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Vet Reward Teleporters, What Am I Missing?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have two houses (one tram and one fel) connected by vet reward teleporters. Both sides are set to alliance, yet I have a friend who is in the guild and is also friended to both houses... however, the character can go from the tram house to the fel house, but gets the message they "can't use this" trying to go from fel to tram. I've tried releasing the teleporters and resetting them. I've also had them leave the guild and rejoin. Same results. What gives?

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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Glorious Lord
House security has to be set properly as well

*taps pipe and lights it with a coal from the fire*


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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Campaign Benefactor
out of curiosity your player that placed the house tiles.... is that character in the same guild/alliance as the friend your having issues with?
im just wondering of your using a unguilded character to place the tiles.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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Campaign Benefactor
have you tried setting both tiles to 'friend' instead of 'alliance'?
or set them to anyone and have him try them, then work up the list to friend, then guild, then alliance.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have two houses (one tram and one fel) connected by vet reward teleporters. Both sides are set to alliance, yet I have a friend who is in the guild and is also friended to both houses... however, the character can go from the tram house to the fel house, but gets the message they "can't use this" trying to go from fel to tram. I've tried releasing the teleporters and resetting them. I've also had them leave the guild and rejoin. Same results. What gives?
Just as a test, set up a container set as Alliance (or same as Teleporters.) and see if they can open them both. I had this kind of trouble with a container I put Blackrock stew in and ended up having to set it to anyone so the guild and alliance could use it.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
out of curiosity your player that placed the house tiles.... is that character in the same guild/alliance as the friend your having issues with?
im just wondering of your using a unguilded character to place the tiles.
I tested that by releasing them and making sure they were placed by a player in the same guild. Same issue.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Another issue I’ve seen with Alliances is if the characters Guild rank is Ronin, they can’t access items set to Alliance.
I’m pretty sure they were a full member, but I’ll double check that tonight.


Stratics Veteran
Not just Ronin - anyone listed as Warlord, also. For whatever reason, "Warlord" in guild rank is treated as a Ronin - not a member - when it comes to Guild permissions.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What game are you guys playing where Alliance is an option for Vet Telly Security ? I just checked in both clients to see if maybe I'm crazy, and I'm not.

Owner Only
Co Owners
Guild Members (When did Alliance members become Guild Members )

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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What game are you guys playing where Alliance is an option for Vet Telly Security ? I just checked in both clients to see if maybe I'm crazy, and I'm not.

Owner Only
Co Owners
Guild Members (When did Alliance members become Guild Members )

Mine has both guild and alliance. Perhaps it only shows up if you’re in an alliance?


Stratics Veteran
What game are you guys playing where Alliance is an option for Vet Telly Security ? I just checked in both clients to see if maybe I'm crazy, and I'm not.

Owner Only
Co Owners
Guild Members (When did Alliance members become Guild Members )

You have to actually be in an alliance to get that option


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Mine has both guild and alliance. Perhaps it only shows up if you’re in an alliance?
In the picture above my Archer is neither Guilded nor in alliance
Same tile another character that is in a guild, bother are owners of the house.
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Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
I seem to remember a problem if the house belongs to a character in the alliance, but not in the alliance leader guild?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I seem to remember a problem if the house belongs to a character in the alliance, but not in the alliance leader guild?
If that’s the case one would think that alliance would not show up in the security menu?

Either way, I would assume that whatever selection you choose would be inclusive of the options above… so if you select alliance, it would also allow guild, friends, and co-owners. So since the character is also in the same guild as the character who owns/placed the teleporter it still seems like it should work… maybe the security settings aren’t inclusive like that?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So I have rechecked everything... Both sets of teleport tiles are on a public house and set to alliance. My characters who are co-owned can use the teleporters in both directions, regardless of guild or alliance, so they are clearly inclusive of co-owners when set to alliance. I tested from two other accounts with characters who are in the same guild as me, and obviously in the same alliance. Both characters are friended to each house. Both characters are "member status" in the guild. It doesn't make sense to me that they can use an alliance teleporter to go from tram to fel, but not from fel to tram when everything is set the same. I also tested secure containers... in the tram house they can open a secure container set to alliance, but not in the fel house. I still feel stumped here... The only thing I can think of is that the fel house was placed by a dummy character who was not in any guild so the house sign would bear a certain name. That character has since been deleted. The tram house character who placed the home is still there and in the guild. Since houses are owned by accounts, not characters, I am not sure why this would matter... any thoughts?


