal issues that can cause then shrink it to the microcosm of the UO world. At very least, doing so would open the door to more abuse of mechanics in that one day what the exploiters create could the same way be made legitimate and exist openly. Mesanna most likely wouldn’t want to give them this power of setting a trend and sculpting UO in a way that takes power away from the devs and puts it in unscrupulous hands. You don’t let the patients run the asylum and that is what doing something like you suggest would create.

DreadLord Lestat

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I think there is an inherent issue with legitimising items that were once illegal. The main reason they came into being was through illicit means and it would be similar to the legalisation of recreational drugs in the real world. Think about the societal issues that can cause then shrink it to the microcosm of the UO world. At very least, doing so would open the door to more abuse of mechanics in that one day what the exploiters create could the same way be made legitimate and exist openly. Mesanna most likely wouldn’t want to give them this power of setting a trend and sculpting UO in a way that takes power away from the devs and puts it in unscrupulous hands. You don’t let the patients run the asylum and that is what doing something like you suggest would create.
Actually by adding the dye to the store, it would make the items already that hue instantly drop in price as the dye would be obtainable by anyone. I see your point but I think it affects the ingame world differently. Dyes are 400 sovs on in the UO Store which is what, approx $4? Anyone can legally make their own glacial hues item thus making the illegal items all but worthless while adding money to Broadsword/EA thus putting money back into the game. Exploiters use the exploits to make money and when the items are instantly worthless, they cannot make money. I don't see why hues should be kept away when Broadsword can make money for the game by adding them.

TLDR: Making the dye legal through the game store for sovs would make existing illegal items worthless while adding money back into the game. Win-Win


Stratics Veteran
Actually by adding the dye to the store, it would make the items already that hue instantly drop in price as the dye would be obtainable by anyone. I see your point but I think it affects the ingame world differently. Dyes are 400 sovs on in the UO Store which is what, approx $4? Anyone can legally make their own glacial hues item thus making the illegal items all but worthless while adding money to Broadsword/EA thus putting money back into the game. Exploiters use the exploits to make money and when the items are instantly worthless, they cannot make money. I don't see why hues should be kept away when Broadsword can make money for the game by adding them.

TLDR: Making the dye legal through the game store for sovs would make existing illegal items worthless while adding money back into the game. Win-Win
That’s not really my point. The point is it would legitimise the work the exploiters do, whether they make gold from it or not. The whole reason the majority of glacial items exist and are popular is because they are exploit items. You start making one thing that is popular because it was exploited legitimate then it opens the door for everything else the exploiters decide to do have a legitimate path. This hands the power over to them in the direction the game goes rather than the devs. You start with glacial items then there will be a next thing and next thing introduced solely for popularity, so the devs have drawn the line here and kept the legitimacy or not of these items under their own control.

DreadLord Lestat

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You are looking into it much deeper than I intended and it is what it is because after 25 years it is not going to change anyways. It was only a suggestion so take from it what you will.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
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I think there is an inherent issue with legitimising items that were once illegal. The main reason they came into being was through illicit means and it would be similar to the legalisation of recreational drugs in the real world. Think about the societal issues that can cause then shrink it to the microcosm of the UO world. At very least, doing so would open the door to more abuse of mechanics in that one day what the exploiters create could the same way be made legitimate and exist openly. Mesanna most likely wouldn’t want to give them this power of setting a trend and sculpting UO in a way that takes power away from the devs and puts it in unscrupulous hands. You don’t let the patients run the asylum and that is what doing something like you suggest would create.
1. Money
2. It would annoy Mesanna


Stratics Veteran
That’s not really my point. The point is it would legitimise the work the exploiters do, whether they make gold from it or not. The whole reason the majority of glacial items exist and are popular is because they are exploit items. You start making one thing that is popular because it was exploited legitimate then it opens the door for everything else the exploiters decide to do have a legitimate path. This hands the power over to them in the direction the game goes rather than the devs. You start with glacial items then there will be a next thing and next thing introduced solely for popularity, so the devs have drawn the line here and kept the legitimacy or not of these items under their own control.
Sure, because the real problem with UO are the bad-bad-bad "exploiters" that use their infinite arcane knowledge of how to bend the game mechanisms to dye in "Galcial" some items or cloth (or maybe a Bone Armor Set in Sigil or any other Tub color), and not the ones that, e.g., make TONS of REAL MONEY sistematically exploiting the EM drops Events...


DreadLord Lestat

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I have moved all posts following the announcement to Uhall for discussion to keep the rules thread clear. No harm no foul, just thought this conversation was valid but did not belong in the same thread as the rule change. For those that did not see this before the move, it was moved from the UO Rares thread on the change regarding the sale of glacial hued items.


glacial stuff sucks anyway... the reason its being banned now is for the same type of whining and crying...from those who didnt have one. now they change the rules and the otherside of the table is crying. who fn cares about some glacial color in a 25yr old game. both sides of the fence here are full of crybabies. Move on.

selling something in the UO store to keep the game afloat... are ye daft? the uo store makes plenty of cash income for EA already. if it didnt this game would be gone.
not to mention all the reg subs. EJ accts kill the game by letting them play without paying. wanna play make em pay....and who cares if the free players quit, no money lost there.

pixel crack is what you all are chasing talking about playing the game lol.... you prolly havent experienced 25% of this games content.

wanna know what killed UO? go look in the mirror.


Babbling Loonie
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This is how I feel trying to understand the minds of this dev team sometimes. Never knowing what direction to go.... :confused:

DreadLord Lestat

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glacial stuff sucks anyway... the reason its being banned now is for the same type of whining and crying...from those who didnt have one. now they change the rules and the otherside of the table is crying. who fn cares about some glacial color in a 25yr old game. both sides of the fence here are full of crybabies. Move on.

selling something in the UO store to keep the game afloat... are ye daft? the uo store makes plenty of cash income for EA already. if it didnt this game would be gone.
not to mention all the reg subs. EJ accts kill the game by letting them play without paying. wanna play make em pay....and who cares if the free players quit, no money lost there.

pixel crack is what you all are chasing talking about playing the game lol.... you prolly havent experienced 25% of this games content.

wanna know what killed UO? go look in the mirror.