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So, T Maps...yeah...no


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've sold many DJ Lockers full of maps because I was never into doing them. So I dusted off cartography and Remove Trap which I'd heard is required now, and did a few maps of all levels. Wow what a spectacular disappointment. Gems, woohoo, which I could go buy in bulk if I need them, Mysterious Fragments, wow....the first 3 maps I did yielded Alacrity scrolls....2 cart and 3 Lumberjacking...no I'm not kidding. And not a single solitary item worth keeping. I did a few more maps just to make sure I wasn't being too judgmental too early....no, I was spot on. Treasure maps should be mini side quests in my opinion, spice it up a little, and more than just the ridiculous Grubber , I know you deco fiends think it's so cute..and don't even get me started on the remove trap failures. Am I seriously supposed to stand there and look at the chest for 5-9 minutes waiting on an Easy Button timer to go off ? I don't expect to Win UO by doing maps, or rack up Roof quality items, or go away feeling like I had just completed a champ spawn Solo, but the feeling I got from doing them was anything but that...I"ll be tossing the maps in the trash and buying Mannequins or something...


Lake Superior Tabloid Journalist
Stratics Veteran
The alacrity scrolls you got were from artisan t-maps, which is why you got cartography and lumberjacking (bad luck you didn't get a better mix I suppose). My wife and I like doing Fel treasure maps because they give 105 and 110 power scrolls. My wife likes the gold they provide and we both like the scrolls of transcendence and power scrolls, and in general just like hanging out together doing stuff. I also like the gems, since I am a crafter at heart and I can use them. It all works out in the end.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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i always find them fun to do when im bored.
nice time killer.
not everything needs to be a 100% adrenaline rush and yield items worth 150 mill a pop.
sometimes its just needs to be mildly fun and kill some time.

Silent Singer

Stratics Veteran
I do a lot of maps. Being able to target specific scrolls for my pets (I only use 110s now unless it is a legacy pet), target specific types of weapons (determined by the type of map), and target specific map spawn (determined by level and facet) are all things I really really like. The timer is annoying for remove traps but can be avoided by doing two maps together (get RT timer started on one and then go dig next map, get that timer started and return to first one). If you have not tried it the tmap search at UO-CAH website allows you to pick the specific map for your intended target. And if you just pop maps for gold the higher level gold chests are going to net about 60k gold for 15 mins of effort. Not champ spawn money but also easy to do alone on any facet. Except Eodon. **** eoden maps.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
@GarthGrey - Here is a link to a thread I started over under professions. Best treasure chest combo level for loot (and maybe luck?)?

I did TMaps when the change first happened (a lot of them) and thought the change was just "meh". My biggest complaint then was that the legendary items were extremely weak with very few max properties/intensities. TMaps for a short period of time could get you some really sweet loot (this was like 15 years ago) but aside from that never really were going to "win UO" so I felt like it was in line (although the change was supposed to be an improvement).

I became bored after the last event ended and decided to dig up more maps and quickly realized that there is a bit on an imbalance with how the maps are setup. The hoard/trove maps don't really give you anything that a cache/suppler map doesn't (and a cache/supply map is easier with more things like pardons); that's where my problem with Tmaps is. I do also think that there was a little bit of a tweak done to decrease the number of legendary items in Tmaps too because during this second go-round of Tmapping I think I might have seen 2-3 legendary items (not worth keeping) in 100 or so hoard chests but when I first did TMaps after the change I felt like I would see them maybe 1 outta 6 chests. I didn't document the number of legendary items previously though to confirm that.

Maith Ceol

Stratics Veteran
I do a lot of maps. Being able to target specific scrolls for my pets (I only use 110s now unless it is a legacy pet), target specific types of weapons (determined by the type of map), and target specific map spawn (determined by level and facet) are all things I really really like. The timer is annoying for remove traps but can be avoided by doing two maps together (get RT timer started on one and then go dig next map, get that timer started and return to first one). If you have not tried it the tmap search at UO-CAH website allows you to pick the specific map for your intended target. And if you just pop maps for gold the higher level gold chests are going to net about 60k gold for 15 mins of effort. Not champ spawn money but also easy to do alone on any facet. Except Eodon. **** eoden maps.
I do the same with my pets. It's fairly easy to come across 110s. And I COMPLETELY agree with you on Eodon maps ... I just trash them LOL


Crazed Zealot
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Except Eodon. **** eoden maps.
I couldn't agree more.
Right now, cache fel maps are the ones that yield the best bang for your buck. You always get 105's and 110's out of those, almost never get pinks, never get alacrities, the spawn is ridiculously easy and the trap timer is around 5 to 7 minutes.
Cache and higher Artisan maps are useless since the special items stop dropping at cache level, which is something I absolutely hate and don't understand why they've done it.
I also miss getting imbuing essence from maps.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cache and higher Artisan maps are useless since the special items stop dropping at cache level, which is something I absolutely hate and don't understand why they've done it.
I so agree.