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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Campaign Benefactor
im thinking you should probably post this in the official forums or send in a bug report.
obviously due diligence to correct anything we as players has been done so this seems like its a game mechanics problem.
im tempted to go and muck around with my teleporters but at the same time, i don't wanna risk messing mine up, haha!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
The only thing I can think of is that the fel house was placed by a dummy character who was not in any guild so the house sign would bear a certain name. That character has since been deleted. The tram house character who placed the home is still there and in the guild. Since houses are owned by accounts, not characters, I am not sure why this would matter... any thoughts?
since the FEL owner was deleted and wasn't in a guild.
alliance members won't be able to use it.
your co-owners and friends can, because they are on those lists.

in order for the alliance and guild settings to work
you will have to get one of your other characters as owner.
maybe Mesanna could help you with that
or you can transfer that house to another account
then wait a week and transfer back.
(my husband had issues like this once and that was what we had to do)

you can step onto the tram teleporter, because they are alliance members.
and since the fel side is open to the public, thats why they can go there.
but they can't step back on, because they aren't alliance to the character who placed the house.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
since the FEL owner was deleted and wasn't in a guild.
alliance members won't be able to use it.
your co-owners and friends can, because they are on those lists.

in order for the alliance and guild settings to work
you will have to get one of your other characters as owner.
maybe Mesanna could help you with that
or you can transfer that house to another account
then wait a week and transfer back.
(my husband had issues like this once and that was what we had to do)

you can step onto the tram teleporter, because they are alliance members.
and since the fel side is open to the public, thats why they can go there.
but they can't step back on, because they aren't alliance to the character who placed the house.
Except both other people are friended to the houses… so you’re suggesting that friends of the house can’t use them if it’s set to alliance?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That kind of coding for an object to change on the fly while locked down, destined to fail at times.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If the houses are public, might be easier just to set the teles to "anyone", or what am I missing?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If the houses are public, might be easier just to set the teles to "anyone", or what am I missing?
While the Fel house is public, only a small portion of it is accessible to the general public (vendor, res ankh, city/dungeon teleports). The remainder of the house remains secure to keep friendly safe. By using the security settings I get to control access to the interior of the house while still allowing public access.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
While the Fel house is public, only a small portion of it is accessible to the general public (vendor, res ankh, city/dungeon teleports). The remainder of the house remains secure to keep friendly safe. By using the security settings I get to control access to the interior of the house while still allowing public access.
Did you verify the Ronin thing? Thats is good to know, if they do not count as members for these settings, because a lot of players go to another shard and have to rejoin the guild and may stay Ronin for a while.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did you verify the Ronin thing? Thats is good to know, if they do not count as members for these settings, because a lot of players go to another shard and have to rejoin the guild and may stay Ronin for a while.
Yes, I confirmed both have member rank.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It sounds like some security is checked against house owner.
I had an issue with guild security when I transfered the char between shards and back. Maybe a copy to Testcenter recreates the char also.
than even if you Name is Listed on house sign, that char (owner) doesn't exists anymore with it's id.
Owner and co-owner have All rights.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It sounds like some security is checked against house owner.
I had an issue with guild security when I transfered the char between shards and back. Maybe a copy to Testcenter recreates the char also.
than even if you Name is Listed on house sign, that char (owner) doesn't exists anymore with it's id.
Owner and co-owner have All rights.
I’ve asked for some clarification in the bugs section of the official forums, but no answer so far. I do think it’s somehow connected since it’s affecting secure containers as well.

Seems like a bad design to me since characters can be moved around between shards and change guilds. Tying it to the character who secured it seems like a better choice. Regardless, it seems like there needs to be a way to reset it without replacing or trading the house.