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Changed, but when?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hello all!
I've attempted to search for an answer.

When did they change the justice virtue? Only able to cap at knight, but lose it immediately once you get a drop from protecting someone.
Intended change or is it a 'feature' that is on the to-do list?

Back to searching threads/updates.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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I haven't done a champ in the last month, so unless they changed it recently I haven't noticed anything.


Slightly Crazed
Hello all!
I've attempted to search for an answer.

When did they change the justice virtue? Only able to cap at knight, but lose it immediately once you get a drop from protecting someone.
Intended change or is it a 'feature' that is on the to-do list?

Back to searching threads/updates.
you need to do it more after becoming knight. Till message "you cannot gain more" . Then it will be enough for 2 times .


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Hello all!
I've attempted to search for an answer.

When did they change the justice virtue? Only able to cap at knight, but lose it immediately once you get a drop from protecting someone.
Intended change or is it a 'feature' that is on the to-do list?

Back to searching threads/updates.
This has been changed for a very long time if I understand what you are saying. IIRC maybe 15 years ago you didn't lose virtues when using them so you would kill some reds and eventually became a Knight of Justice which allows you to get powerscrolls through protection and you wouldn't lose the virtue when getting those scrolls. It was the same with Compassion though where once you capped it, you didn't have to worry about it anymore and you could rez people with higher HP. I'd guess 10-12 years ago they changed it so that when invoking virtues, they would take a hit and you would lose some. You will not lose the virtue unless you are invoking it though; so if you have knight of justice but don't protect anyone through justice then you keep that knight level forever (or until you decide to use it).

This is now how it works and there isn't any change planned to my knowledge.

Hope that answers your question.


Stratics Veteran
The worst virtue is Honesty. It takes forever to get to Knight - even with Forensics so you can give the item directly to the specific NPC for maximum credit - and then there is no option to buy from an NPC without the discount, so you lose it almost immediately.

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Justice has always seemed to go down pretty quick from Knight when you actually use it. I only used it to protect my other acct soloing spawns and even then I would only get one or two spawns in before it would be back down.

and then there is no option to buy from an NPC without the discount, so you lose it almost immediately.
I agree, such a huge pita to raise. I only carry Knight of Honesty on one char.. and I do not buy anything at all, ever, from NPC's on that char.
Knight of All.jpg


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Seems like the change was around the same time as VvV… 2014ish


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The worst virtue is Honesty.
The worst virtue is Justice. Typically it's not gained from killing someone in combat. It's gained from killing your friend or your second-account red-name -- someone who is cooperating with getting killed repeatedly.

This should be re-worked so that killing any red-name anywhere gives a gain. Yes, that would include those priests of Mondain and brigands at the brigand fort.
Immersion / roleplay would not distinguish between those red-names and murderous Player Characters.
*Did you notice how carefully I phrased this without saying "I wish"? ... ... oops


Stratics Veteran
Oh, I agree Justice should be reworked to include red NPCs, but I can guess how quickly the response to that would be “the EM event mobs are all red named so people would become knight of justice after one event”
The upside to that, though, would he more people actually killing mobs at events rather than just standing around. :p


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They changed justice so you no longer can level through 3rd level -knight- like you could the other two. Used to have 10 dots of justice to level through before.
Was changed at some point, just apparently I never paid attention when they made the change.
Could get knight rather easily as people actually played PKs then opposed to the broken VVV system these days.
Plus the knight level stayed a whole lot longer than 2 spawns worth.
Ty for input, not entirely what I was looking for - good responses though!
Think Keven was the closest to fulfilling my inquiry.

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
In my opinion, justice needs to be reworked entirely. It's basically just an accepted exploit at this point. I can see what they were trying to do with it, but has anyone ever seen a "protector" actually try to defend the spawn?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
In my opinion, justice needs to be reworked entirely. It's basically just an accepted exploit at this point. I can see what they were trying to do with it, but has anyone ever seen a "protector" actually try to defend the spawn?
Ever? Absolutely. This was a common practice several years ago where you basically had 1 or 2 PvP people from a guild protecting while the PvM guildies killed the champ. People were pretty smart about it too if they didn't control the champ from the start they would literally heal it to 100% HP so the damage credit basically restarted to ensure they were getting all the scrolls.

I also saw this as recently as the latest dynamic treasures event in Deceit (ATL) for the 3 days they actually allowed us to have fun in Fel. There was a guy protecting and walling off the champ while others killed it. He also killed someone who denied his protection lol. This isn't to say that this how it's working all the time (or even most of the time) but it is still used as it was thought up 15+ years ago at least sometimes.

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In my opinion, justice needs to be reworked entirely. It's basically just an accepted exploit at this point. I can see what they were trying to do with it, but has anyone ever seen a "protector" actually try to defend the spawn?
imo this a a player base size problem, not a problem with the mechanics or use of the virtue or anything that needs to be "improved" (aka screwed up)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
last time I saw anyone truly protecting a spawn was that interesting period of champ spawns pre-AoS