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Rares For Sale


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A Christmas Toy Cannon
2 Plat

Purifying Font Of Harmony
5 Plat

2 Piece Rubble Fancy Table (Facing West)
1.5 Plat

Shattered Statue Of A Goddess From Beyond The Stars
875 Mil

Strange Tissue Of The Paradox Mane
475 Mil

A Blizzards Icy Heart
450 Mil

EM Falcon's Pet Spider
475 Mil

A Moonstone Idol Of Themet The Spider Princess
375 Mil

A Hatchling From A Giant Spider
350 Mil

Yukiko's Toy Spider
250 Mil

Moonstone Of Virtue
375 Mil

A Robe Sewn By Virgo
245 Mil

Brother Dolphin, A Fellowship Pet
775 Mil

Mythran's Ethereal Orrery
1 Plat 325 Mil

Full Wall Carving
325 Mil

The Cause Of The Dying Trees An Oozing Mushroom '
600 Mil

A Rubble Mushroom
475 Mil

A Biting Rat Of Muroidea
5 Plat

A Collection Of Manuscripts And Other Ephemera Related To A Storyteller Named Narcissus Bennu
2 Plat
A Collection Of King Blackthorn's Carefully Kept Manuscripts Relating To The Conseil Du Roi
2 Plat

Royal Guard Boots
4 Plat

Holiday Champion Flowers Scented Candles Hue 2728 *Rare Ice Blue)
900 Mil

A Destructive Sea Urchin
575 Mil

A Simple Iron Pendant, Stained By The Blood Of A Dying Paladin And Roughly Engraved: "Obtinebimus"
875 Mil



Can items be received on Atlantic. What is best way to communicate. There are two items I am interested in. Discord: Davis4515#8917 thanks
Last edited:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you have discord and would like to reach me please send me a request at
Harper#2560 Thankyou