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Please change the color of the EM's Summons


Slightly Crazed
Why make EM shard bound ? They are just deco . This makes collectors active . What is bad ?


Stratics Veteran
some people are so obsessed with one topic , they assume every other topic is a derail from important one.

Um ... :rolleyes: ... "Some People" are moderators of Stratics and asking for posters to remain focused on the OP's reason for creating the thread. If Anon wants to discuss shard bound items, that is a whole other thread versus EMs' summons hues.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I personally have always thought and even suggested that they make summons of any kind Purple as apposed to red... since Red should be exclusive IMO to murderers.


Slightly Crazed
I personally have always thought and even suggested that they make summons of any kind Purple as apposed to red... since Red should be exclusive IMO to murderers.
there are some weird mechanics linked with normal summon color , which also lead to troubles with targeting. IMO they were Missing some convention at the beginning ( during initial design ) and linked a lot of properties randomly. May be it was making sense at the beginning , but later things were piling up and up. So some mobs ended up white some are red and player summons are red too. And ninja shadows are white, lol!

So myself I choose not to participate in EM events : CC is too crowded for me, I cannot figure what is happening around , and EC with Pinco crashes all the time : too much stuff around. I hope one day they will be able to change something in the game to make EM events playable. Or @Pinco will make some option to turn off other players and summons at all .


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
there are some weird mechanics linked with normal summon color , which also lead to troubles with targeting. IMO they were Missing some convention at the beginning ( during initial design ) and linked a lot of properties randomly. May be it was making sense at the beginning , but later things were piling up and up. So some mobs ended up white some are red and player summons are red too. And ninja shadows are white, lol!

So myself I choose not to participate in EM events : CC is too crowded for me, I cannot figure what is happening around , and EC with Pinco crashes all the time : too much stuff around. I hope one day they will be able to change something in the game to make EM events playable. Or @Pinco will make some option to turn off other players and summons at all .
I agree. I quit doing events about 2 or 3 years ago... I barely play anymore as is. Though I did join a "new" guild that is a very old guild and they do actually do things... which is nice. But yeah... I just am not very impressed with UO these days.

I pretty much feel like they do the barest of minimum to keep the lights on so to speak and that's it. But I suppose they are working on that NL crap that I have less than 0 interest in. I just could care less. I just don't care anymore.

Been playing No Man's Sky again... and found a nifty game called Going Medieval that is in its early beta or whatever right now ... I found it on Steam... it's kinda fun... and both of those do FAR more development-wise and publish-wise than UO... and I am sick of the excuses of how small the DEV team is...

And you are 100% right about the events... I wouldn't go back to the CC for any reason at all... spoiled by Pinco's I guess... but the constant lag... crashing... and pathetic loot just make it not really worthwhile to me ... that and the attitudes of many of those who attend the events... the constant deaths because you can't even move... let alone try to heal or anything. Just too much frustration. I have been kinda just not doing things that create irritation more than fun. I did do deceit for a little while... but I'm over that grind... not that I don't want more of the items... just not interested in the boring grindfest enough to keep doing it.