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I'm tired of being humble


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Go to Chaos shrine and say "I renounce virtue"
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John Knighthawke

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Hi Fifi. Just to provide some supporting documentation to the answer you've gotten from "Pawain" and "Kevin2002," here you are.

Rather counter-intuitive and non-lore friendly on many levels. (Chaos in UO doesn't necessarily mean the opposite of Virtue, especially now that we have Blackthorn on the throne, and it's dumb to have to "renounce virtue" just to get rid of a title, especially when that title is for Humility!). But there it is.

I honestly don't know how I didn't notice this before -- that was 7 publishes ago and until I read this thread I never knew any of that.

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
i think you can also change virtue title by placing a gem at proper shrine.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I didn't know you could get rid of title but to change title I believe it's based on the highest number of fragments you dropped on a shrine tile - i.e. dropping 4+ plus red frags would change title to Valiant, bunch of green frags on Justice shrine would change you to Just, etc.
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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I didn't know you could get rid of title but to change title I believe it's based on the highest number of fragments you dropped on a shrine tile - i.e. dropping 4+ plus red frags would change title to Valiant, bunch of green frags on Justice shrine would change you to Just, etc.
yes you can change the title by dropping mysterious fragments.
(I think it took more than that for me to change one of my titles,
but its a safer option than to go to chaos shrine)

they added this feature after people complained about having a title (at meet and greets).
the complainer's didn't want a title at all.