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Please. give hint for Event


Stratics Veteran
Isn't there any hint for next month's Rabbit catching event?
I heard that they give me items and house decorations that were popular in the past, but I would be very disappointed if they were the same as last year.

If we need a Lucky Suit for the event, I think there's an artifact that can be acquired by luck, and there's something else that can be acquired by holding a bunny with a green thorn.

If it's a good thing, we should buy an additional flower bed now. Don't you need to give a hint to the users, developers!

Please. give more hint for Event


Stratics Veteran
... there have been plenty of "hints" on the Official Forums in the Test Center thread "Publish 115 Feedback Thread".

There have also been plenty of "hints" on TC1 where the upcoming April/May event is live and being tested - and has been for the past month, at least.


Good idea for this post :
What toons may be good for this new event? What slayers? What pets? How do we prepare for the next event, any ideas from people who tested it on TC1 would be more than welcome.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
not mad bro.
i was piggybacking on the other guy's post
Actually feeling quite squirrely today :)

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
They don't read official forum either but we will know next to nothing until live as Kyronix said things will change from test


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
but they will close a thread in a heartbeat the second a post gets a little heated.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
but they will close a thread in a heartbeat the second a post gets a little heated.
Strangely enough garth and myself having a civil discussion with Kyronix but it's a matter of time before paddy cakes comes roaring in with his pom poms and it gets closed


Stratics Veteran
Well, everything changes between TC1 and going Live on prodo ... *shrugs* ... that's why I don't go test things and I don't stress about it. It will be what it will be. I'll play it for a week or two, and then go back to my normal game play. Hopefully, though, everyone has fun with it and gets the stuff they want.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Publish 115
Counterfeit Commodities
Something isn’t quite right this Spring…collectors across the realm have reeled at the fact counterfeit curiously adorned eggs have hit the market! While the source of these fakes has yet to be determined, there is a concerted effort to rid the world of these erroneous eggs!

  • Green thorns planted in fields during the months of April & May will spawn a miniaturized version of the Alchemist’s Abomination!
  • Each of the top 3 contributors have a chance to acquire a Counterfeit Egg, with luck assisting that chance
  • There is also a chance an extra egg can be found on the corpse of the rabbit
  • Counterfeit Eggs can be turned into the Counterfeit Commodities Trader at the Britain Commons for rewards


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
both events start in April

Counterfeit Commodities (Counterfeit Commodities Trader)


(we won't see the rewards until the Trader shows up at Britain Commons)



Champ Spawn (usually 30 days)

Hoppers Bog Spawn - slayers

1. Bogglings (none) and alligators (reptile)

2. Forest ostards (none) and giant serpents (reptile/snake)

3. Mud pies (elemental) and dread spiders (arachnid/spider)

4. Skree (reptile) and scorpions (arachnid)

BOSS: Putrid swamp bog (none)

NOTE: information obtained on TC,
slayers obtained from UO guide list


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The above and a spawn event that will be in an unlevel swamp with swamp creatures and possible added things. The eggs will also possibly be the participation reward for the spawn event. So 2 ways to get eggs.

The rabbit or swamp boss will probably not have a slayer.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Did it say somewhere it was starting in April (maybe I overlooked it)? I figured it might start the week spring starts since it is the "spring" event but maybe that was just wishful thinking to have something new to do... I'm getting bored being a botanist :D


Stratics Veteran
Did it say somewhere it was starting in April (maybe I overlooked it)? I figured it might start the week spring starts since it is the "spring" event but maybe that was just wishful thinking to have something new to do... I'm getting bored being a botanist :D
Kyronix said it in theTC1 thread

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did it say somewhere it was starting in April (maybe I overlooked it)? I figured it might start the week spring starts since it is the "spring" event but maybe that was just wishful thinking to have something new to do... I'm getting bored being a botanist :D
  • Green thorns planted in fields during the months of April & May will spawn a miniaturized version of the Alchemist’s Abomination!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Did it say somewhere it was starting in April (maybe I overlooked it)? I figured it might start the week spring starts since it is the "spring" event but maybe that was just wishful thinking to have something new to do... I'm getting bored being a botanist :D


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Yes still growing all my plots of bright snake ... farming those green thorns... and some nice seeds at the same time...


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Has anyone here tested the difficulty level of the bunnies? Haven't been able to copy onto tc1 to test.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Has anyone here tested the difficulty level of the bunnies? Haven't been able to copy onto tc1 to test.
They used vorpol rabbits on test center. They have very low resists and low HP. Would be difficult for 3 players to all do damage.

So hopefully something more beefy on live.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They used vorpol rabbits on test center. They have very low resists and low HP. Would be difficult for 3 players to all do damage.

