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EM Event Suggestions?


I use CC. Not sure if these events can run better on client side with EC. I just decided after about 2 years to try an EM event.
Abou 200 players came, as it was the suspected "drop" night.

The lag was really bad with CC. Here are some questions, if someone is kind enough to spend the time responding:

1 . Is WOD not working with ALL these events or it depends on the moderator that runs the event?
2 . The massive lag : Is it possible on the client side to reduce it somewhat with some modification to the settings?
3 . Is there any way to remove from view other players pets, etc. so that we can actually SEE the boss by modifying the settings?
4 . This is probably the most important : Are there some templates/character types that usually do well with these events? I.e. Tamers with WOD (WOD does not work in many of these I suspect, but not sure), Archers, Swords, Mystics, Mages, others? Also if archers what bows would be best or it varies?
5 . Are there some general techniques/tactics that improve chance of a drop? I hear that healing others and their pets helps, rezzing others also reportedly helps?

Thanks in advance!

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
1. I think it depends on the EM.
2. Without "illegal" third party programs, there is little you can do.
3. See #2
4. People seem to like throwers.
5. Just normal thrower stuff I guess.


Slightly Crazed
1. WOD working on some , some are not. Same for life leech
2. Use ranged character with some summons . They find way to mobs better than you.
3. Having troubles locating bosses - heal everyone in range , gift of renewal on other players , mysticism heal, or magery. Bandage heal dexxers if you are near the boss .
4- if tamer - use pet on guard , take a ranged weapon and shoot in war mode (your skills don't matter). Don't use All Kill. Bandage heal any damaged pet in range.
5- turn off all spell effects , foliage , make camera as close to your toon as possible .

Even doing all of the above I have crazy lags , so I don't go to EM events anymore. Good event for me will be one that lasts several days , I think . Go , do some stuff , kill mobs , do quest , enjoy lore , get lottery ticket (1 per subscribed account) put it in the box , 10 winners will get EM item. Get a book with all lore and text written in it as participating reward to read later. Will suit everyone's time zone , no crowd , time to read what was designed by EM . Possibility to switch character if one you picked don't suit event monsters . Do not allow shard transferred toons (who jumped shard after event started) to participate, , so local folks will have better chances with this.


1. WOD working on some , some are not. Same for life leech
2. Use ranged character with some summons . They find way to mobs better than you.
3. Having troubles locating bosses - heal everyone in range , gift of renewal on other players , mysticism heal, or magery. Bandage heal dexxers if you are near the boss .
4- if tamer - use pet on guard , take a ranged weapon and shoot in war mode (your skills don't matter). Don't use All Kill. Bandage heal any damaged pet in range.
5- turn off all spell effects , foliage , make camera as close to your toon as possible .

Even doing all of the above I have crazy lags , so I don't go to EM events anymore. Good event for me will be one that lasts several days , I think . Go , do some stuff , kill mobs , do quest , enjoy lore , get lottery ticket (1 per subscribed account) put it in the box , 10 winners will get EM item. Get a book with all lore and text written in it as participating reward to read later. Will suit everyone's time zone , no crowd , time to read what was designed by EM . Possibility to switch character if one you picked don't suit event monsters . Do not allow shard transferred toons (who jumped shard after event started) to participate, , so local folks will have better chances with this.

What is this lottery ticket you speak of? And where is the box?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You build up points if you get loot rights and do not get a drop. You usually get a drop in every third or fourth event.

Ask the EM to make the Boss large. Like the rock guy from invasions. They can also make the Boss hover before he drops into the crowd.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can you explain this statement?
I assume she means one with an area spell? If not you need to target the Boss... If you can do that you should have pulled its bar...

Tell pet to Guard and cast an area spell, usually the Boss will aggro you and the pet attack the Boss.

Evil GM on LS uses pet killer Bosses a lot.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I assume she means one with an area spell? If not you need to target the Boss... If you can do that you should have pulled its bar...

Tell pet to Guard and cast an area spell, usually the Boss will aggro you and the pet attack the Boss.

Evil GM on LS uses pet killer Bosses a lot.
Okay, that makes sense as a way to get the pet to engage the boss without being able to pull the bar. I was worried there was some secret that saying "All kill" to start combat wasn't valid for credit. Although I always try to heal/res pets and people as much as possible anyway.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay, that makes sense as a way to get the pet to engage the boss without being able to pull the bar. I was worried there was some secret that saying "All kill" to start combat wasn't valid for credit. Although I always try to heal/res pets and people as much as possible anyway.
All Kill works if you can target the Boss. I prefer not to use guard anywhere. But Ill do it for the Boss at events. Then if the pet insta dies I'll pull the bar to cast spells. Healing your pet or a player after ressing gives no credit. There have been lots of events where I cant target the Boss and my pet dies over and over and I res and heal it but get no credit for the event.

Have to heal actual Boss damage before the player or pet die. Prevents the tactic of having two toons and using one to just die and res and heal it. I guess. Also some methods of Heal do not count, like from bard buffs.
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