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Lava fishing pole critique


My fisher has 120 fishing & 900 luck. The first 10 casts with the pole came up empty so we gave up. This is ridiculous; the failure rate is way too high. Given that the item is a pain to get or expensive to buy, a decent return on our time & investment would be nice.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
where exactly are you fishing?
my friend Joyce the Second
showed me to do it near the bridge above the cavern of the discard

my fisher had no luck and could get stuff there


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I think I’ve used like 3 of these so far and never got anything. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
maybe I should rephrase that...
we used lava proof hooks on a fishing pole and would get stuff out of the lava.
I have never used a lava fishing pole


I think I’ve used like 3 of these so far and never got anything. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That’s awful. And while we’re talking about bad luck, I should have thrown the SOSs I fished up yesterday into the trash.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
where did you get a lava fishing pole? They were replaced years ago by lava fishing hooks and no longer spawn.
when you say you didn't get 'anything' was that anything at all, or just anything you considered worth while? What message were you getting on failures? Sometimes you need to move around till you find a productive spot to fish in.


where did you get a lava fishing pole? They were replaced years ago by lava fishing hooks and no longer spawn.
when you say you didn't get 'anything' was that anything at all, or just anything you considered worth while? What message were you getting on failures? Sometimes you need to move around till you find a productive spot to fish in.
The poles were bought on Atlantic. The previous pole worked fine, but also had a number of casts that resulted in the message: “you fish for a while…” I received nothing on 10 casts. As another poster commented she came up empty on 3 poles. These poles & hooks are supposed to be reward items—I.e they produce rewards. I got a lot of junk on the pile that had successful casts. It’s not unreasonable to expect to actually fish something worthwhile up, especially with a 120 fishing.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not sure what happened for you. I just tied a lava proof hook on, fished just 4 casts, got 3 cracked rocks and a pair of stone sandals - that 4 x 250 clean up points. I didn't stay longer as I don't want to fish up a lava fish currently.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
It’s not unreasonable to expect to actually fish something worthwhile up, especially with a 120 fishing.
What are you expecting to fish up that is actually worthwhile? The only thing you will fish up from lava is stone footwear/ geos / stone pavers / searing weapons. All of these items have extremely limited uses with the outside exception you fish up a searing weapon that can actually be used; even then that has limited use.

I think your malcontent is a little misguided because fishing in general doesn't provide much worthwhile stuff, especially when it comes to SOS chests which are junk. Generally speaking people don't fish to get rich with the only exception there being a fishing PS because it's pretty well known there isn't anything else worthwhile. The only reason I have 120 fishing is because I have at least 1 max skill across all my chars but I never really use that char unless clearing out SOS; I've never seen any difference between 120 and 100.


What are you expecting to fish up that is actually worthwhile? The only thing you will fish up from lava is stone footwear/ geos / stone pavers / searing weapons. All of these items have extremely limited uses with the outside exception you fish up a searing weapon that can actually be used; even then that has limited use.

I think your malcontent is a little misguided because fishing in general doesn't provide much worthwhile stuff, especially when it comes to SOS chests which are junk. Generally speaking people don't fish to get rich with the only exception there being a fishing PS because it's pretty well known there isn't anything else worthwhile. The only reason I have 120 fishing is because I have at least 1 max skill across all my chars but I never really use that char unless clearing out SOS; I've never seen any difference between 120 and 100.
Stone pavers have lots of uses.