Level 1 to 4 maps before the revamp were more liked for their cleanup points than being dug up. Kyronix wanted to make them more attractive. Less seasoned thunters very vocally liked the idea of getting an easy button for tmaps, while more seasoned thunters pointing out that it's a nerf got their feedback deleted for being not positive enough.

One of loudest voices in favor of it to this day openly admits that eodon maps are too hard for her. Go figure. They wanted the high level loot on the low level maps they do. They got it. I hated it.

It was totally ok for low level maps to have **** loot when all you do is casting like 2 area spells onto yourself to clear it.
Last edited:


UO Forum Moderator
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I just had a blast doing all of my maps - nearly every Hoard map had at least one legendary (many were brittle, but I've never understood the hate towards brittle (or prized) - I've got brittle items on some characters that date from the property being introduced, and haven't dropped below 200 yet from repairs). After 3 weeks, I've turned about 100 supply/cache/hoard maps into 19 Troves - and plan on doing those as a player event (some people like taming the rare spawns, or training pets on the spawn, on my shard).

I've put millions in the bank in the process, looted about 500 items (then broke 400 of them trying to enhance, and if there was more room at the shard's new player center I'd be donating a lot of "junk" that would cost 6-7 digits each if they were on an Atlantic vendor), and got a decent number of Alacrities and pinks (so much that I had to expand from 2 to 3 Alacrity books, and all of three have 225-250 scrolls).

Now, I'm going through 260 SOS, about 30 per day (80 of them are in JUST the area between Skara and Yew).

Fun is where you find it.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I just had a blast doing all of my maps - nearly every Hoard map had at least one legendary (many were brittle, but I've never understood the hate towards brittle (or prized) - I've got brittle items on some characters that date from the property being introduced, and haven't dropped below 200 yet from repairs). After 3 weeks, I've turned about 100 supply/cache/hoard maps into 19 Troves - and plan on doing those as a player event (some people like taming the rare spawns, or training pets on the spawn, on my shard).
What was your luck (in game) at? I must be doing something wrong if I dug up 100+ hoard maps and only got 2-3 legendary items ( I did most of the maps with 2500+ luck and did a handful with zero luck) while you are getting "at least one" nearly every map.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
What was your luck (in game) at? I must be doing something wrong if I dug up 100+ hoard maps and only got 2-3 legendary items ( I did most of the maps with 2500+ luck and did a handful with zero luck) while you are getting "at least one" nearly every map.
I'm running 3200ish with same results and wonder if they're using the +5 glasses

Silent Singer

Stratics Veteran
I know both Keven and Anon play the game a lot, and I'm not questioning the veracity of their lack of legendaries. But wow, that is not at all my experience! I get legendaries frequently. In my case, 95% plus of all maps I do are in Felucca. I only do ones outside that facet when I'm critter hunting and don't wear a luck suit and by extension don't care about the loot. My t-hunter on Siege and prodo both are just shy of 3000 luck. I use the luck statue whenever possible. I use Remove Traps. I DO NOT party with my second account. This guarantees only my luck of the digger is used.

I can see if you only get 1 legendary per 100 maps how you would hate t-hunting. I'd never bother at that rate. I mostly do cache maps though I occasionally do hoard and trove. I never do lower tiers unless I need a specific item found only in that tier. I estimate that I get legendaries in every 4th or 5th chest regularly?

Have you considered the possibility that you slept with an ex-girlfriend of Kyronix? Because that is the only explanation I can think of to explain such a large gap in our t-hunting experience.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just had a blast doing all of my maps - nearly every Hoard map had at least one legendary (many were brittle, but I've never understood the hate towards brittle (or prized) - I've got brittle items on some characters that date from the property being introduced, and haven't dropped below 200 yet from repairs). After 3 weeks, I've turned about 100 supply/cache/hoard maps into 19 Troves - and plan on doing those as a player event (some people like taming the rare spawns, or training pets on the spawn, on my shard).