So hopefully something more beefy on live.
I would hope so. Thanks for the info.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Has anyone here tested the difficulty level of the bunnies? Haven't been able to copy onto tc1 to test.
They stopped giving the green thorns to spawn the rabbits so it wouldn't matter anyway (old green thorns do not work on test). The difficulty though was similar to a vorpal bunny which I think is about right given that eggs are not guaranteed (they are based on luck which is a randomized roll).

Thanks @Cinderella - I guess I was just being hopeful we would get it earlier. As I said, getting bored with the plant growing piece since it's a once a day thing (it's literally the only reason I've logged on for the past month). I've found myself with a little extra time and wanting to play UO but nothing to do that I don't quickly become bored with.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
They stopped giving the green thorns to spawn the rabbits so it wouldn't matter anyway (old green thorns do not work on test). The difficulty though was similar to a vorpal bunny which I think is about right given that eggs are not guaranteed (they are based on luck which is a randomized roll).

Thanks @Cinderella - I guess I was just being hopeful we would get it earlier. As I said, getting bored with the plant growing piece since it's a once a day thing (it's literally the only reason I've logged on for the past month). I've found myself with a little extra time and wanting to play UO but nothing to do that I don't quickly become bored with.
yw. well you won't be bored when this starts.
(I'm taking this time to do Large BODs for this years Artisan Festival)

And then after Counterfeit Commodities ends
we will be having Summer Solstice

Festival of the Summer Solstice

Following a cold, hard winter it's time to celebrate the warmth of the summer sun with a festival at Fire Island!
(mentioned in last newsletter)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
yw. well you won't be bored when this starts.
(I'm taking this time to do Large BODs for this years Artisan Festival)

And then after Counterfeit Commodities ends
we will be having Summer Solstice
I'm always excited for the events to start and I never worry about being bored initially (especially after going 3 months with no event). The determining factor on "event boredom" always comes down to the rewards & the grind factor. I know there will be some grind required but there has to be some sort of balance (drops per hour and rewards). I've played every dynamic event so I have enough SSI Eps / 50 SDI books / Boots of escaping / etc so when there is only 1 or 2 new items that are worthwhile to me, I lose interest once I have enough to outfit my chars and become bored.

At this point it's pretty much rinse/repeat for the dynamic events which is fine but I think overall the events are just too long and it becomes boring just doing the same thing over and over for the same things. Personally, I'd like shorter events with a shorter down time in between. I think this would help keep people playing (subscribed) because they wouldn't want to miss out (especially if EJ get account bound drops now). For those that did miss out, they would have a chance during an event down the road when items could potentially be brought back (but they wouldn't avail be every event cycle). That would keep things "fresh" imo so that there wouldn't be as much boredom because at the very least there would be new stuff to grind for.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Is it possible the green thorns we have been gathering in the mean time won’t work when the event is live?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is it possible the green thorns we have been gathering in the mean time won’t work when the event is live?
Kyronix said ours will work. It would take 16 days to grow 8 seeds if we needed different seeds.
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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Is it possible the green thorns we have been gathering in the mean time won’t work when the event is live?
Our thorns should work. If I had to guess, that's probably the reason we aren't getting the event until April because that gave everyone ample time to plant seeds and gather resources. It takes half a month to fully collect resources from a plant and 9 days before you get any resources at all which would cut into the event time by at least 1/8 unless there was some other way to obtain seeds.

While it would be a complete "F you" to almost everyone, it would be kind of funny to have everyone spend all this time planting green thorns only to have them be completely worthless :hahaha: .


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would assume given that kyronix specifically stated the top 3 get rewards for killing the green thorne spawn that this is intended to be a group effort & the spawn will not be a 5second kill. Also, given that people have to use their resources to spawn them, I think there is going to be a lot of bickering at the start over "kill stealing "my" spawn". I have been growing my own stash of thorns to cover either case.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would assume given that kyronix specifically stated the top 3 get rewards for killing the green thorne spawn that this is intended to be a group effort & the spawn will not be a 5second kill. Also, given that people have to use their resources to spawn them, I think there is going to be a lot of bickering at the start over "kill stealing "my" spawn". I have been growing my own stash of thorns to cover either case.
When the bickering begins have all 3 of your toons plant seeds and overwhelm them. Like Gabby does at Scalis, she makes everyone mad by casting nets until multiple Scalis are up.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
When the bickering begins have all 3 of your toons plant seeds and overwhelm them. Like Gabby does at Scalis, she makes everyone mad by casting nets until multiple Scalis are up.
On cats there's been a griefer tossing nets summoning scaly after we summon chardy


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On cats there's been a griefer tossing nets summoning scaly after we summon chardy
Oh my I bet that is a mess. I assume you are in a ship. I guess you can not provoke Scalis onto Charybdis?

