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No eggs/drops until champ is dead

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
people do spawn then stop leaving it with no motivation for anyone to finish simply delay egg drops until champion dies will fix


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They changed it to this way because players complained that no one helped do the spawn, they just showed up to fight the Boss. Should have left it the way it was, Boss drop to all who get rights on the Boss.

Moral of the story, do not listen to players ideas.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
And the fix was have the game drop 7-8 of the 10 total eggs in the first round of spawn? That was smart.

(And I know it drops 7-8 of the eggs because it takes my sampire less than 3 minutes to collect that many once the spawn restarts)


Need a mixture of both. Only getting something when the boss is defeated seems a little prohibitive to me. Less experienced players, or people on less populated shards, that may not have enough help to finish the boss should be able to earn something.

1) Spread the 10 eggs out across all four levels of the spawn instead of just the first two. This will at least promote the spawn being pushed all the way thru to the boss.

2) Incentivize killing the boss. At first, there were boots. But by day two, most had more boots than they wanted/needed. Give people the option to turn the drop in for 3-5 points. If the spawn has 10 competent people running it, you might only end up with 1-2 eggs out of the intial ten. Less experienced players may not get any. That's not worth the time for most. Give people the ability to earn another handful of points once the boss goes down, and you might actually get people to stick around until the end (or to finish the spawn out if someone came by earlier and then bailed because they couldn't handle the boss alone). Boots alone is not enough of a reward to clean up what someone else left behind.


Slightly Crazed
@Deschet I still need boots. I get 2 pairs from spawns on ATL. On other shards it is hard to find someone who will fight boss with you. And it is not solvable for me.
Also if all spawn is cleaned and boss is up you will get no boots at all. And no egg, nothing. And bosses loot is trash. Giving boss loot like Scalis will be better. Or account bound powerscrolls , or at least something of a value.


Agree, the boss is not soloable by many, and it can be hard on some shards to find help. That's why I don't think the rewards should only happen when the boss dies.

I mentioned being able to turn the drop in for event points, but you mentioned that the boots don't drop if you miss the spawn levels; that's a good point, and even more of a reason for people to not want to 'cleanup' after someone else ran the spawn and left the boss behind. I think we both agree that there needs to be a worthwhile reward to incentivize killing the boss (knowing you likely won't get a drop). Maybe better loot is the answer.

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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Agree, the boss is not soloable by many, and it can be hard on some shards to find help. That's why I don't think the rewards should only happen when the boss dies.

I mentioned being able to turn the drop in for event points, but you mentioned that the boots don't drop if you miss the spawn levels; that's a good point, and even more of a reason for people to not want to 'cleanup' after someone else ran the spawn and left the boss behind. I think we both agree that there needs to be a worthwhile reward to incentivize killing the boss (knowing you likely won't get a drop). Maybe better loot is the answer.

Yea the Dev team was put in a bit of a hard spot here. Initially people weren't helping to clear the first couple levels of spawn and only coming once the boss was up to get a drop so the Devs made it to where you need to kill spawn on levels (maybe 1) 2-4 to get a drop when killing the boss. I've gotten to the spawn at level 3 and just turn around due to that because it's 10-20min I spend playing for nothing (doesn't even factor in 30min restart time etc).

I think having better loot on the boss would go a long way. I can see the Devs thinking that something that is repeatable every 30min without keys shouldn't give scalis type loot but I'm thinking maybe they change it to a peerless boss so that crimson cinctures etc might drop. This could be run every 30min and based on the odds there might only be a few drops for these a week but at least it's an incentive.

