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Random thought


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Just a bit of background (and a bit of a short story if you have time lol). It's a 2 part story which pieced together had me arrive at my random thought.

Yesterday I was working from home and it was a light day so I decided to keep playing after I logged in to upkeep my thorn plants. I went to do Underwater because I saw someone in chat say they needed more people. I did that (only took about 15min) and someone said they had more keys so come back in 30min. So I parked that character for 30min and logged in with my blacksmith to claim some BODs.

Out of the 3 BODs, I wanted to bribe up 2 of them (one was 20 non-exc copper armor / other was 20exc copper armor). I usually go to Fel Brit Smith by the graveyard... upon my first bribe attempt I got a message that their guild was watching (ie someone already max bribed) so I recalled to another spot. Long story short I ended up recalling to 5 different blacksmith shops (mix of Fel/Tram) with the shops either have already been max bribed OR some very high bribe rate (it was 21k for the non-exc copper & 45k for the exc copper to be bribed up). Someone was obviously running around bribing around that time but honestly this isn't even close to the first time this has happened; in fact it's been very expensive to bribe for anything (first bribe on BOD and first from me on the NPC). It's almost like bribing is going on non-stop so the vendors never have a chance to reset their prices because there are a few (secret) places where I can bribe these same bods for under 1k each and I could probably get to Valorite before seeing 20k+ per bribe.

After running around trying to bribe literally only 2 BODs for 30min I went back to UW for the next round. This time around I saw like 4 obviously "new" toons down there which did not have mounts (ie no ethys) / had basic gear on (robe of eclipse & generic imbued non-max luck armor) / and were only casting greater heal (couldn't res anyone). To me this was obviously a single person (or 2) with 4-5 support accounts casting heal to get looting rights. Right/wrong/indifferent doesn't matter for this particular thread....

So my random thought based some other threads about the UO population: Wouldn't it be ironic if the "UO population" really just consisted of like 100 actual players and then like 5-6 people mass scripting all content from BODs / resource gathering / dynamic events / EM events which the 100 actual people playing simply buy from since the people scripting are able to do the same content with 5-10 (EJ) accounts at a time (ie they are getting many more chances at goodies per hour played)?


Stratics Veteran
do you really play this game to say there is 100 people playing it lol.....maybe if you play on origin there is 100 people. all shards is many thousands people.

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
this is the legacy the devs have created for us. more people have quit/left the game due to cheating than anything else in the game. there are many reasons i call EJ accounts "endless cheating accounts". anyone that plays the game can see how the EJ accounts are a massive problem in the game. they can do too much and can be exploited big time. many may not know that scripting EJ accounts were able to get over 150k eggs from last event per account. thats 150 100 drop items and were using many Ej account daily. if they got caught, they just open another account. the use of multi accounts whether paid or EJs is my biggest issue in the game for me. this all goes with use of illegal programs/scripts/rails which are amazing now a days. the devs either have no clue or just dont look. you easily guess the answer. just my opinions
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Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For every house there is a PAID account and Atl has well over 100 houses.


Slightly Crazed
@Keven2002 each of those accounts have High Seas booster purchased at least.
Each of those toons increase quantity of loot you will find on boss corpse after it will become loot able for everyone. So what was exactly bad for you there ?
First you claim there are other people on shard and your bribe price is too high. Then you assume there are no people to play, only bots. Logic?


Slightly Crazed
this is the legacy the devs have created for us. more people have quit/left the game due to cheating than anything else in the game. there are many reasons i call EJ accounts "endless cheating accounts". anyone that plays the game can see how the EJ accounts are a massive problem in the game. they can due too much and can be exploited big time. many may not know that scripting EJ accounts were able to get over 150k eggs from last event per account. thats 150 100 drop items and were using many Ej account daily. if they got caught, they just open another account. the use of multi accounts whether paid or EJs is my biggest issue in the game for me. this all goes with use of illegal programs/scripts/rails which are amazing now a days. the devs either have no clue or just dont look. you easily guess the answer. just my opinions
Why EJ ? What is bad with those ? Why everyone guess that EJs are stealing their something? You can do all that stuff with paid account. How can you tell if THAT toon is EJ or not ? Why do you bother that someone got some rewards from event ? Because of alarmists like you devs don't plan to do eggs gathering . Why do you need to break everything ?


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Wiki Moderator
I wouldn't say many thousands...I would say many hundreds.....
For every house there is a PAID account and Atl has well over 100 houses.
You do know that there are people with 20+ accounts right?

How many houses does not = how many players, sorry.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lol not going to argue with the 100 players. I know you just tossed out a number for fun.

When UO began I used 1 character. I did not make another until T2A came out. Then another for ML. Then filled the 7 slots when SA came out.

Now I have 4 accounts with many built toons.

I think this is just the evolution of a UO player to have multiple accounts.

I used to have 2 computer setups at my desk back in the CRT days. Now 1 PC and 3 monitors.

Yes I have also wondered, how many toons in a crowd are the same RL person.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Lol not going to argue with the 100 players. I know you just tossed out a number for fun.

When UO began I used 1 character. I did not make another until T2A came out. Then another for ML. Then filled the 7 slots when SA came out.

Now I have 4 accounts with many built toons.

I think this is just the evolution of a UO player to have multiple accounts.

I used to have 2 computer setups at my desk back in the CRT days. Now 1 PC and 3 monitors.

Yes I have also wondered, how many toons in a crowd are the same RL person.
You'll be sad to know I'm 3 of your LS friends


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
For every house there is a PAID account and Atl has well over 100 houses.
No there isn't... there are still a great many people with accounts that are "grandfathered" and they have multiple houses all over ... I know a few such people... back in the very early days you could have a house for every character you had on every shard...

