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Holiday gift from 2020?


Stratics Veteran
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Did we not get a holiday token or gift during December of 2020? UO's official wiki has nothing listed and I can't seem to remember if we did or didn't?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Did we not get a holiday token or gift during December of 2020? UO's official wiki has nothing listed and I can't seem to remember if we did or didn't?
Because there was NO gift that year... Yeah ... Not only was the world insane IRL but they couldn't be bothered to give us a gift... No, that year they thought we should work for the "gifts" and put them on the turn-in for the event that was running at the time instead of giving us anything...

And yeah... still bitter about it. I work in Healthcare... I was feeling seriously lousy... tired, overworked, and stressed... would have liked to have enjoyed at least the gift from UO... but No... I didn't feel like working for it. So I didn't. In fact, I almost quit. I basically took a long break from the game... longest I've ever taken... that was almost the straw that broke me... but... whatever... it is what it is... yep still bitter.


UO Forum Moderator
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There were clickies for a painting and something else (candles?) in Vesper, IIRC. They really weren't up to par for the usual gifts.

Though, I have extras on Lake Austin that I usually have on sale after the Artisan Festival ends (I restock all my Artisan Festival vendors and holiday/anniversary event vendors every January). Not sure if there's any leftovers currently on the vendors, as I've been too busy crafting and KRampusing


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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There were clickies for a painting and something else (candles?) in Vesper, IIRC. They really weren't up to par for the usual gifts.

Though, I have extras on Lake Austin that I usually have on sale after the Artisan Festival ends (I restock all my Artisan Festival vendors and holiday/anniversary event vendors every January). Not sure if there's any leftovers currently on the vendors, as I've been too busy crafting and KRampusing
That was last year.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
That was last year.
You are correct (both times). The 2020 holiday had the ice dungeon dynamic event running which had several rewards to choose from but required people to earn drops from the dungeon to get them.