I've put millions in the bank in the process, looted about 500 items (then broke 400 of them trying to enhance, and if there was more room at the shard's new player center I'd be donating a lot of "junk" that would cost 6-7 digits each if they were on an Atlantic vendor), and got a decent number of Alacrities and pinks (so much that I had to expand from 2 to 3 Alacrity books, and all of three have 225-250 scrolls).

Now, I'm going through 260 SOS, about 30 per day (80 of them are in JUST the area between Skara and Yew).

Fun is where you find it.
I expected your reply to be exactly what it was...

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
I know both Keven and Anon play the game a lot, and I'm not questioning the veracity of their lack of legendaries. But wow, that is not at all my experience! I get legendaries frequently. In my case, 95% plus of all maps I do are in Felucca. I only do ones outside that facet when I'm critter hunting and don't wear a luck suit and by extension don't care about the loot. My t-hunter on Siege and prodo both are just shy of 3000 luck. I use the luck statue whenever possible. I use Remove Traps. I DO NOT party with my second account. This guarantees only my luck of the digger is used.

I can see if you only get 1 legendary per 100 maps how you would hate t-hunting. I'd never bother at that rate. I mostly do cache maps though I occasionally do hoard and trove. I never do lower tiers unless I need a specific item found only in that tier. I estimate that I get legendaries in every 4th or 5th chest regularly?

Have you considered the possibility that you slept with an ex-girlfriend of Kyronix? Because that is the only explanation I can think of to explain such a large gap in our t-hunting experience.
Ok to qualify legendaries worth keeping..


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I know both Keven and Anon play the game a lot, and I'm not questioning the veracity of their lack of legendaries. But wow, that is not at all my experience! I get legendaries frequently. In my case, 95% plus of all maps I do are in Felucca. I only do ones outside that facet when I'm critter hunting and don't wear a luck suit and by extension don't care about the loot. My t-hunter on Siege and prodo both are just shy of 3000 luck. I use the luck statue whenever possible. I use Remove Traps. I DO NOT party with my second account. This guarantees only my luck of the digger is used.
You might be on to something there as this last go-round of treasure hunting for me (when I did the most recent 100+ hoard maps) were all in facets other than Fel. I'll grab a few Fel maps and see if that makes a difference.

Are you using +5 glasses when digging?

Silent Singer

Stratics Veteran
I added luck to some +5 glasses on one of the t-hunters, but not all. The ones for which I have Mask of Wildfire use it instead.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I never did t-maps on my own and never kept the loot out of their chests. But I sometimes joined treasure hunts, only to find that 3 slot dragonwolf or that near perfect frostdragon. Thats the aim of treasure hunts :)

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
t maps give enough stuff to make them worth doing. they also can be fun for the solo person


Stratics Veteran
A question about Tmaps. It is better to use the +5glasses or a helm with luck when digging?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
A question about Tmaps. It is better to use the +5glasses or a helm with luck when digging?
Great question.

Hopefully everyone interested can follow the bouncing ball here because it does get a little confusing. From my understanding (back when the revamp happened); the +5 glasses (or any increase to Carto) actually only impact the quality of the chest (ie rusty vs metal vs gold - I will discuss that in a second) whereas luck impacts the loot in the chest.

The quality of chest (rusty/metal/gold) supposedly impacts the loot inside (both quantity & quality - I can for sure vouch on the quantity but quality not sure) so the goal would be to get a golden chest every dig because it SHOULD have more/better loot than the other chests.

Going back to +5 vs luck debate... if you wear +5 glasses and you only get a metal (or rusty) chest then the additional luck would probably be better. Ideally you would like to pull gold chests without needing the glasses at all because that would be the best possible loot (supposedly - RNG plays into it a lot). That said, I'm not too sure how much difference there would be between 100 on glasses (don't know if you can enhance with gold ingots) and 250 on the mask (ie difference of 150 luck).

I think it ultimately comes down to RNG because I've seen some better items in a metal chest than gold (relatively speaking) so my thought is pile on the luck, but then there is the argument of using too much luck and simply getting more cursed items. As you can see things start to become very convoluted when you start down the rabbit hole and I don't think there is a correct answer on it.