What ship type do you use? I found the Brit Ship works best because it takes a lot more damage to disable it. The size also helps because players can fight on each side pretty easy, and my poor fisherman can be invisible in the middle.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Oh my I bet that is a mess. I assume you are in a ship. I guess you can not provoke Scalis onto Charybdis?

What ship type do you use? I found the Brit Ship works best because it takes a lot more damage to disable it. The size also helps because players can fight on each side pretty easy, and my poor fisherman can be invisible in the middle.
Yes big boat !


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Would be nice if devs could instance the vorpal bunnies like treasure chests to partied group in Trammel rule sets locales, and make it free for all attackable in Felucca. Might cut down on the multi bot attacks on thorns your party plants in Trammel.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I don't think the spawn needs to be harder because as we've seen with every other event outside of the main shards (ATL/LS/PAC/EUR/etc) the events are very low population with very few people actually doing it at the same time. Perfect example is how dead Deceit was (no pun intended) during the last event on several shards I visited. There was less than 5 people working the dungeons every single time I went (most times it was just me and maybe 2 others). That would be a mistake imo to make them too hard.

Ultimately I think it will likely depend on what a single egg is worth. If it's similar to every other event where you need many eggs for a single reward (ie 10/20/50+) then keeping the mini abominations like they were on TC1 makes sense because the top 3 damagers are the only ones at a chance at an egg (keep in mind luck is still playing a part).


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
if they decide to do any more pages for the books, please put more than one word in them, and not just .... Water ... with a picture of water or Destard.... with a picture of a lich

More effort on these or dont do at all. Really, did a cave man create these reward pages ?

Cave *points*
Book ...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
if they decide to do any more pages for the books, please put more than one word in them, and not just .... Water ... with a picture of water or Destard.... with a picture of a lich

More effort on these or dont do at all. Really, did a cave man create these reward pages ?

Cave *points*
Book ...
Usually the lore pages have more context than just one word (that is how the 25th anniv reward book is though). That said, I do agree with the premise of your thought. At first the lore pages were cool and different but like we see with many other things; the team kind of just keeps going back to the well on these without actually changing a whole lot (if anything). They just switch up a few pictures of the people and add a different set of words to them to tell the story.

I think this dungeon pic (ppl in the box change) is used in most of the lore books and in some of them it's used multiple times. The second most used one might be the giant tree.



Seasoned Veteran
if they decide to do any more pages for the books, please put more than one word in them, and not just .... Water ... with a picture of water or Destard.... with a picture of a lich

More effort on these or dont do at all. Really, did a cave man create these reward pages ?

Cave *points*
Book ...


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
if they decide to do any more pages for the books, please put more than one word in them, and not just .... Water ... with a picture of water or Destard.... with a picture of a lich

More effort on these or dont do at all. Really, did a cave man create these reward pages ?

Cave *points*
Book ...
Most of the book pages I may say all of them come from old art they "discovered" at some point from the old games prior to UO... the old ultima games.

So no they probably aren't going to give you new art for them... as well there isn't any. That would actually require someone at UOBroadsword actually you know ... work.... while at work...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
artwork is fine, it's the story that is missing ...
I think you are referencing the 25th Anniv Reward book (there is a 25 on it). That one randomly shows artwork on a page with just a description of what it is (like Destard / Swamp / etc). The books of lore from events actually have stories with the artwork.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This 25th one plays the music on that page. Close and open again and it goes to a random page.
I open it and drag it to the corner so i dont have to hear dungeon music all the time.

It probably was not meant to have a story.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think I will be good on the thorn front and able to flood LS with free thorns :) The three Factory Farms in full production with 80 raised beds per farm is a dreaded thing to harvest LOL. Then there are the small Farmstead with the 68 field beds........... Hey if it is worth doing it is worth doing BIG :) And No I did not buy all of those raised beds, I got most from IDOCs before they ruined IDOCs that is why I had raised beds scattered from Atlantic to Baja and across the Asian Shards. It just took and is taking some time to consolidate them all on LS :) And What is that pulsing green circle I keep seeing on the EC MAP!

EC Map Factory Farms.jpg

Sadly the first planting I needed to buff up my red leafs so I can seal my nasty books and I needed a few Orange Petals, so not a full run of Green Thorns :(

Factory Farm A.jpg

Factory Farm b.jpg

Factory Farm c.jpg
And one of the little farmsteads :)
termur A.jpg

I might be the poorest player on LS but I have my raised beds to feed me!


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Between you and Gabby, we will have free thorns for everyone.