Then they changed that to 1 house per shard... per account... and even I had a house on my shard and one on another... then they changed that to 1 house per account period...

However, anyone who had multiple houses could keep them... so long as the account remained paid... so there is that...

Then a few years back they changed that as well and said you could have 1 on regular shards and 1 on siege/mugen... this was an effort to get more people to actually play siege/mugen... don't think that actually worked though...

So again can't count that every house has a paid account as this is NOT the case.

I can also safely say that there are a vast number of houses without an owner at all... I have myself found and reported at least a dozen such houses... if you check house signs you can find many that have NO OWNER ... that's right... there are I'm sure many, many more houses that have no owner listing for whatever reason... they are often private... but yeah...

There are even more houses owned by DEVs or EMs... mostly Mesanna...

Again... not all houses represent a paid account... just saying.

And you can top that off with the I'm sure 100s of accounts of people who play the roulette game with housing and pay for their account every 90 to 120 days... just long enough to keep their house...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
@Larisa & @Pawain seem to understand what I was saying. The gist of it for anyone who missed it was that the actual community is much smaller than the amount of players we see (ie people have 20 account with houses and 100+ toons but that's only 1 person) but I think there could be a case made for a very small amount of scripters accounting for a large portion of things people buy.

@gwen - You mistook my post for complaining. It wasn't. It was just a random thought I had that I wanted to share. I don't care if someone is using 10 accounts for underwater as that doesn't impact my loot. It's just something I noticed which was pretty obvious given their outfits and how they moved. You also misunderstood what I was saying about the BODs; I do not think for one minute there are a bunch of people on my shard running around bribing up BODS; it's very likely just 1 or 2 people running several accounts (they may or may not be scripting).... this goes back to what I was saying that it would be ironic if there were really only X players (I randomly used 100) actively playing the game while 5 or 6 (another random number) people were just scripting 5-10 accounts at a time getting all the stuff that the "active players" end up buying.

Lastly - EJ accounts get the bad name because I can setup 10 EJ accounts right now which wouldn't be linked to any of my real accounts get them operational (maybe takes a few days) and then blatantly break rules without any real repercussion. Who cares if I lose a 3 week old account that I've paid 0$ for? Compare that to breaking the rules on your 24 year account with a fully loaded castle... are you going to risk breaking the rules on that account and lose all that? Doubtful. That isn't to say ALL EJ accounts are bad but it's very easy to see how they get a bad name.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
About the bods.

The horned for armor, copper/ bronze for weapon shield, ash for wooden weapon shield runics are being used to make luck suits. They are being restocked daily.

So that may account for many bribes. They are making decent gold on those right now.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
do you really play this game to say there is 100 people playing it lol.....maybe if you play on origin there is 100 people. all shards is many thousands people.
Dude, there aren't "many thousands" playing on any EA production shard...gtfooh


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
BOD bribing should be "instanced"...like a lot (not all ) of the game should be.
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Acid Rain

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I’ll avoid speculation on current player population. Last reliable number I heard was 45k but that was ~13yrs ago w roughly 55% on Asian shards & I haven’t tried to find info since then.

No there isn't... there are still a great many people with accounts that are "grandfathered" and they have multiple houses all over ...
Not sure I’d say ‘a great many people’ w grandfathered accounts exist:eyes:. Sure theres some but in my experience ain’t many of us left. The long tradition of cheating in this game (eventually getting caught if u do) combine w having to keep the account open continually has dwindled those accounts to small (if not VERY small) numbers. Most everyone I know w those type accounts (most, not all) bought them as a novelty from vets that quit playing .

this is the legacy the devs have created for us. more people have quit/left the game due to cheating than anything else in the game.
^^^ Sadly, this is a fact. :sad3: ^^^
I can’t fully blame our current Devs bc its been rampant almost from the start. I was there & saw it. Back then people got banned, alot of people. Gradual indecision & inaction compounded player exodus. When players start feeling that developers don’t care... why should players? :wall: Tens of thousands moved on to other games where they felt cheating was properly addressed.

On EJ accounts, I can only speak on my experience. Yes, I made one w the explicit intention to cheat.:eek2: I was sick of competing w 95% of PvPers I knew that used ‘illegal’ 3rd PP’s:sword:. I spent couple wks training, outfitting in top end gear, & learning the programs I would use. I played that EJ account exactly 2 days:twak: in the field. I simply don’t want to play a game where cheating is necessary. I can’t do it.:thumbdown: The account still has items/gear worth more then many players will ever see. I won’t log on it.

Ive quit playing UO entirely & joined the hordes of others that found games where cheating isn’t a necessity. If/when I do return it will be bc of the many friends & genuinely good peps I know still playing. I do miss them.:frown2:

Yes, I still pay my account:thumbup1:. No, you can’t have my stuffs:talktothehand:.

The Black Smith

Seasoned Veteran
@Keven2002 not sure what your first 3 paragraphs were written for.

this reminds me of the time I went offshard to Great Lakes for a castle IDOC, i went red and started withering and killed everyone there, i then got about 30 different messages from various players saying X is me Y is me...
Turns out there are no random players and we all already know everyone. Even the people on dead shards.


Slightly Crazed
@Keven2002 , to go to UW you need to buy expansion,
to wear any of Roof artifacts you need to buy expansion too.
If you violate rules you will loose all gear on your EJ.
To run around and bribe bods you don't need EJ. EJ are no good for BODs at all: theycannot use BOD book
I have fun playing game. When I have 2 game windows -it reminds me of work. So it is either bard or a Justice helper.
If someone have fun setting up and controlling 10 chars, skilling them , gearing and doing UW quest 10 times -I'm ok with that.