Picus of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can't remember if luck is factored before or after one removes the traps and picks the lock, I faintly recall it's after. This would imply glasses for the dig and mempo for the lock. Not sure though. Good luck all.


Stratics Veteran
Interesting, I thought the quality of the items was with the first tick of digging the treasure. Another question. If I am in party with another player the chest spawns more items?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Interesting, I thought the quality of the items was with the first tick of digging the treasure. Another question. If I am in party with another player the chest spawns more items?
You get like 5 more items in a trove with a party of 3. So not that great.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Interesting, I thought the quality of the items was with the first tick of digging the treasure. Another question. If I am in party with another player the chest spawns more items?
Both luck and carto both trigger on the first tick of the dig I believe.

Draza does have a point that you can move (ie stop digging) and restart if you see the chest is not going to be gold. It re-checks carto and it's like you are digging for the first time (ie the chest quality is re-rolled). I personally have not been able to confirm that gold chests are actually better than metal and in the grand scheme of chest loot there is actually very little I keep anyway so I don't really bother re-digging.

Update on my experience yesterday after I logged in and dug up some Fel maps.... I think you have a point @Silent Singer ! I dug up 6 cache chests in Fel with near max luck (suit + statue + Fel bonus = 4990) and out of those 6 chests 3 of them had legendary items and 2 had multiple (nothing was worth keeping but at least they were legendary). With this new information I have some more testing to do but it seems like Fel is where you will get your legendary items based on my testing thus far (all my other chests were in Tram/Tokuno).

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Both luck and carto both trigger on the first tick of the dig I believe.

Draza does have a point that you can move (ie stop digging) and restart if you see the chest is not going to be gold. It re-checks carto and it's like you are digging for the first time (ie the chest quality is re-rolled). I personally have not been able to confirm that gold chests are actually better than metal and in the grand scheme of chest loot there is actually very little I keep anyway so I don't really bother re-digging.

Update on my experience yesterday after I logged in and dug up some Fel maps.... I think you have a point @Silent Singer ! I dug up 6 cache chests in Fel with near max luck (suit + statue + Fel bonus = 4990) and out of those 6 chests 3 of them had legendary items and 2 had multiple (nothing was worth keeping but at least they were legendary). With this new information I have some more testing to do but it seems like Fel is where you will get your legendary items based on my testing thus far (all my other chests were in Tram/Tokuno).
Which takes us back to the lack of a steady source of fel maps...


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So thanks to everyones feedback on this, I gave it another go. It wasn't spectacular but it was better than previously experienced. I dug up multiple maps to wait out the timer, didn't wear any luck , I'll try that next time, and I'll even put out the effort to get those glasses and give that a shot. At least it's something to do and beats logging in, staring at 4 walls, and logging off. I think I'll also put out the effort and make some runebooks like we all had before the big change to maps. I don't enjoy running all over creation just to get to the dig area..


Stratics Veteran
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Glorious Lord
What Kyronix says about it

KyronixKyronix Posts: 836Dev
September 2019
The luck is pulled from the player who digs up the chest at the time the chest is created, which is when they begin the digging process successfully. The same applies to cartography. The quality of the chest is based on the quality as a function of the digger's Cartography skill the first time the chest is successfully dug up. If you decide to force the chest to be redug (i.e. move) the quality will never be better than the first pull, but can be worse if your cartography skill is lower than the first successful attempt.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What Kyronix says about it

KyronixKyronix Posts: 836Dev
September 2019
The luck is pulled from the player who digs up the chest at the time the chest is created, which is when they begin the digging process successfully. The same applies to cartography. The quality of the chest is based on the quality as a function of the digger's Cartography skill the first time the chest is successfully dug up. If you decide to force the chest to be redug (i.e. move) the quality will never be better than the first pull, but can be worse if your cartography skill is lower than the first successful attempt.
That sounds to me like you can put on a max luck suit, dig once, halt the dig, switch suits (if your luck suit isn't your all around suit) then continue the dig ? Or is this something everyone's known for years ?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Mmmm that's not how they currently work as you can in fact improve the chest when moving (I have done this myself so can speak firsthand). That said, I don't really think metal vs gold gives a significant bump to loot so not sure it really makes sense to spend the time moving to get a gold chest.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Which takes us back to the lack of a steady source of fel maps...
Yet another baseless claim from you. I have plenty of Fel maps and there are several ways to get them.

