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Character randomly recalling and switched to Fel


This character has no Fel runes. He recalled back to the Minor inn and was suddenly in Fel. He logged out in Tram, but when he logged back in he was in Fel. He recalled to a Tram vendor and in the middle of shopping got the “you are in Fel sound.”

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
This character has no Fel runes. He recalled back to the Minor inn and was suddenly in Fel. He logged out in Tram, but when he logged back in he was in Fel. He recalled to a Tram vendor and in the middle of shopping got the “you are in Fel sound.”
Had you been to fel recently? Sometimes there is bleed over


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Randomly recalling? Hmmm Pass the Pipe you have had enough. Our toons do not recall on their own.


I shopped in Fel briefly. Went back to Minoc, shopped other locations and used sacred journey to get back to the inn. And yes Pawain, I do know the difference between Tram and Fel. When I was back at the inn, the trees and blood on the ground were a dead give away Telling me that my character was in Fel. This is happening whether you believe it or not—I do not make stuff up or appreciate the implication that I am on somethin.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
This character has no Fel runes. He recalled back to the Minor inn and was suddenly in Fel. He logged out in Tram, but when he logged back in he was in Fel. He recalled to a Tram vendor and in the middle of shopping got the “you are in Fel sound.”
I have this issue from time to time (except the opposite... I go to Tram when I want to be in Fel) when I have my ship in Tram and it's in my runebook but then I drydock my boat and hit my default rune on the runebook (my Fel house); I end up in Tram but same location as my house.

Also... did you check your cursor? Was it silver (Fel) or gold (tram)? For some reason after I'm in Tram for so long (like right now I'm running trade runs) I will randomly get that Fel noise and all the leaves disappear from the trees and if I'm on my sampire in combat mode (red cursor) I sometimes think I accidentally clicked a Fel Moongate to go to....but as soon as I go out of war mode I see my cursor is still gold (ie I never left tram).

DreadLord Lestat

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I have had it happen many times where I will get the fel sound effects and the blood and tombstones but I am actually still in Tram. I am not sure what causes it but it has happened many times though.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Yes it's very common. You are not in fel, it's just bleed over somehow...the joys of UO!


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I shopped in Fel briefly. Went back to Minoc, shopped other locations and used sacred journey to get back to the inn. And yes Pawain, I do know the difference between Tram and Fel. When I was back at the inn, the trees and blood on the ground were a dead give away Telling me that my character was in Fel. This is happening whether you believe it or not—I do not make stuff up or appreciate the implication that I am on somethin.
You left out that part.

McDougle told you the reason. It is some type of bleed over from Fel. If you go to your house spot in fel and return to tram, you could still see the fel house instead of yours. Or they could be intermixed.

It causes some confusion. But now you know what happened. You are not in fel, you have fel graphics and sound.

Restart the client and it goes away. Or sometimes just recalling again makes it go away.

When you do not provide all the information, we can only speculate.

@Anon McDougle Gets a badge for the correct answer.
Last edited:

Lindae Lives

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
It is singularly disenchanting to be walking through a flowery woodland meadow when suddenly the trees all die around me and the bones of the murdered rise from the earth to cry out for vengeance, but that is the magic and mystery of Sosaria.

Whitewolf of *VK*

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
calm down, you were never in fel, its ok your safe from all the murders and thieves running rampant, ~sarcasm~
its one of the many bugs that has been around since the beginning of time that they either refuse to fix or lack the knowledge to do so.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It’s a very old bug
Sometimes it will happen for days on random characters
I use to think it was only for a day and would stop at server up
For some reason Luna is the worst for me the house across from my house seems to get the Fel bug a lot


Stratics Veteran
As another player said, it often happens when you put a ship rune into an atlas and recall to it and then recall to the default location (e.g. your house). Resetting the default location will fix it.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
FYI - The bug that gives the Fel sound hit me today when I was walking through Britain Tram. Just a reminder that it doesn't matter where you are it can happen but doesn't really do anything besides make the trees go bare.