Other thing they could do is have maybe X number of story pages spawn on the corpse so that people who killed it could get a story page. Alone this might not be enough since I could see some shards chaining these things 23/7 but depending on how many total pages there are and how many drop this could help for at least half of it.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
maybe just maybe....
they could just add boots to the egg turn in guy?

does anyone know if this is possible?
perhaps one day .... it will happen? but then...
how to determine what a boots should cost?
Surely more than 1 point, but less than 40 like the most expensive item , drogenis spellbook .
Since it is the newest item from this event, it should cost more eggs ? but how many more ? 45 eggs ? 50? 100 ?? where does the madness stop ?

and also to bear in mind.... would it be more efficient to farm the eggs or grind through the swamp spawn ? does anyone have an idea on how much time one would take to do these two things to find out what is most advantageous ?


if one were to collect multiples of these new boots... where would one store them if they only have limited storage ?

these are serious questions and must be thought out carefully....

at least that is one man's opinion ....


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
The way I see it is that eggs should drop at all levels of spawn participation and the boots should drop on the boss if present and contributing for all levels. Perhaps just me, but I'm more interested in doing the spawn than chasing vorpal bunnies.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The way I see it is that eggs should drop at all levels of spawn participation and the boots should drop on the boss if present and contributing for all levels. Perhaps just me, but I'm more interested in doing the spawn than chasing vorpal bunnies.
This spawn was purposely changed to only drop 10 eggs. You are on Atlantic where players are still doing the spawn.
(They were a few days ago, I did 2 while waiting to transfer away)

I doubt there are any other shards where players are still doing the spawn regularly. Other shards you either do it alone or have to beg in chat for others to join. The problem is, if others join they will get nothing because the spawn already dropped the 10 eggs and you can not get boots from the Boss since the spawn was already started by others.

So, not only do you have to do the current spawn for nothing, you have to wait 30 mins to do one where you can get something, and hope others will help you.

A dilemma for the Devs. The players already wanted the old way changed where you at least got the Boss drop no matter when you joined the spawn.

No matter what method they use, players will stop doing the spawn in a few weeks because they have a bunch of everything. Then a Casual player or one living under a rock wants to do the spawn for the first time.


I would also prefer to run the spawn; however, this...
I doubt there are any other shards where players are still doing the spawn regularly. Other shards you either do it alone or have to beg in chat for others to join. The problem is, if others join they will get nothing because the spawn already dropped the 10 eggs and you can not get boots from the Boss since the spawn was already started by others.
Currently, the spawn gets run in the morning for shards not named Atlantic, the 10 eggs are dropped, and then that's all she wrote for the rest of the day.

Eggs should continue to drop throughout the spawn (all levels seems preferred). The problem is that there needs to be a reward for those that finish the spawn/boss knowing that the eggs are gone, and they won't be eligible for the drop (Unless the rules for that are changed again. But even then, eventually people don't need 1000 pairs of the boots). Either that, or they should consider a spawn reset timer.

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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
The problem is that there needs to be a reward for those that finish the spawn/boss knowing that the eggs are gone,
Agreed. Personally I will not stick around for the spawn if it's past level 1 because there is a good chance I will not get anything from it (ie I just wasted 30-60min and equipment durb loss for zilch). The single item that I get from the corpse loot isn't even worth picking up to throw in the trash.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
This spawn was purposely changed to only drop 10 eggs. You are on Atlantic where players are still doing the spawn.
(They were a few days ago, I did 2 while waiting to transfer away)

I doubt there are any other shards where players are still doing the spawn regularly. Other shards you either do it alone or have to beg in chat for others to join. The problem is, if others join they will get nothing because the spawn already dropped the 10 eggs and you can not get boots from the Boss since the spawn was already started by others.

So, not only do you have to do the current spawn for nothing, you have to wait 30 mins to do one where you can get something, and hope others will help you.

A dilemma for the Devs. The players already wanted the old way changed where you at least got the Boss drop no matter when you joined the spawn.

No matter what method they use, players will stop doing the spawn in a few weeks because they have a bunch of everything. Then a Casual player or one living under a rock wants to do the spawn for the first time.
I can solo or need just one other player to do most other spawns maybe tone down these bosses?


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Would be nice if they could scale the HP based on however many people are within the spawn.
Agreed. With a small group, taking down the boss can take considerable amount of time (30+ minutes). Understandable that some of the smaller shards that don't have the casual passerby players would probably give up on this if it's taking that long. I can appreciate a challenge, but this is just a grind.