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Is anyone else being harrassed by reds in guard zones while doing eggs?


Stratics Veteran
I keep moving fields to try to shake them off, but they keep finding me and targeting pets that are guarding, making me unable to call the guards. After losing a bunch of items the first time, they should know by now that I insure everything. Is it really that fun to attack blues in guard zones?


Stratics Veteran
Maybe stay in tram? Or call some friends ?? I often wonder why folks get angry at reds do we curse the ogre lord or greater dragons?
I'm not mad at the reds; I'm annoyed I couldn't call the guards on them. I would have loved to see them guard whacked. I don't have my pets guard me anymore, so come at me reds!


Stratics Veteran
Maybe stay in tram? Or call some friends ?? I often wonder why folks get angry at reds do we curse the ogre lord or greater dragons?
Also, if there were ogre lords or wild greater dragons in a blue zone, they would get guard whacked. Why should reds be any different?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
reds to kill my lumberjack everyday then wold rez kill over and over lol any red killing a crafter these days is just an &$$ IRL Imho has deep hate issues with them selves


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I keep moving fields to try to shake them off, but they keep finding me and targeting pets that are guarding, making me unable to call the guards. After losing a bunch of items the first time, they should know by now that I insure everything. Is it really that fun to attack blues in guard zones?
If you are actually in the guard zone they can't attack you without getting guard whacked. What is probably happening is you are using a CHIV pet which casts holy light (area spell) which then flags you and the pet. All you need to do is use a pet that doesn't use any area spells. I was using my CB/Disco triton and had no issues flagging reds that came around.

To answer your question though... yes it is more entertaining to mess with someone in Fel than it is to actually do the event. I've spent a couple hours stealthing around Fel fields looking for botters/scripters to steal from. I've died way more times and collected far less eggs than if I just farmed them but to me it's much more fun. The latest fun I had was stealing a scripters thorns since they were auto-insuring eggs as soon as they dropped in their pack.


Stratics Veteran
If you are actually in the guard zone they can't attack you without getting guard whacked. What is probably happening is you are using a CHIV pet which casts holy light (area spell) which then flags you and the pet. All you need to do is use a pet that doesn't use any area spells. I was using my CB/Disco triton and had no issues flagging reds that came around.
My mule was using an untrained fire beetle which doesn't cast area spells. Apparently it is a bug (won't go into too much detail).


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wasn't getting more eggs under Felucca ruleset, and Kyronix posted that Felucca Luck doesn't happen for this purpose, so I'm back to Trammel ruleset plowed areas. Go and do thou likewise.


Stratics Veteran
I wasn't getting more eggs under Felucca ruleset, and Kyronix posted that Felucca Luck doesn't happen for this purpose, so I'm back to Trammel ruleset plowed areas. Go and do thou likewise.
I did find the loot was a bit better in Felucca (more legendaries) and haven't been able to get any splinter weps in Tram.


Stratics Veteran
And there are those who wonder why Tram was created. Prime example here. smh

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I think it is funny that a person that plays in FEL is here whining about REDs in FEL, totally PRICELESS.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

Like @John Knighthawke said, none of this is new. Welcome to felucca. If it can be greifed, stolen or exploited, it will be. And we don't care what you think of that. You're in our house, you play by our rules. Don't like it... Trammel ---‐------->
Last edited:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I think they were complaining about a game system not working correctly not about being attacked
I'd like to know more details because seems kind of strange to me they came here to complain about it and then vaguely refer to some bug that allows reds to attack a fire beetle in town to flag them. I'd like to know what the bug is because I still think it might be user error which we've seen here time and time again. If it's a legit bug ok... but they can still use something other than a fire beetle. I think this one falls into the "complaining to complain" category.

Having the mindset of "well I shouldn't need to change my game play due to others" (especially in Fel) is someone that would be better suited playing a single player game.


Stratics Veteran
Neither this behavior, nor folks justifying it, are new.
And there are those who wonder why Tram was created. Prime example here. smh
I think it is funny that a person that plays in FEL is here whining about REDs in FEL, totally PRICELESS.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

Like @John Knighthawke said, none of this is new. Welcome to felucca. If it can be greifed, stolen or exploited, it will be. And we don't care what you think of that. You're in our house, you play by our rules. Don't like it... Trammel ---‐------->
My apologies if it came across that I was complaining about reds in Fel. I honestly have no problem with reds or being killed in Fel. My miner gets killed all the time in Fel and I just shrug it off because I understand that this is a risk of mining in Fel. When I go to an IDOC in Fel and get killed in a second, I laugh because I totally suck at PvP.

As for being killed in a guard zone with a pet guarding me (the real issue), I was told that this was a pet bug exploit when I explained the circumstances to a vet with a much better understanding of these kinds of things than me. It was my first time experiencing it, so I was just a little shocked/annoyed. Didn't mean to stir up a hornet's nest. :D


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My apologies if it came across that I was complaining about reds in Fel. I honestly have no problem with reds or being killed in Fel. My miner gets killed all the time in Fel and I just shrug it off because I understand that this is a risk of mining in Fel. When I go to an IDOC in Fel and get killed in a second, I laugh because I totally suck at PvP.

As for being killed in a guard zone with a pet guarding me (the real issue), I was told that this was a pet bug exploit when I explained the circumstances to a vet with a much better understanding of these kinds of things than me. It was my first time experiencing it, so I was just a little shocked/annoyed. Didn't mean to stir up a hornet's nest. :D
Delucia, Fel is a zone where you can mine in a guard zone. You just have to make the run from the Passage, thru the caves. Takes about 20 seconds or so. Be Save.

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Delucia, Fel is a zone where you can mine in a guard zone. You just have to make the run from the Passage, thru the caves. Takes about 20 seconds or so. Be Save.
Being in the GZ might protect you from most PKs. I'll still get ya though. That being said, I typically won't if you aren't AFK. Though if I see you mining, I assume you are AFK.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm not mad at the reds; I'm annoyed I couldn't call the guards on them. I would have loved to see them guard whacked. I don't have my pets guard me anymore, so come at me reds!

Why would having a pet guard oneself result in reds being able to attack, with guards not intervening in a Guard zone ?

Does a guarding pet attack a red in a Guard zone even if unprovocked thus permitting the red to attack the tamer without Guards intervening ?

If this is the case, if the pet is NOT guarding the Tamer but, rather, when the rabbit spawns the Tamer commands "kill" and targets the rabbit, would the red in such a case still be able to freely attack the tamer or would in this case Guards intervene if the red attacks ?


Stratics Veteran

Why would having a pet guard oneself result in reds being able to attack, with guards not intervening in a Guard zone ?

Does a guarding pet attack a red in a Guard zone even if unprovocked thus permitting the red to attack the tamer without Guards intervening ?

If this is the case, if the pet is NOT guarding the Tamer but, rather, when the rabbit spawns the Tamer commands "kill" and targets the rabbit, would the red in such a case still be able to freely attack the tamer or would in this case Guards intervene if the red attacks ?
If your pet has any sort of AOE like goo, holy light from chiv ect, it will hit the red if they are standing near. When that happens you will turn grey to the red and he can attack freely.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
If your pet has any sort of AOE like goo, holy light from chiv ect, it will hit the red if they are standing near. When that happens you will turn grey to the red and he can attack freely.
That's what I mentioned earlier but the OP said that there was some bug using a 1 slot fire beetle on their crafter. They never went into the actual bug though so not sure.