You would actually need to hunt/play in Fel to get them though so I see why maybe you would say this but don't confuse others that might not know how much you hate going to Fel.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Yet another baseless claim from you. I have plenty of Fel maps and there are several ways to get them.

You would actually need to hunt/play in Fel to get them though so I see why maybe you would say this but don't confuse others that might not know how much you hate going to Fel.
Can you list the fel creatures that drop hoard and trove maps?

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Yet another baseless claim from you. I have plenty of Fel maps and there are several ways to get them.

You would actually need to hunt/play in Fel to get them though so I see why maybe you would say this but don't confuse others that might not know how much you hate going to Fel.
Also Merlin my heavy handed moderating friend why is it ok to insult me let's keep it fair now

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Can you list the fel creatures that drop hoard and trove maps?
The same ones that drop them in Trammel.

Also Merlin my heavy handed moderating friend why is it ok to insult me let's keep it fair now
From what I am reading, I only see statements of facts, no insults. If you are taking facts as insults, perhaps it is time to consider a behavioral change.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
The same ones that drop them in Trammel.

From what I am reading, I only see statements of facts, no insults. If you are taking facts as insults, perhaps it is time to consider a behavioral change.

Show me on the list which of these monsters spawn in fel ?? I get my fel hoard maps from miasma totally random hardly a reliable source now i can summon corgy or scaly and hope but again hardly reliable sources..
(in a chest except for Dimetrosaur)
Dimetrosaur, Paragon Ancient Wyrm, Paragon Balron, Paragon Betrayer, Paragon Blood Elemental, Paragon Ethereal Warrior, Paragon Greater Dragon, Paragon Meer Eternal, Paragon Poison Elemental, Paragon Rotting Corpse, Paragon Skeletal Dragon, Paragon Succubus, Paragon Titan, Miasma, Pyre, Rend, Abcess, Putrefier, Master Theophilus, Stygian Dragon.
TroveAllosaurus, Corgul the Soulbinder, Scalis the Enforcer,The Great Ape, Tyrannosaurus Rex


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
You can get fel maps from fel Grizelda.
You can start it there, do the quests in Tram then finish the quest in fel again and you will get a fel map. But the type and level are "random". Aka, I get a ton of artisan maps there.
I miss the Balron in Fel Blackthorns. He was a steady supplier of cache fel maps.

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Like I said, get them from the same places you get the Trammel ones from. I'm sorry it is not as easy as you would like it to be. If you want an easy source of fel hoard maps, dig fel cache maps. If you want Trove maps, dig the hoard maps or fight Scalis or Corgul in fel. It's the same as Trammel.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Place a house in Fel and use several vet reward rugs

that’s the easy button



UO Forum Moderator
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We did 12 Trove maps (all Malas) today.

At GM Remove Traps, it took until the first initial spawn killed decayed (giver or take about 30 seconds) for the chest to get past the "Ancient Chest Guardian" stage.

That's probably the most annoying thing about it. That, or that some random guy was out by one of the maps west of Luna training something (sounded like a lot of needle traps going off), was a little too close to the dig, and died a horrible screaming death with the first damage wave from the first ancient chest guardian that popped (the chest dig spawn had ignored him, we warned him to get clear, but alas...)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
@Anon McDougle - For someone who literally lives on these boards AND comments on every single thing it's surprising you don't know the answers already. Your claim is exactly the same thing that popps posted over on the official forums. I guess you were too busy bashing him or saying "well if the Devs would give us clear direction" (or insert some other canned response from you). I'm not going to bother to link the thread because it's likely you won't even take time to read it because you would rather complain with baseless statements (many of which are incorrect).

I do kind of wonder if you actually play the parts of the game you are ranting about before you make your claims because this isn't the first time you have complained about something and it comes down to you not knowing how the game works. Allow me to correct the record for you so you can leave this thread alone and go rant somewhere else.

