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So, T Maps...yeah...no


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Allosaurus don't actually drop Lvl 5 Trove Maps. They drop Supply Maps, even the tougher non-Champ spawn Allosaurus :/
Allosaurus Map.PNG Allosaurus Map 2.PNG

It's like i posted on the official UO Forum last month.
"They should just add a Turn-In system for completed T-Maps. Turn in completed T-Maps for points, and you get your choice of a "Legendary" quality T-Map (you can choose the Facet and Package), which is guaranteed to contain nothing but Legendary Artifacts and maybe some new, unique items (deco or gear). That would at least keep T-Hunters cranking out regular maps, so they know they can build up to a guaranteed good map.
Higher level T-Maps would contribute more points than lower level T-Maps, further modified by the Facet (facets with harder spawn would give more points, with Eodon offering the most points for that level of T-Map)."


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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The "issue" with Miasma maps is that they are hoard. Hoard maps means stronger spawn and a chance for pinks and blues. Cache maps always drop 105s and 110s with a chance for a hoard map, and the spawn takes less time to clear.
I find that the reward for doing a fel cache map is bigger than doing a fel hoard map.
If I want legendary loot and pinks, I will simply go pester Corgul in his fel island.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
The "issue" with Miasma maps is that they are hoard. Hoard maps means stronger spawn and a chance for pinks and blues. Cache maps always drop 105s and 110s with a chance for a hoard map, and the spawn takes less time to clear.
I find that the reward for doing a fel cache map is bigger than doing a fel hoard map.
If I want legendary loot and pinks, I will simply go pester Corgul in his fel island.
Legendary loot comes from Fel cache maps too (as well as possible pink/blues/PS/hoard maps). From the brief dabbling I've done the past few times I've logged in; it appears Fel maps are the primary source for Legendary items as I went through dozens of Tram/Malas/Tok hoard maps before I got my first legendary. Within the first 10 Fel maps I did (cache & hoard) I looted 8 legendary items.

That said, Corgul will likely have much better quality legendary items than treasure chests legendaries because I have yet to loot something I'd use in any of my suits from treasures chests (almost all of them go into the trash).

I'd agree with you though that cache maps seem to be better than hoard/trove maps. They are easier and the hoard/trove maps do not appear to have anything worthwhile making them better; simply speaking the juice is not worth the squeeze for them.


UO Forum Moderator
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How do you get Fel cache maps? Again this goes back to what Pete already said... same way you would get Tram maps. You can either go hunt in Fel (again which you supposedly hate doing) or build a house in Fel (again which you hate) and drop a few rugs down. You get 1 per week. I have a ton of maps from this. I occasionally dig them up and if I leave the house with 10, there is a good chance I come back with 2-3 maps of a higher level. That is a much better return than killing mobs hoping for a map.
Another way to get Fel Maps: Fishing & SOS.
The serpents and Krakens can have stash (serpent), supply (deep serpent) and cache (kraken) maps.
SOS chests can have Supply maps (rusted, metal or wood) or Cache maps (gold chests, ancient SOS)

I got a mix of about 10 Tram maps doing 100 SOS in Trammel (1/3 of my 260 SOS were in the bay off Skara, the rest I did were my remaining S/W maps off of Fire and the Emporium), and I've dropped a second boat in Fel off of Jhelom to do the North/East quadrant SOS to see how many Fel maps I can get that way.

From there, as you note, you can get the random map of the next higher level (or another Trove, if a Trove map) from a T-map chest - sometimes more than one (a T-map can take the place of a Alacrity, Transcendence, or Power scroll - I've had chests with as many as 3 maps of the next level in them, 2 of them replacing scrolls). That's how I ended up with a Fel Trove last week - I started with 3 Fel Supply and 3 Fel Cache, and by the time they were completed, one of the Supply gave a Cache, two Cache had given me Hoards, and one of those gave me a Trove.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
I am trying this, keeps coming up with the same chest, how long you have to wait for it to reset?
What is your cartography? Mine is GM, and i still (rarely) get copper. As soon as you move, it resets it, and the next attempt gets made as soon as you dig again.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What is your cartography? Mine is GM, and i still (rarely) get copper. As soon as you move, it resets it, and the next attempt gets made as soon as you dig again.
GM Cart, and 97% are Gold...earlier tonight a copper started, I stepped away at dig 13 and it reset to gold.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The "issue" with Miasma maps is that they are hoard. Hoard maps means stronger spawn and a chance for pinks and blues. Cache maps always drop 105s and 110s with a chance for a hoard map, and the spawn takes less time to clear.
I find that the reward for doing a fel cache map is bigger than doing a fel hoard map.
If I want legendary loot and pinks, I will simply go pester Corgul in his fel island.
No doubt, I have roughly fifteen skull rugs in my fel house and only do the warrior cache and assassin supply, I trash everything else or toss on vendor for cheap, hoard maps are doable but a hassle in comparison.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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No doubt, I have roughly fifteen skull rugs in my fel house and only do the warrior cache and assassin supply, I trash everything else or toss on vendor for cheap, hoard maps are doable but a hassle in comparison.
The mage cache ones are very rewarding with their 105s and 110s as well. Fel warrior and mage cache t-maps are easily the most rewarding t-maps of them all.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
The mage cache ones are very rewarding with their 105s and 110s as well. Fel warrior and mage cache t-maps are easily the most rewarding t-maps of them all.
What makes the warrior/mage maps the most rewarding? Just the power scrolls or is there something else?

One of my peeves about the professions of the maps is the amount of useless items we get (like a gnarled staff / quarter staff in mage chests which a mage will almost never use). Wondering if maybe I'm missing something.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
What makes the warrior/mage maps the most rewarding? Just the power scrolls or is there something else?
Usually two to four 105s and 110s of valuable skills for very little work, plus some 45 to 55K in gold and gems. I don't even look at the loot when doing those.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Usually two to four 105s and 110s of valuable skills for very little work, plus some 45 to 55K in gold and gems. I don't even look at the loot when doing those.
No doubt, I just grab whatever will unravel into frags.

The Black Smith

Seasoned Veteran
What is your cartography? Mine is GM, and i still (rarely) get copper. As soon as you move, it resets it, and the next attempt gets made as soon as you dig again.
they must've fixed this, because everytime i dig a silver one, it stays silver no matter how many times I reset it. And I accidentally reset a gold one, and it doug up gold again.


New Player Protector
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Stratics Legend
Remember that you can reset the chest, just move before it fully comes up. I only open gold chests, not the copper or grey ones.
Didn't they fix this so that if you reset a chest just before the final pop a new dig would never exceed the initial dig? I thought they did...

I have never been able to dig up a gold chest after I saw a rusted or normal metal colored chest just before the final pop.

Did they break this again recently during an update?