Show me on the list which of these monsters spawn in fel ?? I get my fel hoard maps from miasma totally random hardly a reliable source now i can summon corgy or scaly and hope but again hardly reliable sources..
(in a chest except for Dimetrosaur)
Dimetrosaur, Paragon Ancient Wyrm, Paragon Balron, Paragon Betrayer, Paragon Blood Elemental, Paragon Ethereal Warrior, Paragon Greater Dragon, Paragon Meer Eternal, Paragon Poison Elemental, Paragon Rotting Corpse, Paragon Skeletal Dragon, Paragon Succubus, Paragon Titan, Miasma, Pyre, Rend, Abcess, Putrefier, Master Theophilus, Stygian Dragon.
5TroveAllosaurus, Corgul the Soulbinder, Scalis the Enforcer,The Great Ape, Tyrannosaurus Rex
*Class in session*

Stinky Pete already kind of stole my thunder here but it is worth repeating. Where are you getting your steady source of Tram Hoard/Trove maps? That's how you get your Fel maps (even though you have said repeatedly that you hate Fel and would never go there).


I'm using your own post because you literally answered your own question. Hoard maps are "in a chest except for Dimetrosaur". So even though the Abcess & Putrefier are actually in Fel (as well as Tram), the maps you get from them are in a chest. What that means is that the hoard maps are going to be randomly generated no matter what. So it doesn't matter if you kill things in Fel/Tram/Malas etc. If you want to try for Trove maps then feel free to kill Corgul and Scalis in Fel (that accounts for 40% of the mobs that drop Trove maps).

The bottom line is that it's been the case for quite some time now (even dating back to pre-chest revamp) the best source of Trove maps (previously Diabolical) is to get them in a lower chest. That same thing is true to hoard maps. Your best source of hoard maps for any facet will be cache maps because they have a chance at having 4 "paper items" (SoTs/SoA/Powerscrolls/Maps) in each map. I've gotten 2 maps plenty of times and once I even got 3 maps in a chest. These will all be the same facet you dug the map up on. I'd actually argue that it is easier to get hoard/trove maps now after the revamp than before when you might get ONE map from the chest instead of 4 chances.

How do you get Fel cache maps? Again this goes back to what Pete already said... same way you would get Tram maps. You can either go hunt in Fel (again which you supposedly hate doing) or build a house in Fel (again which you hate) and drop a few rugs down. You get 1 per week. I have a ton of maps from this. I occasionally dig them up and if I leave the house with 10, there is a good chance I come back with 2-3 maps of a higher level. That is a much better return than killing mobs hoping for a map.

I still question, along with others, the value of a hoard/trove map over a supply/cache map. The supply maps are what have all the goodies in them. The cache maps are essentially a hoard/trove map with less items but a much easier spawn. I can run through 10 cache maps (also waiting out the timers) faster than doing 5-6 hoard maps and the loot quality is the same (maybe 3-4 less pieces). So if your argument is that "it's harder to get Fel hoard maps" then you should be subscribing to what I'm saying... it's easier & more lucrative to do lower maps anyways.

...but I guess if you did that then it would be one less thing to rant (inaccurately) about....

/*End schooling*


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wait, you got more than 1 map, not to mention 3, in a single chest ? wtf And I'm still pissed at the Dev team for saying lev 5 maps would spawn on Dread Pirates and they never have..


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Wait, you got more than 1 map, not to mention 3, in a single chest ? wtf And I'm still pissed at the Dev team for saying lev 5 maps would spawn on Dread Pirates and they never have..
I can't speak to the dread pirate piece as I never heard that but I can 100% confirm that you can get multiple maps in a chest. I only got 3 one time (I remember being very surprised by it) out of hundreds maybe even 1k+ maps since the revamp, but I've gotten 2 maps in a chest several times.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Fyi I just got 2 paragon chests from inside a dungeon, I opened them both while in the dungeon, one was for Eodon, the other was for Felucca..I was in neither location.

Silent Singer

Stratics Veteran
I too have never got a tmap off a dread pirate. At least originally they were supposed to drop the highest level. I have never seen an update that changed that. Garth is 100% correct that this is broken. He has killed enough that if there were any realistic chance of getting one it would have happened already.

Chests from mobs are my source for fel maps. You can do Miasma and get fel maps. Quickly.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
I too have never got a tmap off a dread pirate. At least originally they were supposed to drop the highest level. I have never seen an update that changed that. Garth is 100% correct that this is broken. He has killed enough that if there were any realistic chance of getting one it would have happened already.

Chests from mobs are my source for fel maps. You can do Miasma and get fel maps. Quickly.
You have a chance for a fel map